View Full Version : Flea

03-21-2002, 05:17 PM
Hi everybody,

What would be the best way to prevent flea problems? We are expecting a new puppy and would like to find out the best way to prevent/fix flea problems. I heard that there are pills to be taken by pet dogs as flea repellent, is it true? Thanks.


03-21-2002, 06:39 PM
Hi, John.
I use Advantage on my cats but they have it for dogs too. It's put on the back of their neck once a month. I've had great results with it. It's sure easier than trying to get a pill down them. You should ask your vet about it. I think it can be used on puppies too. They need to be a certain age before any flea control can be used. I think it's 8 weeks but check with your vet to be sure. My memory isn't what it used to be.

Welcome to Pet Talk by the way.:)

03-21-2002, 06:53 PM
Thanks momoffuzzyfaces, I expect to learn a lot about dogs from you guys since we have only owned a bird so far. The previous owner of our house had cats and fleas were found in the carpet. They attacked my wife (for some reasons not myself) and the situation was terrible. I want to make sure that the nightmare won't come back to haunt my wife.

Does Advantage completely eliminate the flea problem? What would be the most effective way if any?


03-21-2002, 07:52 PM
I've used Advantage too and it's great. No fleas at all. I would use it as soon as the weather warms up in your area, or during whatever time of year your vet recommends, so that you never see a flea.

So far I haven't heard anything negative about Advantage, like side effects - has anyone else?

03-21-2002, 07:57 PM
We use Advantage on Louie and 'Da Beans. We always make sure to do both the dog and cats at the same time.... have NEVER had any side effects. I also do the Borax on the carpet and vacuum thing about once a month during flea season.:D

03-21-2002, 08:05 PM
I used Frontline Plus on Sadie last year and had no problems. We never saw a single flea. We haven't started treatment again this year yet, because we had snow today....

It seems like I heard that Frontline wasn't always the best option because it is applied to the skin and the residue can be bad for kids. Maybe I am remembering this wrong...has anyone else heard this?

Welcome to pet talk John!!

03-21-2002, 08:14 PM
Sentinel is a pill dogs can take for fleas. Reece was on that for awhile. It works well but it only makes fleas sterile and doesn't kill them. It is ideal for indoor only dogs. For the products you put on their neck, I have found Advantage to be the best. Both my dogs had allergic reactions to Frontline. Revolution works but a lot slower than Advantage.

Just my opinion :)

Deb Motter
03-21-2002, 08:44 PM
I have used Frontline with good results. I also once tried a similar over the counter product available without prescription, because it was much cheaper. It was just a waste of money for us--didn't do a thing. Since our dog is on the furniture and in our bed, we can't any tolerate fleas.

Fleas do seem to like some people more than others!

03-21-2002, 09:12 PM
Nothing works. We have tried everything.

03-21-2002, 09:39 PM
I had excellent results with Advantage (which kills the fleas when they bite the skin) on both the dogs and cats. Then we started having ticks, which Advantage doesn't help at all. So, now we use Frontline, and because of the mild winter we've had, I'm forced to use it year round on all 4 of them. We haven't seen a tick since I started using it and have had no problems with reactions to the topical medication.

Hope this helps.

03-22-2002, 11:02 AM
Thanks everyone for replying. I have some more questions...

Is Advantage a necklace type of device?
What about Frontline? Does Frontline also kills fleas?
Are both of them easy to use?


03-22-2002, 12:10 PM
Hi John, Advantage is applied to the skin at the base of the neck, just like Frontline is. And Frontline kills both ticks and fleas, so you use one or the other, not both.

Good luck!


03-22-2002, 03:29 PM
After applying Frontline or Advantage, if later I give the pup a good bath, do I have to re-apply? How do Advantage and Frontline work?

I also searched Pet Talk database and found some exciting natural remidies such as garlic tab and yeast. This is really a great forum with tons of good information.


03-22-2002, 04:07 PM
Hi John,

I just got a Foster & Smith catalog and there is something called Bio Spot for fleas, ticks, & mosquitos. Anyone hear of that or have an opinion? Kfamr have you tried that? It's a monthly topical like Advantage and Frontline.

For Advantage and perhaps with all the topicals you would have to reapply after a bath. I'm not sure if plain water without shampoo would wash away the flea protection - my dog isn't a swimmer so I never thought of it.

There is also a pill called Program but I prefer the topicals. Of course I'd prefer to not use any chemicals but I haven't found a natural remedy that works.

This Foster & Smith catalog I have mentions PetEducation.com as having info plus of course ask your vet.

03-22-2002, 05:49 PM
I don't give anything to my dogs for fleas...for the simple fact that fleas can't survive the climate and weird weather that Calgary gets (we've had snow storms in july and august before) however one of my friends travels a lot with her dogs and she uses Advantage which I'm probably gonna have to use in the summer when the dogs and I go for a vacation to BC.

03-22-2002, 11:02 PM
Your vet will give you the lowdown on the Frontline or Advantage, but I have been told not to wash them two days before or after application. Other than that, a bath or swim won't reduce the effects of the application.