View Full Version : Who gives their dog Bully Sticks dried chicken fillets, rawhide, or pig ears?

09-24-2005, 11:34 AM
What is your opinion on these chews for dogs? Has anyone had a problem with these items causing a blockage in your dogs intestines? Has your Vet expressed not giving these items to your pet? My Vet has expressed this to me. She said that it isn't good for our pets at all!! :(

No pig ears, no bully sticks, no dried chicken fillets, no rawhide!!!
Biscuits are fine, and dog cookies are digested better.

:) LOL from Chica's mom

09-24-2005, 11:41 AM
I think as long as you supervise your pet with their products they are fine. Just like you wouldn't leave a small child alone with a package of hard candies.

My dogs get pig ears and rawhides once in a blue moon and they love dried chicken filets so I try to buy them as much as possible.

Also, anything done in moderation is a good thing. I don't think feeding a dog pig ears everyday of it's life is going to be of any value to them (besides them thinking they're in heaven!)

09-24-2005, 01:34 PM
Mine just finished a bag of dried chicken fillets and they LOVED them. They also have some pig's ears, but they are some kind of alternative and they liked them as well. I don't get them rawhides, just don't. They usually have treats/biscuits.

09-24-2005, 01:35 PM
Mine like pig ears, but really they get them on a delicacy because we only make one trip to the pet store a month hehe

09-24-2005, 01:37 PM
Mine get the dried chicken fillets but in moderation and supervised. Casey has a very sensitive stomach and those don't bother her.

just me
09-24-2005, 01:39 PM
I have heard this too.
I believe it to be true.
I confess i do give my dogs some of these treats.
But I watch them pretty close.
I know I shouldnt give them to them, but they love a treat now and again. I do give them daily treats as in bisquits and dog bones. Take care...
Just me...

09-24-2005, 02:02 PM
I give them pigs ears, but only about once a month. Can someone please post pics of "pressed rawhide". I know there are some that they can eat, on some they shouldn't, but I never know which one is which. :confused:

09-24-2005, 02:02 PM
my dogs eat rawhides and pig ears all the time. my vet has never said anything about them being bad for them.

PJ's Mom
09-24-2005, 03:13 PM
Mine only get the dried chicken fillets. (jerky treats) That's the only dried treat they'll eat. :)

Peej choked the very first time I gave him one. Thank God I was there to get it out of his throat. :(

Now I make sure he doesn't get too excited before I give him one. I cut off all the sharp edges and I'm always there until he's finished with it.

09-24-2005, 03:20 PM
Mine get pig ears once in awhile, they love them. They all had a bully stick once they really loved those things.;) As, for the rawhide Jada got choked on one of those things so no more rawhides around here.

Daisy and Delilah
09-24-2005, 09:27 PM
Daisy and Delilah get a small piece of a pig ear about once every two months. I give them small pieces of dried chicken filets about three times a week. No rawhide at all. Mostly they get biscuits and some lamb treats.

09-24-2005, 09:44 PM
My dog doesnt get any of those. my vet told us the preservatives
used in raw hide can cause epilepsy.:eek:

09-24-2005, 09:46 PM
Mine often get rawhides, but always supervised. They never get pig ears, I don't care for them, they're too greasy and gross. I've never had a problem with them, but my dogs are little and they chew them over a preoid of time, they don't devour them.

09-24-2005, 10:00 PM
I despise rawhide with a passion because, yes, many of the companies DO use harmful preservatives. One could even use arsenic! As well, if a dog were to chew off a bit of the rawhide, it is not digestible and will cause blockages. On the other hand, Greenies and Bully Sticks are supposed to be digestible, and do not contain harmful preservatives. Can a dog choke on these items? Sure, but you're supposed to feed these items in moderation and supervision. As long as the dog is being supervised, he or she should be okay.

So to answer your question, yes, I confidently feed my dog Bully Sticks and the occasional Greenie:


09-24-2005, 10:48 PM
Yes, mine do get these treats but very seldom. There are a few reasons too.

Bon absolutely goes nuts for yummy treats like these and gets too excited he can hardly control himself and I know he will woof them down. I have to make him wait till the girls have theirs, and then do some puppy pushups;) Then he gets his.
Roxey and Huney do like the pigs ears and dried chicken (of course they both chew theirs very well) but don't really care much for the rawhide.

I think in moderation they are fine and if your dog chews them and doesn't swallow them too soon. Angus could never have rawhide...he always tried to swallow large pieces:o

09-24-2005, 11:13 PM
Sadie loves pig ears and she is so picky about eating that I let her have them. She doesn't like rawhide and I never heard of the others.

One time after we had first moved to a new place I tried to ease the transition for Sadie by giving her a pig ear in the morning when I left for work. That was years ago and still now every work day after her morning walk she blocks the hallway so I can't leave til I give her a pig ear. Seriously she acts like an addict. I buy Foster's and Smith's "healthiest" pig ears. They just make her so happy I could never deny her one. Sadie is a very delicate eater so that probably helps prevent problems.

09-25-2005, 01:44 AM
MAXIMUS gets cow ears. They are low in fat and he loves them.
He actually asks for one. He knows where they live(big box in the pantry.) Mostly every other day. He really didn't go for pig
ears. And rawhide, is a toy. He only plays with it. So I don't worry about all the yuck details of it. The dried chicken fillets are a special treat. We get them at Sam's, giant bag. Oh to yummy.

With the cow ears, he tends to swallow the last chunk he can't hold with his paws. And yes, he has to....what are the words?
Choke it back up? because it was to big. Not to worry.....he's always supervised.

BTW: We get the cow ears by the case. Fedex delivers it to the
door. Pet Co on line has a box of 100, which lasts for months.
You should see the look on the FedEx guy's face when MAXIMUS
answers the door. Priceless.

09-25-2005, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by Giselle

So to answer your question, yes, I confidently feed my dog Bully Sticks and the occasional Greenie:

That is what I feed too. I had a terrifying experience with a piece of rawhide getting half stuck in one of my former poodle's throats. Have you ever tried to pull out a slimy piece of rawhide from a dog's throat while they are choking? I will never forget that. :eek: I give them bully sticks but watch closely while they are chewing. These last a long time and no large pieces come off but I still keep an eye on them anyway. Greenies are an all time favorite around here. Ripley would do ANYTHING for a greenie. LOL!

finn's mom
09-25-2005, 07:20 AM
I think rawhide is disgusting, just because I've seen it all gooey and nasty stuck all over the floor or whatever. It's just a personal preference, I just think they don't look like they'd do much good for the dog, after seeing how hard it was for my friend to get it out of her carpet. Finn's gotten into a couple in his lifetime just because he'd get another dog's rawhide or whatever. And, the pig's ears just smell so bad, I can't keep them in my house. I've never tried the bully sticks before, though...As long as they don't smell awful, it may be a new treat for Finn. I give him raw fruits and veggies for treats...or beef hot dogs cut up into small training pieces...or cheerios.

09-25-2005, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by Bigyummydog
BTW: We get the cow ears by the case. Fedex delivers it to the door. Pet Co on line has a box of 100, which lasts for months.
You should see the look on the FedEx guy's face when MAXIMUS
answers the door. Priceless.
If it looks anything like when Bon answered the door for the cable guy I can just imagine:D

09-25-2005, 08:47 AM
Roxy eats more biscuits than anything, and I don't think she's ever had a dried chicken fillet, and maybe she's had a bully stick? She loves rawhides and Pig Ears. She gets them occasionally but not very often.

09-25-2005, 09:15 AM
Snowy never tried bully sticks but she loves rawhide and dried tripes. She used to really loves pigs ears when she was a puppy but now she is more interested in burrying them than eating them :D

09-25-2005, 12:35 PM
Mine like all that stuff... but I think that I won't be giving the dried chicken to my kids anymore.
This morning I had a BIG scare. I gave Frankie a dried chicken tender (his first) and he seemd fine with it.
I put him in his crate with it which is in the bathroom.
I usually put him in the crate with a treat while I'm in the shower. Well... in the shower I go and right when I get my hair soaped up... I hear that he is choking FOR REAL. Not just gagging but choking. I get out of the shower soap dripping in my eyes and try to pry his mouth open to pull the thing out. It was lodged in there. I got my eyebrow tweezers and in one quick movement, fished the thing out... all this while he was biting me HARD. My thumb is purple and swollen now. I cried for a good 30 minutes after this happened. I'm still a bit shaken by it.
I feel bad because if I hadn't heard him through the shower water I don't know if I'd be posting in Dog Memorial.
Sorry for such a long answer.

09-25-2005, 03:05 PM
Feebee gets them every once in a while. She mows them down. I get nurvous. I gave the dogs treats lastnight and Feebee didn't really care for Trixie near her. She let her know it too. I just about peed my pants!!! So they will be seperated when treats are given.


09-25-2005, 04:11 PM
Like Kay's muttlies,

mine get them once in a blue moon, too because they fight over the bones. They LOVE pig ears, though and raw hides. I don't think they have ever had a bully stick ;) but they probably won't ever since I know what they are made out of. :o LOL! :p

Just keep a close eye on your dogs so they don't choke, especially the little ones like Miss Chica or puppies for that matter. My dogs LOVE greenies, also.

09-25-2005, 04:19 PM
Visa loves bully sticks (or as we call them, ''bull penises" LOL -- might as well speak the truth!). I have several Greenies, but have never even given one to her yet. I'm sure she'll love them though.

09-25-2005, 04:20 PM
OHH NO!!! the dredded pig ears!! hehe.

I used to give them to Oscar and Tikeya all the time, before we got Baby..

But ever since she came bouncing into my life one of the following things ALWAYS happens when I gve the dogs a pig ear, or a bully stick.

Baby will Try to down the whole pig ear at once, cholking her self!!.

Tikeya will burry her treat and then she'll retrieve it a couple days later all rotten and bring it inside the house when it will smell up the place..

Tikeya will burry her treat and Baby will dig it up, and then they'll fight over it.

Oscar will manage to get all three treats and hide then in his bed, and he'll guard them for hours on ends not moving once.

So I rather not have the hassel of pig ears or bully sticks around anymore. hehe my dogs are silly.

09-26-2005, 12:06 AM
I always give Logan a rawhide bone every night. Keeps her mouth clean and she loves them. Cody never ate unless we were around and either does Logan so there's supervision. I'm never going to deny her a special treat whatever my vet says, and he didn't seemed overly concerned. He's got all sorts of pig ear and dried chicken treats in the rooms as rewards.

09-26-2005, 04:16 AM
I give my dog pig ears and rawhide rolls.
He devours the ears (and when I get real pig ears from a pig roast, oh man, those are his fave).
But he tends to keep the rawhide so he can play with it and bury it in the couch and bed before he decides to eat it (it can be months before he eats it).
We've never experienced a problem.

Sometimes I get worried but it seems dogs (or maybe it's just Smokey) have a serious gag reflex and will choke up anything before they actually choke.
Gross, but amazing.

09-26-2005, 09:17 AM
Mine get Pigs Ears and Bully Sticks, but ONLY when I can supervise them!

09-26-2005, 09:28 AM
I have also heard that rawhides, pigs ears etc... are bad for dogs, in the way that they can cause blockages.

But I've never heard of such a thing about the dried chicken fillets, or any dried food for that matter. In fact I have heard the exact opposite, that if you are to feed any pig ears, feet etc.... that you should feed them dried, not smoked.

Either way my dogs still get them. Of course I don't give them the rawhides, pig/cow ears/feet often. And when they get rawhide it is pressed rawhide.
I usually give them rawbones instead or greenies etc.... but once in a great while they do get a rawhide type treat.

09-26-2005, 12:23 PM
My 2 get rawhides once in a while.And they get other treats also.They only get them when they're supervised

09-26-2005, 01:18 PM
My two pups eat all of them and we have never had any problem. I usually try to give them something like that when we want to watch a movie so they will be busy and quiet;)

09-27-2005, 12:25 AM
Nebo hasn't had a bully stick before, but he gets dried chicken strips, rawhide, and pig ears occasionally. Usually just when I want him to sit on his bed and be good for a while and he's always supervised.

09-27-2005, 08:21 AM
Out of that list Kia's had rawhide and pig ears. Vet has never told me that she can't have them.

She doesn't get excited about rawhides anymore, so I don't buy them that often. But she goes nuts over pig ears.