View Full Version : Hello

02-21-2006, 06:10 PM
I just joined today. I'm owned by a black Chow Chow. Hubs & I have owned black Chows for the last thirty years. Sometimes I wonder if we aren't getting a little old for such strong-willed dogs though. We take off camping quite often and "Buddy" loves it. He has so many allergies though till it is hard to keep him from scratching all the time. He takes Benedryl twice a day and gets bathed at least once a week. Would you believe that what he is allergic to the most is cats? And we have a lot of wild dropped off cats in the neighbourhood who seem to think our yard is the place to sleep at night. And he has to investigate it all in the morning. He's a great dog though and so loyal to both of us but especially to me.

02-21-2006, 07:58 PM
It's nice to meet you! I love taking my girls hiking/camping! Go over to 'dog games' if you want and check out my 'kids' dressed up in their gear (the hiking/camping thread :) ).

I think cats just know when there are others allergic to them, people or dogs, and they get a kick out of making other people put up with them. My Thomas cat climbs all over my father-in-law when he visits, who is the only cat-hater in the family, lol.

02-22-2006, 09:06 AM
to Pet Talk Leah.

I'm Anna and I'm owned by these three..
As you can see I do have a little chow girl now who we rescued (someone dumped her out in the country.

I also had a black chow many years ago named Keisha.
She was a wonderful dog and after we lost her we knew we wanted another chow. So when Huney came along it made our family complete again:)

Any way enough about me and my family.

I'm just happy to see another chow owner here! I hope you'll be able to share some pictures of your current and past family.

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-23-2006, 04:09 AM
http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/smilies%20800%20welcome.gif To PET TALK !!!
My name on this forum is "Maya & Inka's Mommy", and I am from Belgium (Europe). I have 4 cats (Maya, Inka, Zazou and Snoopy), and a bunny Billie. You can read all about me and my pets on my web-site: The Pet's House (http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/)
(please sign my guestbook)

02-23-2006, 07:00 AM
Welcome!! My name is Willie, and I am owned by two cats, two dogs, one cockateil, and one capuchin monkey, again welcome!

Willie :)

Ginger's Mom
02-23-2006, 10:23 AM
Oh yay, another Chow to love. Can't wait to see pictures. :)

Lori Jordan
03-20-2006, 05:23 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk