View Full Version : Hi Winner!!

Daisy and Delilah
02-26-2006, 06:53 AM
What a lovely way to wake up this Sunday morning. Seeing your graceful image on the screen dear Winner has made us so happy. We're so fortunate to be in the company of a great doggie and a very handsome companion to his loving human. Who wouldn't love the grace and charm of a Greyhound? Not only are you a very handsome man, but a true winner in our book too. We would love to see your antics of carrying pillows through the house and that smile of yours could make us smile ear to ear. We're so happy to meet you Winner. We send big congratulations to you today and hope you get to have a day that is nothing but enjoyable!! Happiness to you always and please have your loving human give you kisses and hugs from us :D :D :D :D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Rainy Florida :cool: :cool:

02-26-2006, 07:01 AM
Winner...You are so handsome. I would love for you to visit me. I would give you a lot of hugs. I bet you are a sweet baby. I know you make the people happy that you visit. Keep up the good work. Congratulations on DOTD.
You derserve it.
A Dog Lover

02-26-2006, 07:11 AM
Oh what a terrific name! I'm sure your a winner in your humans heart, and in ours here at PT as well:)

You sound like one smart cookie and I'm sure you get your way with everyone;)

I hope you have a fantastic day today, I'm sure you'll flash that smile and get all the goodies you want...have fun!!!

02-26-2006, 07:33 AM
WOW! :eek: What a handsome dog to wake up to! I am so glad you have such a good home and was rescued. Winner sounds like an amazing Greyhound and is very "greyt".Greys are my favorite breed and this is a pleasure to type! What a happy boy you are and how friendly to be a therapy dog! I'm surprised you don't have a lady yet ;) ! Congrats on being the DOTD WInner! That name fits you perfectly! :D

02-26-2006, 08:00 AM
Winner, you are so handsome! No wonder the ladies go for you! ;) Congratulations on being DOTD! I hope you have a nice day! :)

02-26-2006, 08:59 AM
Winner, add me to that long list of ladies who immediately fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes upon you ;). What a handsome aristocrat you are! I think I'm going to have to come back off and on through the day, just to stare dreamily at you some more :D. I can certainly see why Mrs. Bones chose you to model her beautiful collars, she couldn't have chosen better! If I were to meet you in person, I'd certainly love to be the recipient of those greyt kisses you give. Winner, I hope today you have an extra special day filled with all your favorite yummy treats and lots and lots of extra spoiling from your proud human. Congratulations on being our Winner today here at Pet of the Day, and the winner every day in your person's heart. What a most deserving and magnificent Dog of the Day!

02-26-2006, 09:40 AM
Winner, you are so incredibly handsome!! You sound like an amazing boy, Congratulations for being Dog of the Day today! :D

02-26-2006, 11:58 AM
OH my, what a beauuutiful, elegant and most regal man you are Winner!! :eek: And a flirt too, which must be easy with those sweet eyes, how can your furparents resist? It was nice to hear about your happy life in NY. Congrats to WONDERFUL HANDSOME WINNER!! :) :D :)

02-26-2006, 01:31 PM
Winner, could your people have chosen a more perfect name for sweet, loving, handsome, elegant, regal you...winner of all hearts far and wide???:) I melted the moment my eyes locked onto that beautiful face of yours, read your guardian's loving tribute! Yes, a doggie model you are sweetheart, not only for Mrs. Bones and her fab doggie gear, but a role model for doggies all over the world! What a joy you are and what joy you bring to the lives of so many! You're my hero, Winner!!! As for your penchant for the ladies,...well just read here sweetheart, we're all lining up be on the receiving end of those kisses!:) Congratulations to you and your proud family, Winner! What an honor it is to crown you our very special Sunday Dog of the Day:) Lap up all the praise coming your way today and some extra hugs, kisses and treats too...it's YOUR day to celebrate and shine in the Pet Talk spotlight! BIG hugs and kisses to you from me, Winner! Keep up the good work being the most awesome representative of your magnificent breed, a loyal and loving best friend, compassionate and caring therapy dog and all around good will ambassador for canines everywhere!!:)

02-26-2006, 03:59 PM
Aww! you look gorgeous I would love to see you puff out your cheek I bet ya look so cute :D I think you should get your owners to join PT I would love to see more photos of you!

02-26-2006, 04:44 PM
Hello Winner,

You are a very handsome pupster. Happy congratulations on
being chosen for honors today as our super DOG OF THE DAY. :)
I wish you a long & happy life with your people.

02-26-2006, 07:05 PM
Hi, Winner. I hope you are enjoying your special day today. Congrats on DOTD! You are a very handsome boy. I hope you are showered with affection and extra treats today to celebrate. Thanks for brightening my day with your adorable face! :)

02-26-2006, 07:59 PM
I must say, I've seen a lot of Greyhounds... but you're one of the cutest ;) !

I am so glad to see a Greyhound as DOTD, so thanks, and congrats. :)