View Full Version : Katrina Cats Come to Buffalo

10-09-2005, 08:28 PM
Thought you would all be interested. Here is the press release we sent out.

The first of the Katrina animals arrived in Buffalo this weekend through the efforts of Buffalo Companion Animal Network (BuffaloCAN) and Katrina Pet Convoy of Atlanta Georgia. Seven adult cats and six kittens are now nuzzled in clean, dry kennels after their long journey from the Gulf coast of Mississippi with stopovers in North Carolina and Maryland. Space in southern shelters and other animal welfare facilities has been exhausted, and animal rescuers are now calling on groups from the north and west to help out. Although the initial crisis period has passed, shelters in Katrina- and Rita-stricken areas now find themselves inundated with animals being relinquished by owners who have lost everything and feel they can no longer care for their beloved pets.

What does the future hold for these new arrivals to the Buffalo area? All will spend the next seven days in quarantine and will be assessed by a veterinarian. BuffaloCAN Vice President of Communications Clara Miller, who personally transported the animals from a staging area in Maryland, says nearly all have upper respiratory infections that will require treatment with antibiotics. Currently housed in an isolated spare bedroom of her home, she says all appear comfortable and relaxed, and “probably darn glad to be out of that hectic shelter environment.” Miller also acknowledged the tremendous efforts of Katrina Pet Convoy and the other small rescue groups who took in as many animals as they could. “These groups don’t get much notice,” says Miller, “but they are out there every day rescuing animals in our communities, and helping out other groups when they can.”

The next step will be to find foster homes for the animals while they await adoption. And while all adult animals have received rabies vaccinations and all have health certificates, they need to be spayed/neutered and will need the full complement of vaccinations. Persons interested in fostering one of the Katrina cats, making a donation, or sponsoring some of their veterinary expenses should contact Buffalo Companion Animal Network preferably by email ([email protected]), or leave a message at (716) 862-9183.

We have already been on the news and gotten two write ups in the paper. I am housing them in my house (I have a spare room where I keep all the fosters), although 4 are currently at our vets for treatment. One female had a broken leg that was just starting to mend, and one male had a gunshot wound in his tail. The other two are females very close to heat, so our vet wanted to get them spayed ASAP. The most amazing part is that the vet is treating all 13 of them FREE OF CHARGE!!! She has always been very supportive - but this is the most generous thing I have ever seen. While the vets in the area will usually give us a break - this is the first time that any vet has absorbed the entire cost - including all the meds/surgery costs/ etc.

10-09-2005, 09:51 PM
Kudos to everybody, including your generous vet!

10-10-2005, 08:42 AM
What a super vet! I'm so happy so many individuals and groups are helping take in the endless amounts of displaced pets, and giving them hope after such devastation. ;) Hope your gang find the purrfect homes soon. :)

Laura's Babies
10-10-2005, 04:49 PM
This is awesome. I have cried as many tears for the pets of Katrina as I have for the humans. Humans can take are of themselves but the pets depend on US! The vet can only draw good things their way for donating their time and supplies to help these animals.

10-16-2005, 05:54 AM
I would really like to donate an image (artwork of mine) to be reproduced on a T-shirt or postcard or greeting card to raise money to help the rescues and vets who are helping them for free.

Please let me know if I can do that somehow. I have my images on CAFEPRESS now and set up this store with the MIRACLE 9/11 CAT to raise money for the survivors of the Hurricane.

Click to see: http://www.cafepress.com/HOPEemerges

However I really don't need to raise money on my site since I am disability now.... but would be glad to send ART 300dpi to help out anyway I can.

Sylvi ;)

This is awesome. I have cried as many tears for the pets of Katrina as I have for the humans. Humans can take are of themselves but the pets depend on US! The vet can only draw good things their way for donating their time and supplies to help these animals.