View Full Version : stop the killing of these cats

01-13-2006, 02:01 PM
Not sure where to post this but , crossposted


TheArmy Navy country club in VA is planning on euthanizing cats!

they have been told not to talk about it. email [email protected]
Some members don't like the ideal! But they plan on starting this month. Bombard them with emails!!!. Use their website to email not just the information one ( thats the one they want people to use)
here is the link to the story
The petition http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/166824240 "
Please crosspost

01-13-2006, 02:45 PM
This problem has been resolved according to an article in the Washington Post from 7 January.

Stray Cats at Army Navy Club Win Reprieve, New Quarters
By Tara Bahrampour
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, January 7, 2006; B05

The cats stay.

That is what officials at the Army Navy Country Club have decided after club members and animal welfare activists from across the country protested a plan to evict a colony of strays that has lived on the Arlington grounds since Lyndon B. Johnson was president.

Last year, club officials decided that the cats posed a risk of spreading rabies to children and needed to be removed. But some members who had been feeding and caring for the cats for years said it would be more dangerous to remove them.

Most of the cats had been spayed, neutered and vaccinated against rabies, often at the club's expense, they said, and removing them would only create space for other cats to move in. A veterinarian who had been treating the cats agreed.

Club officials planned to start trapping the cats as early as Jan. 1 and send them to a shelter that would euthanize them, said Al Baker, vice president of the club. Baker, who has supported keeping the cats on the premises, said he was not speaking on the behalf of the club.

But after a Dec. 24 article in The Washington Post about the cats, the club received calls from members -- some living as far away as California, Florida and Texas -- opposing the plan. Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.), a 20-year club member, called it "terrible" and vowed to get involved.

Early this week, Baker and the cats' caregivers met at the club with representatives from Alley Cat Allies, a Bethesda-based national organization that works to reduce the stray and feral cat population. The group proposed moving the cats from three locations on the property to a more remote spot, farther from where children play, and the club agreed.

"The cats have essentially been spared that ultimate indignity, as a funeral director would say," said Tom Evans, a club member who with his wife, Dottie, has fed the cats twice a day and knows them by name. "We're thrilled to death."

01-13-2006, 04:56 PM
Thanks for the update.