View Full Version : Diane passed away last night

02-01-2006, 08:29 AM
Probably of heart problems.
She had been gasping after running and was on Meds the last few weeks when I could get her too take them.
She was a shy Cat and stuck very close to Precious ,her almost twin sister.
Diane was 12,a bit older than Precious who was bigger and more outgoing.
I will miss my Diane,but not as much as Precious who will now have no Special friend.
I know that my sadness will go when I meet My Shy Little Meezer and she tells me great places to eat.
The Found Cat Angel are waiting for her and we will all meet again. One Fine Day.

Queen of Poop
02-01-2006, 08:32 AM
Oh dear, so very sorry for your loss.

02-01-2006, 08:32 AM
So sorry to hear of your loss, Gary. We will be thinking of you and of Precious, who will be especially heartbroken. {{{Hugs}}}

02-01-2006, 08:34 AM
I am so sorry to hear of this. RIP Diane. Yes, Gary, you and she will be reunited One Fine Day, but for now she is at peace and looking for wonderful places to dine at the RB.

Killearn Kitties
02-01-2006, 08:48 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about Diane. Rest in peace, sweet girl.

Please give Precious an extra cuddle from me!

02-01-2006, 08:49 AM
Diane was at the Iniation Breakfast this morning and was delighted to see her Dear Friends Mr Fluffy and Mr Scrappy as she was very close to those Big Older Ctas.
They are taking her on a jet to Australia where they are having a banquet in her honor.
She will be with the Lunch Ctas when ewe go to the Buffet Today where she will get the First Plate.
The SPCA just took her mortal remains away.
I know that we will meet again in a place ,a far Better Place.
One Fine Day.

02-01-2006, 09:12 AM
Gary - so sorry to hear about Diane. What a lovely Meezer face, what a sweet girl!

Do you have a memorial garden in your yard or anything where kitties are laid to rest? But with your big and wamr heart, you might find that just too difficult.

Hugs to you and Precious - and I hope another of the Found Cats might take pity and take Precious under their wing/paw.


02-01-2006, 09:17 AM
RIP Diane

Gary I'm so sorry to hear about Diane. She is watching over you now.

02-01-2006, 09:21 AM
I am so sorry that Diane had to go to Rainbow Bridge. She was such a cutie. My best thoughts for Precious and you.

02-01-2006, 09:22 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss Gary. :( Please give Precious some extra cuddles from me.

Rest in peace sweet Diane!

02-01-2006, 09:29 AM
Gary, I am so sorry for your loss. She's happy now with her old buddies at the rainbow bridge.

02-01-2006, 09:36 AM
Play nice at the Rainbow Bridge, Diane, sweetie.
Say Meeeow to all our loved ones there, okay?

(I moved this to Cat Memorial)

02-01-2006, 10:20 AM
Gary, I am so sorry for your loss.
Godspeed to the Bridge Diane.

(((( HUGS to you Gary ))))

02-01-2006, 11:03 AM
I'm sorry to hear about this, Gary.

{{{{{-hugs-}}}}} to all of you.

02-01-2006, 11:15 AM
Gary so sorry to hear about Diane. Sounds as though she'll be the Queen of the angel kitties. Hugs to you and scrigges to Precious.

Edwina's Secretary
02-01-2006, 11:49 AM
Godspeed Diane. And my condolenses to you Gary and her beloved Precious.

Prairie Purrs
02-01-2006, 12:22 PM
I'm so sorry. RIP, sweet little Diane.

02-01-2006, 12:24 PM
Awwww I am so sorry for your loss!!!

02-01-2006, 12:33 PM
I am so sorry. :(

02-01-2006, 12:38 PM
I am so sorry, Gary. May Diane RIP.

02-01-2006, 12:42 PM
Gary ~ I am so sorry for your loss. Please give Precious a kiss from me.

Biscuit's Mom
02-01-2006, 01:39 PM
Please accept my condolences on the loss of your beautiful Diane. What a beautiful girl. I know how painful the hurt is.

She knew love while she was with you and that is a good thing.

Robin (aka Biscuit's Mom)

02-01-2006, 01:48 PM
:( So sorry to hear Gary about Diane a adorable young lady.. May she play at Rainbow Bridge & watch over you.. Me & the girls send lots of whisker prayers & huggss..

02-01-2006, 01:56 PM
Oh Gary, I am so sorry to hear of Diane's passing. :( This is a sad day on Earth. {{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}

02-01-2006, 01:59 PM
Gary!!! I am so sorry to learn about Diane! And poor Precious! I hope the other Found Cats find it in their hearts to take her under a paw to comfort her! I agree with Corrina: Diane, the Queen of the Angel Cats!!! Spunky tells me that a HUGE Coronation Celebration is in the making, and will take place in Australia! Right now, Diane is selecting her tiara, royal robes, and jeweled septer. The Traveling Angels are organizing a superb dinner, music, flowers, and a yacht ride for all in attendance.
Diane knew that she was so loved by you and will always be with you!

02-01-2006, 04:25 PM
Gary, I am so sorry to hear of sweet Diane's passing. Godspeed to the RB little beautiful one.... and play hard. Many warm thoughts and prayers coming your way Gary, as I know this is a hard day for you.

02-01-2006, 04:43 PM
Oh Gary, I'm so sorry to hear about Diane. But she was loved by YOU and that is VERY special.

RIP sweet Diane. Give smoochies and headbumpies to all the sweet furbabies you see at the Rainbow Bridge.

((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) to you Gary. We love you!!

02-02-2006, 07:03 AM
I'm not quite sure why Australia was chosen to hold the coronation reception and welcome banquet but I do know the sun shines here almost every single day and is a good place to hold a passing-through parade on the way to the Rainbow Bridge.

Anyway Cleo and Colette have volunteered their services to assist the Angel Kitties with any earthly errands that need to be run to ensure the whole magnificent occasion goes off without a hitch. Only today, they tell me, they were negotiating the hire of the Manly Ferry for the afternoon, so that Princess Di could sail through "the heads" (that's North Head and South Head, for non-Sydneysiders) in style. It is THE way to see Sydney in all its glory. A special choir, the Heavenly Cats Chorus, is assembling as we speak, at the Opera House , the sails of which have been polished in Diane's honour so they gleam in the bright sunlight and reflect in the sparkling sea. My very own RB Siamese, Sapphire (passed 29.1.98) will be conducting and caterwauling a solo specially composed by Scrappy for this occasion.

Rumour has it there will be shrimps on the barbie and Sydney Rock Oysters following the choral tribute, washed down with one of our finest Chardonnays from the Hunter wine district (where else?) Billy Tea will be brewed for tee-totalling kitties and the little ones.

The Siamese of Sydney, and all the cats of every breed, large and small, honour your passing and your memory, and will line the foreshores of our beautiful harbour to tinkle their collar-bells and wave their paws as you sail away afterwards under the famous arch of the Harbour Bridge, on your way to that other bridge, where the sun shines, flowers bloom, and the only shadow is God's.

Rest in Peace dear Diane, hugs to Gary and Precious and all the other Found Cats at the Hotel of Catmandu.

Gary I hope this cheered you up a little bit :)

Pictures of the grand occasion - Here she comes a-sailing in....Rainbow over the opera house beckons her.

smokey the elder
02-02-2006, 08:34 AM
I'm so sorry about Diane. RIP, pretty girl.

02-02-2006, 08:52 AM
Oh, I'm sorry to hear of your beautiful Diane's passing. Peace to all of you.


02-02-2006, 04:31 PM
So sorry to hear about Diane. Please give Precious some kisses from me and (((((hugs))))) are on their way to you Gary

Nicki x

02-02-2006, 05:42 PM
One Fine Day.

Godspeed to the bridge sweet meezer lady Diane.

02-02-2006, 06:33 PM
Gary, I didn't see this post until just now!!!! I am so very sorry to hear about Diane!!! :( :( :(

Big Hugs and may Precious and you comfort eachother during this time of sadness!


02-02-2006, 09:09 PM
I'm so sorry, Gary. RIP Diane.

02-02-2006, 09:37 PM
Gary I am so sorry for your loss. I have tears in my eyes just thinking about that sweet little meezer. :( I was always so fond of her, she was gorgous little girl. From our kitty family to yours we are truely sorry for your loss. Hugs to little precious from all of us up north. She was a beauty and will be in spirt also. {{{Hugs}}} to all of your kitties.

02-03-2006, 02:19 PM
Gary I am so sorry.

Rest in Peace sweet Diane. You will be missed.

02-03-2006, 09:05 PM
Gary, I am so sorry. :(