View Full Version : Do your dog(s) bark a lot?

Buddy Blaze Lover
09-26-2005, 07:34 PM
I know there may have been a poll like this before...but I'm going to do it again if so.:)

Do your dog(s) bark a lot? (I'm going to allow multiple choice as well) Blaze barks moderately...sometimes he gets into moods and barks a ton, other times he hardly barks at all, so he's in between, lol!;)

09-26-2005, 07:38 PM
Molly barks when she is excited. If someone is playing with her then she will start barking but other than that she will rarely bark. Her barks are LOUD so we are glad that she doesn't bark much.
Astra very rarely barks. The noise she makes is a mixture of howls and barks. Kind of a weird sound. She has only barked around 10 times since we got her.
Prince barks quite alot. He will bark if he sees someone through the window. He barks when my step dad coughs, sniffs, sneezes, whistles, stomps his boots or makes any sound out of the ordinary.

09-26-2005, 07:38 PM
Bella didn't bark much before Ripley came to live here. Now he sorts of sets her off. :rolleyes: They basically bark at the trash truck, people walking dogs outside or critters in the woods behind our house.

09-26-2005, 07:43 PM
My two go bark crazy about this time of year when the a/c is off and the windows are open! If one doesn't start it the other will! :rolleyes: The funniest thing is when Mandy starts barking she will turn and look to Lacey like she's looking for back up! :D

09-26-2005, 07:51 PM
Chica rarely barks. that is good. that would really drive someone crazy if their dog barked alot. She only barks when she heres someone coming to the door. She acts like an alarm. She lets me know when someone is coming to our house.:)

09-26-2005, 07:58 PM
mine only bark where they're playing,and they bark at squirels :)

09-26-2005, 08:10 PM
Happy only barks when she is really exited, Misty does not bark in the house but outside she barks randomly at nothing lol, Perky barks a tone and hates being told to shut-up, Ripley only barks when he is super exited, or when he is mad, and Blair barks like a maniac on a regular basis.

09-26-2005, 08:11 PM
My girls rarely bark and I have to say that this is something that I love about them. Katie will bark on occasion, mostly when there is someone strange in the neighborhood which isn't often. She definitely knows who belongs in the neighborhood and who doesn't.

09-26-2005, 08:19 PM
Tango's a fear barker, she's an extremely nervous dog and barks to try and scare whatever she's afraid of away. She's getting better though so I voted "Sometimes, but not all the time" for her. Tia hardly ever barks unless somebody she doesn't know at all leans over top of her to pet her, Winston and Keeva both bark when somebody is at the door but they quit as soon as we invite the people in.

09-26-2005, 08:24 PM
He only barks when he hears someone knock on our door or the lady next door. He has been such a good dog about "barking".
He knows not to bark at night(that's a rule). But, it's been hard for him to try and "defend" his own property. Since we moved to
our townhouse, he's not sure where the "borders" are yet. He is the smart dog, and has found out quickly what is "his" and what
he should watch. So, he is always listening, to whatever he thinks is "his" duty.

He's so good! I just love him no matter what. But, it sure is nice
to know someone is taking care of me. Even if he has pushed me off the bed to have his own comfort. I guess I'm not in any danger no matter where I land. He's always on the watch.

09-26-2005, 09:11 PM
Not really. Daphne only barks when a dog walks by. Cocoa barks more often - when people walk by, and when she wants to come inside or go out.

09-26-2005, 09:15 PM
All the time! :rolleyes: especially Buster!!

Ginger's Mom
09-26-2005, 09:40 PM
I said sometimes but not all the time. Generally speaking Ginger will only bark when there is another dog or person walking past the condo that she doesn't know or doesn't like. So for the most part she is quiet, but there are some Saturdays that she drives me crazy.

09-26-2005, 10:25 PM
only to go outside or to come back inside from goin potty. ;)

09-26-2005, 10:45 PM
Payson almost never barks. I don't think I've heard his bark more than 5 times, each time it has just been a single bark when he gets really excited.

09-26-2005, 10:59 PM
Logan sounds the mailman alert! (she'll actually find me, nudge me, wait for me to follow her, run to the door, waits for her chance to sniff it, gets praise and thanks). Also, no squirrel or critter is safe from Mz Vicious :rolleyes: And then only if she's outside and people (and people with dogs) walk by. But she "talks alot". She answers questions.

finn's mom
09-26-2005, 11:02 PM
Nah, finn's not a barker at all. I love it! He'll bark if I tell him to. He'll also bark if I get him really, really, really worked up. And, I've heard him bark when someone came through the patio door and he was on the patio alone.

09-26-2005, 11:39 PM
brock is vocal, he likes to use his voice to communicate to me, so hes definitely not silent! but he isnt yappy. oh and he sometimes gets barky in play, like if a dog isnt paying attention to him and he wants to play with it, but thats pretty common. he RARELY barks as an alarm, (like if someone is outside making noise, or at the door or whatever) and when he does use his "tough dog" (deep) bark, its when hes scared/unsure of something, and is warning it to back off basically. lol such as when he sees something weird that hes never seen before (i.e.- 10 garbage bags lined up along the freeway, a giant peanut on top of a car, a ladder attatched upright to the back of a truck in front of us, a single car in a dark parkinglot with a tarp over it, etc. oh! and a hang glider [or whatever it was!] in the lake at the dog park! lol).

alki barks in the beginning of play when shes really excited, or when shes happy to see you she will howl and do a few barks usually, and then she does alert barking, usually just a single "WOOF." when she hears something outside.

and neither of my pups bark when someone is at the door, they just run to it and get all excited cause they know its someone to pay attention to them! lol

09-27-2005, 12:37 AM
Reggie and Sydney being schnauzers.........ALL THE TIME. If anyone is in a yard doing anything nearby when they are outside, they will bark (esp Syd and she will not shut up either). If the doorbell rings, they go nuts. If Nebo runs through the house, they bark. If they look out the window and something even moves, they bark. If they want outside, they bark. Annoying.

Nebo is very quiet. He usually only barks with the speak command. He pretty much never barks "at" things, he just watches...I've never heard him bark outside or at the door, anything like that...he doesn't bark to be let outside, he rings a doorbell (not kidding). The only time I've heard him bark at something is if he's nervous/scared of a person or strange object sometimes he'll do his soft "woof." When I went tent camping with a friend and her dog, Cisco, they must have seen something that freaked them out because Nebo was actually barking. Man when he barks for a reason he has a pretty intimidating deep bark! :eek:

09-27-2005, 05:56 AM
well... I've got a Jack Russell Terrier... :D

09-27-2005, 06:40 AM
They usually only bark when they see something in the yard or someone walking by. They also whine sometimes. Grant barks when he wants to play.

Daisy and Delilah
09-27-2005, 07:42 AM
The girls are chihuahuas and yes they bark quite a bit. Delilah barks alot. She is more of the classic "yapper" type of barker. Daisy didn't bark until she was about 2 1/2 and she still doesn't bark as much as her sister but when she sees something out the window, look out;) At 5+ pounds she has a deep, throaty bark that's so funny. She sounds more like a big dog and she really acts like she's in charge of the whole situation.:D

09-27-2005, 09:28 AM
Sierra does not "Bark" very much, but "Talks" a LOT!! Wooos, howles, cries, wines... etc. I love it!! If she starts off with a bark, then it will go into a woo. She's such a clown! Buddy... ugh.. Buddy has a Bark that will make you go deaf! He'll bark his head off when people or other dogs are near our yard.

09-27-2005, 09:33 AM
Roxy barks so much. Well....there's alot of people walking in our neighborhood, and lots of stray cats and squirrels and stuff. So she barks at about everything she sees.

09-27-2005, 10:20 AM
Maggy barks a lot when we're outside with her. I guess she feels the need to notify the other dogs that we're outside. She also barks when she hears the doorbell. One thing that sets her off is hearing the baby gate move. We used it a lot when she was a puppy, now she's afraid of it. :rolleyes: Anytime she hears it move....ARRFFF ARRFFFF ARRFF ARRF!!! Silly girl.

09-27-2005, 10:24 AM
Very rarely, although Roscoe is quite the whiner! If he is outside when the garbage man comes, then he will bark, once or twice he has barked back at the neighbor's dog (who barks constantly). That's about it :)

09-27-2005, 11:14 AM
Normally mine aren't too bad. Well mainly because I don't allow them to be. This is directed towards the Collies. Murph hardly ever barks, whether I interfere or not.

The last few days with all the people and chaos in my house though, the Collies were extremely barky. They were exhausted by the time everybody left. I think they're glad to have our quiet lil' existence back. Me too. ;)


09-27-2005, 11:22 AM
No, I think 've heard Star bark maybe a half dozen times in 8 years. I've heard Sherman a couple times, but his bark sounds awful - like someone's standing on his tail! It's one of the things I love about the breed, they're quiet. Huskies woo, howl, and growl, and sing-song talk, but not bark.

09-27-2005, 11:25 AM
My dogs bark if some knocks at the door. They also don't like motercycles and bark at them. For the most part they aren't major barkers, but do have their moments.

09-27-2005, 11:25 AM
Nanook has just started to bark about a year ago, mainly due to the fact that he is getting deaf. He pretty much only barks when he wants attention & doesn't want to or can't get up to get to you. He barks on command too.

Raustyk pretty much only barks to warn you of a noise a visitor or the like. Can not get her to bark on command.

Kaige barks sometimes as a warning of a noise/visitor etc... but not that often. He does bark non stop when he plays with another dog though. Working on teaching him to bark, no luck yet.

09-27-2005, 12:56 PM
Kiara and Simba bark if someone new comes into our house. Nala barks at birds and squirells. Other than that, they don't really bark and if they do it's nothing a quick "BE QUIET!' can't fix. ;)

09-27-2005, 01:58 PM
Reggie- she doesn't bark to much. About only time she barks if she sees someone, or if she sees a animal, and if Tori & Mick are barking.

Tori- she doesn't bark all the time. But she does bark alot. Sometimes I think she barks at her own shadow or just to hear herself.:p

Mick- now he is the barker. It does not matter what it is. It could be a leaf falling off a tree and he will bark.:rolleyes: Oh, and I think Mick loves to hear his own bark also.:p

09-27-2005, 02:08 PM
Shadow barks at jets or if someone comes up to the house.

Micki will bark just to hear himself bark, he barks at squirrells, people, dogs, cats, beeping cars, he likes to talk. And if you tell him to be quiet he will turn and bark at you...

Mini rarely if ever barks, she mostly does it when Micki and Kyra are playing

Kyra...lol...she only barks when all the dogs take off into the backyard really fast and she can't keep up and you hear her tearing after them yelling to wait up

Jack will bark if people go by, he will stop if you tell him to be quiet.