View Full Version : a sweet expression of sympathy

12-10-2005, 12:28 PM
Thank you all for your words and caring prayers, I miss my ChowChow, but your words assure me I am not alone in grieving the loss of my pet. I was very touched to receive a card from my vet this morning, and I'd like to share the poem on it- Anyone whose loved a cat will appreciate it-

Gentle eyes that see so much,
paws that have the quiet touch,
Purrs to signal all is well
and show more love than words could tell.
Graceful movements touched with pride,
a calming presence by our side,
A friendship that takes time to grow,
small wonder why we love them so.

small notation at bottom of card, I assume to be the authors - "CA&S Carey"

Pets are a forever blessing.
- Pat

Miss Z
12-10-2005, 01:13 PM
It's so nice to know that you have a caring vet who will always gladly help you and your pets. That poem is beautiful, it sums up the feelings of every pet owner who has lost their pet. ChowChow, play hard at the RB with my departed cat, Brando, and watch over your owner, sweet one.

12-10-2005, 02:21 PM
There will be a short film of Chow Chows life at the Pet Angel Army Fly In Movie Tonight,so the Pet Angels will all know Chow Chow,by name.
And Chow Chow will be first in line at the Refreshment Stand,where she will have her Supper first.
And you will be first with Chow Chow leading you to your favorite Meal,One Fine Day.