View Full Version : Wonderful Wilbur!

02-08-2006, 05:48 AM
Ohhh, Wilbur! I am in love. What a stunning boy you are. I am a huge akita fan so you have most definitely caught my eye this morning. You sound like a wonderful guy to have around. Wow, you saved two dog lives! Way to go, Wilbur! I have to giggle at that crazy appetite of yours. Wilbur, you look so handsome in your picture and I wish I could be sitting right there beside you and give you a big hug. Nothing beats hugging an Akita!

Its a pleasure meeting you, Wilbur and I hope you have a very special day.

Congrats, Wilbur!!

P.S....Just want to say that I love your name. Charlotte's Web is one of my all time favorites;)!

02-08-2006, 05:50 AM
Good morning, Wilbur! You are very handsome, and have a unique appetite, as well. You look very huggable,too! I hope you have a wonderful day. Congrats on DOTD! :D

02-08-2006, 06:11 AM
Oh Wilbur I just had a feeling that Robilee had probably gotten to congratulate you before me! You will most certainly get your share of accolades from KYS as well shortly and many others as through these two we all have fallen in love with akitas. They say you are a mix and that you snort. Hmmmm.. could a puggily be in your family tree? :p Seriously, though, I was smitten with your photo and, like Robilee, would love to just run my fingers through your awesome furry self. You are a hero and have been a lifelong companion to your human. Your *diet* made me laugh out loud. Silly boy! :p I had a granddog named Dale who shared many of your fears, and then some, and he was about 100 lbs. when he went to the RB. Having known Dale, I also had to smile at your fear of hot water bottles as he was terribly afraid of empty milk jugs. :) I am getting wordy here so will close now with a simple wish for many more happy years with your humans and a big Congrats to you! ;)

Daisy and Delilah
02-08-2006, 07:12 AM
Well, aren't you just a big handsome fella, Wilbur, posing for your wonderful photograph? What a gorgeous pic of you. We are in disbelief at some of those items on your menu. Boy oh boy! If something wasn't tied down, you wolfed it down right buddy? We can't stop laughing about that either. After all.....how are you gonna tell if it's really edible or not unless you try it? Right Wilbur? ;) Even the manliest of men have some fears though too so don't worry, it's perfectly normal. What an all around great guy you are. The perfect companion and friend for 14 plus glorious years! We salute you today as our fab DOTD Wilbur! We hope you get to have lots and lots of fun but try to celebrate with the standard food items rather than something strange ;) Continued happiness to you and your loving family always sweetie and please have Mom give you some extra kisses on that big furry head for us!! :D :D :D :D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Brrrrrr, Sunny, Florida :cool: :cool:

02-08-2006, 07:50 AM
Wilbur you are a sweetie, you definately are Akita, but I just bet you have some German Shepherd in you too. Love, Jerili

Anita Cholaine
02-08-2006, 08:52 AM
Handsome Wilbur!:D It was such a pleasure to see you today... I enjoyed seeing your sweet face, and reading your wonderful story... I'm sure that your family loves you so much... Big Congrats on DOTD!! :D

02-08-2006, 08:59 AM
You are a handsome sweetheart!!! I perked up this morning when my sleepy eyes saw your photo emerge!!! From your rescue abilities to your gourmet expertise, you richly deserve to be our DOTD!!! :cool:

P.S. I so love Charlotte's Web . One of my favorite moments occurs when Fern bathes Wilbur in buttermilk. I always picture Wilbur's tongue moving about to catch a stream of buttermilk as it moves down his face. Hmm, now that I think about it, you can probably relate to a moment like that. :)

02-08-2006, 09:20 AM
Well good morning you big lovable fluffy furball:D Just looking at all that fuzzy fur makes me feel warm on this cold Ohio morning! Looks like you all set for the cold Canada winters too;)

Gosh it sure sounds like your one terrific dog boy (well besides your healthy appetite:p)! I can just tell in your humans story about you how much you are loved.

I do hope you get some extra goodies today...ones that you don't have to steal that is:D Have fun and it was extra nice to meet you!

02-08-2006, 09:28 AM
You're gorgeous, Wilbur, and sound most deserving of the honor of being DOTD! Congratulations to you and your family!

02-08-2006, 10:30 AM
Oh my!! What HANDSOME man you are, Wilbur!! I bet all the ladies are always after you, aren't they? :P:D

blue girl
02-08-2006, 10:54 AM
Wilbur, what a beautiful boy you are!!! Your coat looks so soft and thick, just perfect for that Canadian weather! How wonderful of you to rescue those two dogs--you are such a hero! You truly deserve to be Dog of the Day!

02-08-2006, 11:11 AM
Good Morning Wilbur! Oh what a treat it was to see your beautiful face on my screen this morning!:) I can't believe you're a seasoned citizen, Wilbur! You're simply stunning, so hunky handsome in your thick, plush Akita coat! I'm sure it comes in handy during those cold Canadian winters! But as for those most "interesting" food choices of yours...I'm thinking you just have to be part Lab!;)

Your human's touching tribute to her best bud was just what I needed to warm my heart on this cold, snowy morning, Wilbur! ) Wow, not only are you the bestest friend a human could ever hope for, a gentle soul with a heart of gold, you're a hero too! Bless you for saving those two doggies for certain death! What a guy!:)

Yes Wilbur, you certainly are deserving of the title Dog of the Day! I hope you have an extra special, fun filled day, celebrating your reign as our "top dog!" Please have your human plant lots of extra kisses for me on that precious face of yours, and don't forget the treats of course, but no golf balls!:D Congratulations to you sweetheart! I wish for you and your proud, devoted family many more years of unconditional love and companionship! We love Wilbur!:)

02-08-2006, 11:14 AM
What a gentle giant you are! But hey, what's the deal with hot water bottles??? (:

Ginger's Mom
02-08-2006, 11:56 AM
Oh Wilbur, you are soooo handsome and brave. I hope you get lots of love, attention and treats today to celebrate being our very special Dog of the Day.

02-08-2006, 12:10 PM
Congratulations Wilbur!! You are one handsome and interesting fellow! It sounds like you keep your humans on their toes.

02-08-2006, 01:34 PM
Wilbur, you are indeed a fantastic dog! You have the most colorful personality I have ever heard of.....and to be such a loveable big guy, as well! You are indeed one in a million. I hope you'll be really careful about what you eat in the future, though; it scares me to think you might do yourself harm. You must be one really tough guy to have eaten all those things.

Enjoy your day as DOTD; you deserve it!

02-08-2006, 03:29 PM
Oh Wilbur, what a handsome pup you are! You just look so huggable! Congratulations on being DOTD! I hope this day is very special for you! :)

02-08-2006, 03:35 PM
Wilbur...I think you are a big beautiful baby. Would love to have you. Congratulations on DOTD. I got to see how pretty you are. Have a wonderful day.
:p :p :p

02-08-2006, 03:55 PM
Wilber you are so handsome! Congrats on DOTD! :D

02-08-2006, 04:07 PM
Oh, Wilbur, you big, handsome boy--count me in as one of your many admirers here at PT today! Your human's story made me feel warm and happy. It is obvious you are loved so very much and that you love your family in return. You look so youthful too!

Have your Mom or Dad give you a big, old hug from me and a kiss on your handsome nose.

Congratulations to Wonderful Wilbur, our most handsome, hunky Dog of the Day! I know your family will be proud to see the reaction you've stirred here on these boards! ;)

02-08-2006, 04:35 PM
Hello Wilbur,

It is a great pleasure to meet you today big guy. :) Many happy
congratulations for being chosen as our DOG OF THE DAY and also
for your terrific liife saving skills. Big hugs sweetheart. :)

02-08-2006, 07:08 PM
Oh my goodness,
I almost miss this.
Thank you Pam. :D
You are such a miracles dog by saving two dogs by breaking
through the ice. What a special HERO you are.
I can't believe all the stuff you have eatin.
Lets see, Christmas lights, kongs, shoes, rocks tennis balls etc. etc.
You must have a stomach made out of cast iron. lol
Your humans are so lucky to have you for fourteen plus years.
You truly are an amazing senior dog.
Akita hugs. (((^..^)))
Rocky and Sheba

02-08-2006, 10:42 PM
Wilbur, you are just magnificent in every way. I am so glad that you are able to supplement your diet so successfully :D