View Full Version : Bajhi

12-26-2005, 02:24 AM
What an adorable picture of you with Santa! Hope you were a good boy and received lots of toys and treats for Christmas. :) I am so glad that you have found your forever home and with a family who adores you. Wish I could give you a nice belly rub! :D May God bless you with good health and lots of fun-filled adventures. You are a very special DOTD and I hope you tell everyone in the park about this honor! You are a cutie-pie. :)
Love and purrs...Nonie & Star (meow)

Emma & Poppy
12-26-2005, 03:28 AM
Lots of christmas cuddles and squeaky toys to Bajhi! :)

12-26-2005, 05:46 AM
Bajhi, what a sweetie you are! It sounds like you're a very happy and friendly pup. Congratulations on being DOTD! :D

12-26-2005, 07:01 AM
Congrats Bajhi on DOTD!! Have a great day today and get in some extra walks at the park. You are surely a cutie and very lucky.

12-26-2005, 07:27 AM
Good morning, sweet boy! How cute you are with those adorable ears and fluffy fur! I bet Santa brought you lots of fun things this year. So glad to hear that you are in a family that absolutely and unconditionally loves you! You deserve it! Happy DOTD to you, little man! Hope you get lots of belly rubs today!

12-26-2005, 07:55 AM
Good Morning sweet Bajhi!
Ohhh what a big smile I had on my face this morning when I seen that picture of you and Santa:D I bet you told him everything you wanted for Christmas, and I bet yesterday morning it was all there under the tree wasn't it;):)

I'm so glad you've found the right family to live the rest of your life with.

Well, have a great time playing with all your Christmas goodies and make sure you don't desqueak your stuffies too quick now:p

12-26-2005, 09:15 AM
I am so glad that you have found your forever Family. You are so handsome.
You look so pretty with Santa. I would love to have you for my own to love and spoil.Congratulations on DOTD. Hope you and your family will have a long and wonderful life together.
A Dog Lover. :p :p :p

12-26-2005, 09:18 AM
Bajhi, you are so pretty. I love your name !! :D

12-26-2005, 11:40 AM
Love your name and your beautiful face, dear Bajhi!!!:) You're adorable!!! Oh, how sweet you look posing with Santa!:D I hope he was extra good to you this year!;) But I think you already received the most treasured gift of all, a loving, devoted FOREVER, forever home and family:) And after reading your family's touching words, I'd have to say that their wish was answered too, that happy homecoming day! What a special pupper you are; they are truly blessed to have a sweet, life and people loving pup like you! Bajhi, I hope for you and your wonderful family many, many more happy, fun and love filled years together!:) And please have your Mommy give you bunches of hugs and kisses and belly rubs for me!:) Yay, Bajhi, our most precious, most deserving DOG OF THE DAY!:) Enjoy your day after Christmas "top dog" celebration, sweetheart:D

12-26-2005, 12:12 PM
Look at darling Bajhi with Santa! Too cute! Santa clearly knows what a good boy you've been! What a gorgeous Corgi! Congrats to DARLING BAJHI!! :) :D :)

Daisy and Delilah
12-26-2005, 02:31 PM
What an adorable Corgi boy you are sweetie! You look so cute posing with Santa. What a happy day when you found your forever home and family. Please give them a big hearty kiss and thank you for giving you the life you always wanted. But you're already doing that every day aren't you buddy? We would just love to give you some belly rubs dollface. No problem! Congrats to you sweetheart on your big day today!! We hope you get lots and lots of belly rubs and a nice ride in the car. Happiness always :D :D :D :D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Chilly, Sunny, Florida :cool: :cool:

12-26-2005, 02:45 PM
Yeah hes pretty cool :) He looks cute on santa lap ;)