View Full Version : Could I please get some feedback?

03-13-2002, 09:05 AM
Our Angus is 10 1/2, I know that's pretty old for a Rottweiler. But he has been acting strange lately. Usually when I am on the computer, he lays down & goes to sleep..but he comes over here & puts his head on my keyboard. I think he's hungry..nope that's not it, doe's he want out, well goes out & stands there & stares in. Guess that's not it. He just can't seem to be comfortable. Him & Roxey haven't been getting along as good either. She seems to really irritate him. The last couple of day...I couldn't get her to go out with him...I had to coax her out so I could go to work. He went to school (Roxey is in advanced obedience) with us last night & he loved it. We got home around 8:30, & he went straight to bed. I'm sure it was the excitement that made him tired, but he stayed in bed & probably wouldn't have gotten up if I hadn't asked if they wanted out. He is always going to bed (he sleeps beside our bed). Before he seldom went to bed, just layed on his bed in the dining room. But now he is always in there. I don't know...I just can't explain. Is this old age or something else? He seems to feel fine. He is just acting really weird. If anyone has any thoughts, let me know. Thanks
The funniest thing just happened!:D He was standing out in the middle of the yard howling! It was just the testing of the emergency sirens! Just thought it was funny:)
I also forgot to add: Is there anyone who had one live longer than 10 1/2? If so how long?

03-13-2002, 09:46 AM
This does sound like the onset of old age for your boy. I suggest taking him to your vet for a thorough check and explain your worries there.

03-13-2002, 10:30 AM
I agree with Carrie. A trip to the vet is in order.

Anipryl can be prescribed for older dogs that are getting, shall we say, confused.


03-13-2002, 10:39 AM
I remember going through this with my lab. It makes your heart ache to watch them age so quickly :( Maybe you could even just call your vet and see what he/she thinks.

03-13-2002, 11:32 AM
I agree with talking with the Vet and see what they suggest. With his age, you don't want to take any chances. It is so hard seeing our furkids age. :(
Does he whine when he gets up and down? Does he seem to be in pain? Is anyone in your household sick? Has he been around anyone who is sick? I think that they sometimes pick up viruses like we do. I know there are times when I just feel like blah and want to lay in bed all day. Keep us posted. I'll be thinking of you.

03-13-2002, 01:37 PM

My mom has a Rotty mix (Rosey) that is about 10 or 11, they aren't sure because they rescued her when she was 2 or 3, but she is going through a similar thing with her. She doesn't seem to want to be around them and goes in the back room and sleeps all day.

I would be interested to know what you find out if you take Angus to the vet. Our vet put Rosey on some meds for arthritis and it helped some, but the overall attitude is the same and they just aren't sure what to do.

good luck and thanks,


03-13-2002, 03:26 PM
Yes, I do plan on taking him to the vet, I guess I just fell kind of dumb telling him "oh, I don't know what's wrong, he just acts weird." But yes, he also does whine sometimes when he gets up, but I think it's his right leg. He hurt it a while back, and whenever he plays really hard, or does alot of running, with our neighbors schnauzers (along the fence) he is really sore the next day, & I usually give him an asprin & he feels better. I'm kinda thinking that he might have arthritis in it. Would a vet be able to tell something like that?

03-13-2002, 06:04 PM
Yes - the vet will be able to tell by the feel of the joints and how they move if there is significant arthritis. They will also be able to tell you about the other symptoms you have noticed. Please don't feel silly just because you can't give direct symptoms - it shows that you know your dog well and are willing and able to take care of him.

03-13-2002, 07:48 PM
Hi anna, I was thinking...what is your Angus sleeping on right now?? If you suspect he might have some arthritis or stiff joints, heated beds are wonderful for older dogs. You can get them at Pet Stores or order them from Drs. Foster and Smith. Just thought I would shoot you that idea, so Angus can sleep comfortably:D
Lots of love and hugs to you and your babies. Let us know what the vet says.

03-13-2002, 08:13 PM
Oh, I'm sorry about sweet Angus!:( :( I hope he feels better soon!

My Yellow Lab, Teal, died at 16 years!:( I miss her sooo much!:( :(

Sarah & Sadie

03-14-2002, 10:17 AM
Hey, Anna. Please let us know what you find out at the Vets.
My beloved Rotty, Kilo, would spend most of his days sleeping. When he did move, he whined. Some nights he wouldn't even get up to go to bed. But there were times when he would get energy and play. He would always pay for it later. We used buffered aspirin for him and it would help. He eventually started to get aggressive (not towards us). I guess the pain was too much for him. :(

03-14-2002, 01:54 PM
On the mornings when he wakes up crying, I give him an asprin. I don't know if it's that or the getting up & moving around that helps him. I take him to the vet at 5:45, so I'll let ya all know what he says. If he does have arthritis, I'm going to get him one of the the heated beds. I've seen them in Fosters & Smith.
Hopefully everything is ok with him. I'm just so worried:(

03-14-2002, 05:01 PM
Annie: I know EXACTLY what your going threw, i'm having something similar with my dog Rufus. He is about 16ish now, and there is many signs of ageing. I took him to the vet like 2 days ago for his shots, and asked advice about whats better from him, and if hes in pain. If it helps heres what she said "If he's eatting regularly and having regular bowel movements, and not having strange behavior it should be fine." Does it seem like your dog can't get comfortable? Or maybe its painful to laydown?? I kinda thought that with my dog too, she sugested I give him 1/2 a bufferin asperin (has to be bufferin) a day, and to go to 1 full one if necessary, and that its probably arthritis, and he might be in a a little pain..so the buffrin should cope with that. I hope this helped a little :D

03-14-2002, 05:02 PM
Ack. im sorry Anna! not annie :o

03-14-2002, 08:36 PM
Well, good news is...if Angus has arthritis, it is not bad at all.
No bad news, so far!:) He did take some blood, and is doing a few tests. He said last year when we got Angus fixed (because he had an enlarged prostate, all better now though!) he did notice his thyroid level was low. On a scale from 1-5 he was a 1.
Almost hypo. So, he said maby that is what is wrong. Believe it or not, he gained 8 lbs. since January, when we had him there last!
So that is one reason he has reason to believe that's what might be wrong. Hopefully that's all.:D
Ya know, they say dogs are like their owners....only if Angus has hypothyroidism, it's exactely opposite of me! I had hyperthyroidism and had radioactive iodine treatment. Now I don't have a thyroid gland. How strange is that? Not about my treatment, but about us being opposite (if that's what it is)
Sorry, didn't mean to go on about myself like that! I'm supposed to be talking about Angus! Let you know what's wrong, if anything when we get his tests back. Thanks again everyone!
Your all So great!

03-15-2002, 08:25 AM
I love hearing good news!!!!! It would have been better news if there were no arthritis, but you can't stop the aging process. Did the Vet say anything about continuing to give him buffered aspirin?
Anna, no thyroid? Do you take med. regularly to compensate the loss? I don't care if you talk about your medical problems. I care about you as well as your furkids.
Does Angus take medicine for his thyroid or are they just going to keep an eye on it for now? Keep us posted.

03-15-2002, 01:32 PM
They are supposed to call & tell us what the results are & then we will take it from there. He isn't taking anything now. Let you know more when I find out!

03-17-2002, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by Stenograsaurus
I love hearing good news!!!!! It would have been better news if there were no arthritis, but you can't stop the aging process. Did the Vet say anything about continuing to give him buffered aspirin?
Anna, no thyroid? Do you take med. regularly to compensate the loss? I don't care if you talk about your medical problems. I care about you as well as your furkids.
Does Angus take medicine for his thyroid or are they just going to keep an eye on it for now? Keep us posted.

Sorry I didn't get back to you before now. I do take thyroid replacement. I just had the radioactive iodine treatment in December and they are trying to get the meds adjusted. Lately I have been having some small tremors and really loosing alot of hair. Yuk:eek: I'm so glad to have friends here who care about me as well as my furbabies:D

03-18-2002, 06:02 AM
Of course we care Anna!