View Full Version : Rant alert.

smokey the elder
02-19-2006, 08:54 AM
Yesteday I was at adoption day in Petsmart. Someone had dropped off two gorgeous young ladies, unspayed, no shots. Fortunately, there's a vet there who was able to squeeze them in so they could have their rabies shots, and tested for FIV/FLV (negative, thank goodness!) We figured we'd show then and collect names of prospective adopters.

I went to Starbucks for some coffee and when I came back, a lady was holding the tabby and one of the volunteers caught my eye and shook her head. I sat down next to the lady and she said she wanted to adopt the cat. I explained she had not been spayed and our policy was only to adopt out altered animals, if they were old enough to be s/n. She got all snotty and said she wanted the cat to have kittens. I pointed out that there were lots of pregnant cats to foster and she could experience kittens that way, and help protect the pet population.

She said she didn't want a "wild" cat. I thought of Velvet, who's preggers and so sweet she'd put a diabetic into a coma. Then I said,
"It's in the contract!" Then she said that she didn't want to talk to me, she wanted to talk to the "nice" lady. Since I didn't have any fosters there, before I could go more nuclear on her I grabbed my stuff and left.

If she thinks I'm bad, I should sic the president of our rescue on her. She'd rip her a new one. :mad:

02-19-2006, 09:26 AM
Some people are all about what THEY want - and not at all about what is best for the cat.


02-19-2006, 10:17 AM
ugh ugh .... :mad: :(

I'm glad she was there, not here! sorry but I think I'd end up in jail! :eek: ;)

I'm sorry! :( I'm sure something will come around for that woman...

02-19-2006, 11:05 AM
I hear you...I sympathize. Don't let the idiots get you down.

02-19-2006, 12:30 PM

You're absolutely right!! They want what they want, with absolutely NO consideration for the animal. I'm glad she was turned down. I wouldn't have been so nice. I would've told her if she wants to see kittens born, rent a freaking video.

UGH!!!! :mad:

02-19-2006, 01:40 PM
What was she after - a live birth performance for her children? cute kittens? Yes, she should rent a video for the first reason. As for the second, cats are kittens for about 6 months. Will she dump them off on a shelter when they lose their kittenish ways and need to be neutered/spayed? Someone like that, if there is any hope of re-education at all, needs to work in a high-kill shelter.

I smiled when I saw you mention a PetsMart adoption center since I adopted NewCat from one last year only because I couldn't bear to see her go to a woman I considered inappropiate. I was chatting to the volunteer for Purrfect Pals at the adoption center and not in any way considering adoption since I had nine cats with two in home intensive care. I did, however, ask her to let NewCat out since I have a real fondness for Siamese cats. A woman about my age came in, grabbed NewCat (I think her shelter name was Sunny) and talked about how she used to breed Siamese. She was sure her daugher in law would love to adopt this cat. All the time she talked, she held this poor cat to her shoulder against her will - I could see her eyes bulging with the effort to get away. Without thinking first, I simply turned to the volunteer and said "We'd better get on with those adoption papers now." She gave me the biggest smile. I'm so glad I adopted NewCat, even though I did have to cope with Ted's spraying for several months after.

03-11-2006, 08:27 PM
I almost hate to get in line behind someone at the grocery store because more often than not they have cat food in their cart and I can't resist asking if their cat is altered. If the answer is 'no', off I go! But trying to talk sense to them is useless. As Dr. Phil says "You either get it or you don't."


03-12-2006, 01:12 PM

"You either get it or you don't."

Ain't THAT the truth!!!