View Full Version : Do large dogs scare you?

Heather Wallace
03-10-2002, 05:38 PM
As I pet sitter I get the chance to look after many types of dogs. The largest dog I looked after was an Irish Wolf Hound, even though he was almost my height (me being only 5ft) he was the most wonderful loving dog I could have had to look after. We cared for him for 10 night while his owners where on holiday, they had travelled a long way for me to look after him as they where let down by the kennels. We didn't want the owners to come back, we wanted to keep him.

Anyway the point is my neighbours made a big fuss as they have kids, they called him a horrble beast. I was annoyed as that dog would not have harmed a fly.

What do you think, do you prefer small or large dogs? Would a wolf hound scare you?????

A pic on me (heather) and Hector.

03-10-2002, 05:51 PM
It depends on the dog. I'm only 4 foot 9 and am almost nose to nose to some dogs. With my arthritis, I'm more afraid of being knocked down than attacked. My neighbors have a German Shepherd who would escape from her pen. She would come over here to see the outside cats. I would put a leash on her and take her home. She was a big old sweetie but would bout knock me over pulling on the leash. The have finally fixed her pen. :)

Some other neighbors had a Doberman who penned me against the house. He stood on his hind feet and put one big old paw on each of my shoulders and breathed bad doggie breath in my face. I was real concered about him. He wasn't growling but his breath about killed me. I didn't dare yell for help. I didn't want to make him mad. Luckily his owner showed up and took him home. They eventually had to find him a home in the country because he knocked some children down. He didn't attack them, just knocked them over trying to play. But of course, it frightened them. He had a long happy life on a farm so it ended happily. His owners were able to move out there with him so they didn't have to give him up forever. Happy endings are best!!! :)

03-10-2002, 06:19 PM
What a beautiful dog! I love wolf hounds, and I love big dogs. I would want a big dog, except they are 1) probably taller then my fence and could walk over it, and 2) my dad doesnt like want a big dog. I've seen a few Irish WHs around her, one was a mother with her pup, and we went up to pat them, they were so gentle. I don't know if they all are, but I still think they are beautiful dogs, no offece to small dogs, but they're to loud and "yappy" for my tastes (sorry small dog ppl!! :[) I much prefer big dogs!

03-10-2002, 06:38 PM
Large furry dogs, or so-called "beasts" do not scare me.... snotty-nosed children however, DO!;)

.... When I was little I knew a couple of VERY large dogs, Major was a Great Dane who stood about 6+ft tall on his hind legs..... If you said "Boo" he would run and hide. :o The other was a female Mastiff named Rainy who was just HUGE... She would act like she was all tough but then when you said "hi" or even looked at her she would come up and try to "slime" you with her love slobbers!:D

03-10-2002, 06:53 PM
I LOVE large breeds!!! I've been owned by a Great Pyrenees and German Shepherd Dogs. When I was a child (in the days of the dinosaurs), I used to get rides on my cousin's Great Dane, Numa. She was wonderful!!

I'm not afraid of the big guys. I love 'em!

03-10-2002, 07:03 PM
I love all size dogs. : )
A mid size to large size dogs can do more damage
than a 10 pound dog.
I am not afraid, but carefull and I ask permission before I pet someones dog even if they are small. :)

03-10-2002, 07:31 PM
They don't frighten me. In fact, I have to tell you that I am more leary of small dogs than big ones. I've been bitten by a Pekingnese more than once (not badly), and I tend to stand back, and probably show my fear too much! :o

The bigger, the better!!! I met my first Bernese Mountain Dog in October, and he was huge, but so sweet and friendly, and fit right in with the "sea of Gold" that was all around him!!!

I think the Irish Wolfhound that you posted is absolutley wonderful!!!! :D

Big Dogs Rule!!!!! At least at this house!! :o

03-10-2002, 08:48 PM
it doesn't matter what the size of the dog is to me, I love all dogs big or small. There was a wolfhound in one of the classes that I took recently and he was just the sweetest thing, of course Smudge didn't like him when he tried to pat him on the head. But honestly as long as the dog is nice it doesn't matter to me.

Former User
03-11-2002, 05:23 AM
Depends on the breed. Sometimes it's horrible to see a little kid with a huge dog out there, it's sure that the doggie has taken the kid for a walk, and not the other way around....

03-11-2002, 07:53 AM
NEVER! would I be afraid of large dogs...now I know that mine aren't as big as that! LOL
but big dogs are such sweethearts! Yesterday we went to have a family photo with the dogs, and the girl said she has never seen such a wonderful Rottweiler! She goes"I would never be able to do the things I do with him, with other dogs his size."So anyway I guess....I'll always have big dogs!:Dhttp://www.photogra.com/galleries/37743/curr/6087706_20020308_161131_20020308161204.jpg
And Finally! I figured out how to put a picture on here!Thanks everyone who helped me!!!:D

03-11-2002, 09:31 AM
It's more a dog's demeanor than its size that can scare me.

When we first moved to the house we now live in, the golden retriever directly accross the street would start barking ferociously and *charging* at me when I would go out to our mail box in front of our house. It almost stopped my heart until I figured out the *routine*. Roxie was playing *protect my home against the evil intruder. I was to play the part of evil intruder. When she would get to me at the mail box she would jump up on me and *bite* me on the arm. The bite was never a real bite. All the time she would be doing this growl. I walked back to the house with this dog hanging on my arm, my own dogs going nuts in the house. Roxie played this game until she became very old. I would always worry about her running in front of a car as she crossed the street in her running charge. In reality she was the sweetest dog on earth. I always wanted to *play the game* to her fondest wishes, where I would fall to the ground and she could stand over me in triumphant victory, but as her part looked so realistic, I never did for fear of scaring some casual observer. Roxie went to the Rainbow Bridge late last year and I dearly missed being *ferociously attacked*.

03-11-2002, 11:25 AM
Hector is breathtaking! Wow!

Heather, I like my dogs in big sizes. I LOVE large breeds. I would never be afraid of a dog because of its size. I think most people associate mean dogs with large sizes. Not true! There are some big dogs that are mean and can be dangerous, but that trait is not attributted to its size. It's just the way they were raised!

03-11-2002, 11:44 AM
I looove the big doggies!!!! The size of the dog doesn't scare me. I have to see their demeanor before I can be scared by a dog.

Rachel, I would have loved to have witnessed your daily attacks. I would have been roaring with laughter. If my mother were with me, she would have been calling the dog catcher!!!

The stereotyping (sp?) between small dogs and large dogs really bother me. If a large dog bites, they are labeled as dangerous. If a small dog bites, people laugh it off. That is not fair. A bite is a bite, whether it's from a small dog or a large dog.

03-11-2002, 11:46 AM
Oh, Anna, I forgot to congratulate you on conquering posting pictures!!! Again, I am in awe over the beauty of your dogs.

03-11-2002, 11:52 AM
I love all dogs, and just my opinion, but I think a small dog is more likely to bite than a large one. Don and I have both been bit by Schnauzers, duh, one was ours and one was our daughters, unless it's just Schnauzers. LOL
My cousin in New Hampshire had a Great Dane and when I first saw her we were about nose to nose and I thought wow I better watch out. Then my cousin said take her for a walk on the leash, I'm thinking ya right, but I did, and she was the most gentle dog I have ever seen. I loved her very much.

03-11-2002, 12:29 PM
I love dogs of all size, but I prefer the medium to big size breeds. :D

03-11-2002, 12:53 PM
I wouldn't say I was afraid of a dog large or small, but I wouldn't approach any dog unless I asked the owner first. Sometimes, no matter how cute, they can be really protective so I always get an owners OK before I pet them.

03-11-2002, 01:02 PM
Generally, NO. Actually, it's the little dogs I'm afraid of more often.

03-11-2002, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by Stenograsaurus
Oh, Anna, I forgot to congratulate you on conquering posting pictures!!! Again, I am in awe over the beauty of your dogs.
:D Thanks! I still can't seem to get a signature picture tho, I must be doing something wrong! And I appreciate you cominting on my dogs, I think their beautiful!

03-11-2002, 04:07 PM
I think I perfer large dogs. Not that small dogs are bad, I just like wrestle with my dogs and think sometimes (not always) smaller dogs get a Napoleon complex and get nippy. Most the suggestions I've read for better family dogs are the bigger dogs, labs, goldens, etc.

03-11-2002, 05:15 PM
Large dogs don't scare me at all. In fact, I want a Great Dane, Irish Wolfhound, and Mastiff... among many others. I also love the little ones though. There's something really nice about being able to pick your dog up and carry it around like a baby :D :D :D

When I move into a house, I hope to have several dogs in all shapes and sizes!

03-11-2002, 05:45 PM
I am intimidated by some big dogs, but only when I am unable to sense their motive. Generally I am not afraid, but I stear clear of dogs who "give me the stare" or generally intimidate me.

I was at Petco last month and there was this very beautiful, huge, GSD named Max. Max was terrified to be in the store. He was trembling and shaking, and he had this "stare" that scared me a bit. I talked to him at a distance (I had Graham with me, as I always do when I go to Petco) because I didn't know him, so I stayed away because he did intimidate me. The (12 or so year old ) kid walking him saw that I was talking nice to him, so she felt that I needed a visit from Max. To tell you the truth, I was nervous, because she suddenly came at me with Max and I couldn't tell what Max's intentions were by the expression on his face. I figured if she was visiting with Max then he must be friendly, despite what he appeared to be. Max did end up being friendly, but he was also SOOO terrified because he wasen't well socialized and that was only his 2nd trip to the pet store. He was a big scardy :)

Also, within the first month that I moved into my apartment, there was a lady who was standing at her door waiting for her rottie to go potty. He was not leashed and he was huge. He saw me and Graham and immediately began trotting towards us. It terrified me. I had a hard time figuring out if he had a "friendly, submissive" look on his face, or if he had a protective, aggressive look on his face. I looked at his body posture and he looked to have a dominant posture. I backed away with Graham. He kept getting closer, I kept backing away, then when he was just about "at us", his owner called him and ordered him to come back. He was very obedient and did what he was told without thinking twice. His owner assured me that he just wanted to play, but I was still frightened by this 100 pound rottie coming towards me.

I ended up seeing "Winston" many times since then, and I made friends with him. I learned that the owner was telling me the truth when she said that Winston only wanted to play. He was a sweet dog, but he was also a Shultzhund (sp?) dog so he was very well trained. Sadly, Winston went to the RB around 3 months ago, he was 11 years old and he had bad arthritis.

I am afraid that some big dogs scare me but I also look at their body posture and body language and I can usually tell if they are friendly or of if they want me exterminated :)

One of the main reasons that I have chosen to get a golden instead of a GSD, is because I am intimidated by GSD's and I don't feel that it would be a good move for me. I don't want to have a dog who's breed intimidates or scares me.

The main reason I am afraid of certain dogs, even after their owners tell me that they don't bite, is because so many owners that I have come across are not telling the full truth when they assure people that their dog does not bite. I was lunged at by a Rodesean Ridgeback who's owner said that he didn't bite. After he lunged at me, they scolded him and then told me, "I am sorry, he usually likes women, he usually only goes after men and kids". If she only told me that her dog bit, I would have used more caution and sweet talked the dog from a distance instead of trying to pet it! People are dishonest and that's what scares me!

03-11-2002, 06:03 PM

The "look" that a German Shepherd gives, that serene
intelligent, all's well with the world look, is just what
makes them so neat ! They really can act the 'goofus'
at home. They are not trying to act intimidating, but
they are just interested in everything and everyone
around them and they have a very "direct" look that
they give to everyone.
I agree it's not how large the dog is, but it's behavior
that I use to size up a dog. On my walks with Buddy,
it's only the small breeds that want to challenge us.
Go figure ...Liz.

03-11-2002, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by lizbud

The "look" that a German Shepherd gives, that serene
intelligent, all's well with the world look, is just what
makes them so neat ! They really can act the 'goofus'
at home. They are not trying to act intimidating, but
they are just interested in everything and everyone
around them and they have a very "direct" look that
they give to everyone.
I agree it's not how large the dog is, but it's behavior
that I use to size up a dog. On my walks with Buddy,
it's only the small breeds that want to challenge us.
Go figure ...Liz.

I absolutely love GSD's but I would never just walk up to one casually and just pet it. They are so magnificant and noble, as well as intelligent and loyal. I absolutely love them, but have seen SO many aggressive ones, GSD's that would rip my head off if I got close enough, to leave a scar on my psyche. I will always love them, and I sure hope to have one some day, but not until I am not intimidated by some of them. My brothers hand was attacked REALLY bad when we were walking to elementary school together when he stuck his hand through a fence to pet the GSD behind it, when she attacked him. It was my brothers fault. He was a little kid, but he was old enough to know better, but it was still terrifying for both of us.

03-11-2002, 07:47 PM

I know what you mean. My brother & I were allowed
into a yard of a relative while we were much too young
to be unsupervised, and my brother was bitten badly
on the leg by the chained Chow in the yard. He merely
picked up the dog's bowl b/c it was empty and he wanted
to fill it. a simple childish gesture, that had bad , but
predictable results. The incident caused a lifelong avoidence
& distrust of dogs. I was not bitten, but I saw it happen.
No, I agree , even though I love all dogs, I would not
just go up to one I did not know & try to pet it, but I'm
not fearful of any dog just because of it's size.

03-11-2002, 08:30 PM
No way do big dogs scare me....considering we have 2 Danes and some various assorted and asundry other large breeds...along with 16 pound Jessie who rules the roost!! hehehehe. You're more likely to be bitten by a small dog than a large dog anyway...Cocker Spaniels are the number one dog for biting and they're little. Anyway...my philosophy is: The bigger the better.

Heather Wallace
03-12-2002, 06:04 AM
Thanks everyone for your replies on the subject. Before becoming a pet sitter I was a but scared of large dogs but hector cured that for me.

I am however petrefied of German Sheperds as I was attacked by one when I was about 10 yrs old and it has always left a fear there.:(

03-12-2002, 09:37 AM
I don't think it's as much her size as it is the color of her eyes that unnerve and scare certain people. Kia's a people watcher so she'll sit and stare and people will go out of their way to walk around her and avoid her.

03-12-2002, 01:50 PM
I LOVE large breeds. I have small/medium dogs now because beagles are the best ...lol.. but I love Dobermans, rotties, Rodesean Ridgebacks, great danes, mastiffs, pointers, pit bulls, GSDs ...... I m more scared of little dogs then I am of big ones Im leary of poms, and little terriers, and chihuahuas ... little dogs are much more nippier and braver then big ones. On the news the other day a lady was going to press charges on a lady because she was attacked by her five chihuahuas ...lol I must admit that would have been funny to see :rolleyes:

03-12-2002, 07:17 PM
It's weird, but I'm kind of intimidated by average to large dogs. It all started with Lady's Mom [whom my next-door neighborn now owns] bearing her teeth at me all the time. I swear that dog wanted to rip me apart. Before that, I wouldn't have thought twice about being next to an average size/large dogs. But ever since that incident, I hesitate when I see a stray. It's one of the biggest reasons I don't go to the park more often with my dogs: too many stray dogs.