We adopted Lulu last November. She’s anxious, part Tortie and Calico and she can be moody. She’s my little love and is very attached to me and one of my sons. Last Friday We adopted Finn. He’s 3 lbs and so friendly and confident. My hope is he will be a good friend for her and help her anxiety. Right now I’m afraid he’s doing the opposite.

We have followed all the rules. We have made progress in that she doesn’t hiss and growl constantly. He still has a separate room. They seem to play through the door. When he came out at first he swatted back at her, jumped out at her,etc. Now he’s afraid of her and she hunts him down like prey. Gets on top of him, swats him, she hissed yesterday. He squealed. We have had to separate them and bring him back to his room. It’s scary.

Is this normal? I’m so afraid she’s going to hurt him. He wants out of his room. What should we do? Help!