View Full Version : two kittens rescued

10-27-2005, 01:52 AM
It was in June which in New Zealand is winter, and it was early evening I think a monday I decided to go for a walk. Anyway I went up the road and around the corner and down into a lower economic area to where I live when I heard it, the sound was coming from a flax bush in front of a council flat. I wasn't sure whether ignoring it would be an option but there were children playing in the road and they said ( we wish the noise would stop there are tiny kittens in the flax bush). And they said the mother cat was ignoring them as she was young herself her first litter. So I went away and needed time to think I came home and told my daughter Stephanie aged 17 the story. We got a shoe box with a small towel in it and on the way we went to see a friend Susan who had contacts with the cats protection league and Spca and we went back up together to the flax bush and got the two little red tabby kittens aged approx 2 weeks from there we tried to get the mother too but she wouldn't come. We enquired from the people living there as to the cats home and found the mother was a stray and wasn't feeding the kittens as she was starving . We took the kittens back to Susan's house and after she phoned a series of people we finally found a foster person for the kittens to be with. I can say it was touch and go and they did get the cat flu but they made it, and they are now two lovely kittens. I don't believe they would of been alive much longer in the flax bush. The second part to this is that we organised a drive to collect up other stray cats and those belonging to people in the area and had them spayed and neutered with the local spca's assistance and funding.

10-27-2005, 07:03 AM
Great job....I just love happy endings! :) Two less kittens to reproduce on the streets, and much healthier adults to top it off. ;)

10-27-2005, 11:06 AM
That is such a wonderful story. I am so glad the little ones survived :) Thanks to you and Susan and Stephanie.

10-27-2005, 08:24 PM
Thank you for helping those cats and thank you for sharing the story as we all love stories with happy endings!

10-27-2005, 11:07 PM
There is another drive probably planned for next year, a mail drop informing people that if they are on a low income that their cats can get desexed for free and finding out if there are new strays in the area. The Spca wants us to do this and have funding. If people got their animals de-sexed then there would be no need to set traps and have kittens born that can become ferrel etc.

11-05-2005, 08:00 PM
Great job, well done, do you know if there is a similar thing going on here in Hamilton because I live near the university and cats get dumped here every holidays galore, I also have a problem neighbour with too many cats who live outdoors permanently that are neither spayed or nuetered and are causing my cats strife, my hands a tied there it seems, but if I could find out she can get free de-sexing i could at least pass the info on and hope (not holding my breath) that she might endeavour to become a responsible pet owner.

11-06-2005, 01:11 PM
Thank you so much for getting involved and helping these precious kitties! ;)
