View Full Version : proud mama's and papa's

09-21-2005, 02:15 PM
ok i decided that is time to make a thread where people can write something there proud of therwe dogs for! Also if you have some pics post them so we know which pets are which

Zoey- zoey is my flat-coated retriever I am proud of her because she is a good agility dog, she has accoplish so much in agility shows, and thanks to her she cured my depression.
T.j.- my english setter he has accoplish being dog of the day! He is a great hunting dog, even though i am a vegetarian he is all over the field beutiful at pointing, and he learns really fast!!

09-21-2005, 02:26 PM
Great thread. I am proud that Sadie is a beautiful well-behaved girl and she always gives me the sweetest kisses. She is my cuddle bug. She doesn't do many tricks but she is my sweet baby.


Maggie makes me proud because she is so small but so brave. She is not afraid of anything and will be scrappy with any dog. She never fails to give me kisses and loves for me to carry her around.


Grant...I am proud of him because he is a shelter pup and he is really turning into a great dog. He is still learning some manners but he's working on it. He would probably make a great agility dog but we need to get some basics under control first. I am proud because he came into a well-established home with 2 females and he was never mean to them and now all 3 get along pretty well.


None of my pups are doing anything special like agility or flyball, but they are special to me no matter what and I am very proud to be their Mom. :D :)

Sorry pics are different sizes. :o

09-21-2005, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by gemini9961

None of my pups are doing anything special like agility or flyball, but they are special to me no matter what and I am very proud to be their Mom. :D

your a perfect exaple of a great dog owner, it dosn't matter if your dog is lazy as long as your pround of what your doggie is and you rescue that is special and it's special that such great doggies found you

09-21-2005, 02:50 PM
I am proud of Roscoe for being so good (considering he came from a shelter) and his willingness to learn more and be more obedient (he starts his obedience class next Monday :D ). He doesn't do any tricks, but if someone were to try to hurt hubby or I they would be sorry!


(This is what he does when I lay on the floor - he gets worried about mommy!)

09-21-2005, 02:54 PM
Let me see. I am proud of Maggy because she is just my baby. I love her as if she were a child, and she is that to me. I love her snuggles she gives me. I tell her she's like a real live teddy bear.

I'm proud of Bonnie (my mom's dog) because she's also just pure love. She can convert any non-dog lover into mush. She's also given us some beautiful puppies.

I'm proud of Brandee (also w/ my mom) because she's overcome so much! She was a stray abused puppy when someone found her. Now she's a smart, loving pretty girl.

And then there's Emma Leigh. Also with my mom. Well, let's just say she's a couple of french fries short of a happy meal, but we love her anyway.

Suki Wingy
09-21-2005, 03:52 PM
my pup will jump 50 inches with ease for me!:D He loves jumping and leaping! He is always (usually) so in tune to my voice commands when we go out for a walk.

09-21-2005, 04:59 PM
aww everybody animal sounds so special!:) We need more people though, I want to hear from ebverybody who's pet is special!

09-21-2005, 05:40 PM
great thred!

Gracie is my first showdog. i'm very proud of her for doing so well in the ring!

Beanie had been through so much before we adopted him. i'm not sure about his previous home(s), but they couldn't have been to great because he was scared of pretty much everything. in the past 3 years he has made a complete turn around. he's now chasing dogs 3-4 times hs size out of the yard.:rolleyes:

09-21-2005, 06:29 PM
I am so proud of my beautiful Shadow because she has always been a perfect little angel and has accepted the role of biggest sister in full stride after being an only child for 5 years. She never seizes to amaze me with her gentleness and love for people, my first dog and first true love, she has taught me so much about the canine world and I love her to pieces :D

I am especially proud of Mister Micki. He had a couple traumatizing experiences in his first year of life and lost all of his trust in strangers. He has devoloped into a gentle, sweet young man in 4 years and I am so proud of him for that. I am also so proud of him for not being as bossy and grumpy as he has been in the past, he is so much better with strange dogs and people but still not 100% yet but we will continue working on that.

Mini always makes me smile, she can be so goofy sometimes and is a joy to be around. I am so proud of her for being her sweet self and enjoying life.
Heres her goofy "Take me for a walk NOW" picture...

Kyra kid...I am soo proud of my little girl for just making it through puppyhood!! We were told by several vets that she would never lead a normal life but I am ever so grateful we didn't take the vet up on his free euthanasia offer!

The black dog Jack dog makes me soo proud all the time! He is just a joy to be around and he loves everybody and everything. I am very proud of him for mastering 20 some tricks in the first few months he came to live with us and his ability to learn the weave poles for agility in a couple of weeks. I love how he is always ready and eager to learn new things and his devotion to me is outstanding. I am so proud of my lil man in everything he does!

And finally Miss Sassy...she has only been with us for 4 days now but I am very proud of her trustablity (is that a word ?). For the first two years of her life she lived in an abusive home and tied up constantly. I am so surprised how gentle and loving this abused girl is, she will do anything for a simple pat on the head and just loves to be fussed over.

09-21-2005, 07:37 PM
omg that is such a cute pic of mini

finn's mom
09-21-2005, 08:49 PM
I'm proud of my dog because he's proud of me.


09-22-2005, 05:17 PM
aww finn is adorable

finn's mom
09-22-2005, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by Flatcoatluver
aww finn is adorable

Thank you! :)

09-23-2005, 05:19 PM

09-23-2005, 11:13 PM
I am proud of Lucy because she is the best nurse dog around, whenever I am sick she is right there. She shares my bed with me and she protects me while my husband is overseas.



09-29-2005, 06:15 PM
i love her breed, we had a dog up for a adoption with that breed really nice doggie!

09-29-2005, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by Lobodeb
She's also given us some beautiful puppies.


09-29-2005, 06:58 PM
i just noticed that we don't need puppies in our population right now specially with the hurricanes

09-29-2005, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by bckrazy

This happened LONG before I knew about the dangers of breeding her. I was totally uneducated, but very lucky nothing happened to her.

PJ's Mom
09-29-2005, 10:50 PM
I'm proud of my Peej because he was Dog of the Day (http://dogoftheday.com/archive/2000/January/30.html) and because he's had to deal with an eye condition his whole life and has always been brave when it comes to taking his medicine and going to the eye doctor.

I am proud of my Bailey because she's really come a long way from the quiet, shy, scared girl she was back in the shelter. Now, she knows how to play, speak, growl and basically she never shuts up. :D


09-29-2005, 11:00 PM
I am proud of my Happy girl because she is the best doggie ever, she is truly a jack of all trades and master of ALL. she is an amazing herding dog, one of the best flyball dogs, an awsome agilty dog, and awsome frisbee dog, and awsome barral racing dog, pulls 150lbs with her mere 25lbs like its nothing, LOVES kids, the highest pain tolerence I have ever seen in my life, can go for hours yet will happily sleep the day away in the house, not to mention my best pal

I am proud of my Misty babe because while she is not fantasitice at anything, she is good at a lot, she LOVES to learn new things, and I have never seen a dog with so much expression, she can smile in 50 completly differnt ways and that just the smiles, and she loves nothing more then to make up new things for a laugh

I am proud of Perky because she is the first dog in Sask. to recieve a musical freestyle title, as well as took home 3rd place in her first ever compitition and she is miss princess of the year..well she should be lol

I am proud of the Ripper because he is one of the best realiable height dogs in the city, and he transfroms from running away the second his name was mentioned when we adopted him to when he hears his name he comes running top speed toward you, dont matter how intresting or fun whatever he was doing before is.

I am pround of the Blair man because at his first ever agility trial he took home 4 first place ribbons and 2 qualifies, and also has a qualify in musical freestyle.