View Full Version : Has your Pet ever embarrassed you?

03-10-2002, 12:51 PM
My bathroom has three full long windows. Whenever I happen to be using the toilet they MUST see what is going on outside. They always open the curtains WIDE! :o :o

Leonardo out did himself one day when he managed to knock the curtain down while I was taking a bath. :o No wonder my neighbors put up a fence!
:D :o

03-10-2002, 03:12 PM
Good one! Once my Ashley, (now at the Rainbow Bridge) decided she had to throw up right at the feet of my son's good friend who was visiting! :D He had no pets at home at the time and I don't think he will ever have any after that! :D

Former User
03-10-2002, 03:16 PM

So far no.... (better knock some wood -> knocking her head now :D )

03-10-2002, 03:21 PM
When don't they?!;) They are so FUNNY... We once had a 17yr. old Bassett Hound named Archibald who had gas and we had a dinner party in our small apartment...Everybody left really quick holding their noses.
:o :rolleyes: ...... Then there was Digby the Tortoise & The Crows, who when I was little my parents were studying with the Jehovah's Witness and Digby walked into the house followed by our Crow Murphy and left "Deposits" by the J.W.... She was appalled and my Mother was embarassed.:o :eek:

Former User
03-10-2002, 03:24 PM
ok, my dog embarressed us once, during X-mas. We had tree up of course, and I guess he got sudden urge to pee, and so he did...on the tree, causing the lights to go bust with a style :rolleyes: We had some guests from far who we see like once in 5 years....

03-10-2002, 04:08 PM
At my first training class with Payton, we went in the back room to practice recalls. This was right around Christmas and at this vet's office, they always take pictures of Santa and the furkids. This was all set up and of course Payton had to christen it by lifting his leg and relieving himself big time. I had to find paper towels and clean it up while the class continued.

I never blush but I did then.

03-11-2002, 08:43 PM
After one of Cincy's puppy kindergarten classes we stopped at the pet store and took her in. While we were trying to decide what new food to try so the girls wouldn't stink so bad, she pooped on the floor! After Ralph helped the employee clean it up, the employee said he was glad he didn't have to do it, cause it smelled so bad. Another worker was in the are and she said she had to spray some deodorizer cause she couldn't take the smell. Everyone said they couldn't belive such a big stink came from such a little thing. (Needless to say, we no longer feed the dogs Iams!!)

03-11-2002, 10:42 PM
ROFL ... I am LOVING this thread!!!

My girls are usually on their best behavior in front of company (thank goodness!) But my previous cat, Sydney (now at RB) was QUITE the prankster.

The best thing he ever did was this: On a first date with a somewhat dull young man (whom I couldn't wait to get rid of,) I was shocked to find the LIGHTS DIMMING! I was thinking, "Who does this guy think he is?" when I turned around and saw him staring at Sydney ... who was playing with the knob on the lamp!!! :rolleyes:

I didn't know whether to be embarassed, or relieved! :o

03-12-2002, 01:56 AM
When Paddy first arrived he was a total mess - he'd never been in a house or a car, never been on a lead, wasn't house trained and was highly stressed. Against my better judgement I let my husband persuade me that we should take him for a walk on the beach. The nearest beach to us at the time was a beautiful cove at the bottom of a very steep hill. My daughter was a baby and she was in a carrier on my back when I got Paddy out of the car. I was explaining to my husband that we would have to go very slowly and we wouldn't be letting Paddy off the lead yet when Paddy took off. I braced myself and wrapped the lead around my hand, confident I could stop him in his tracks. The hill, as well as being very steep, was very slippery after recent rain and my feet slid along as though I was water skiing!!! Right to the bottom of the hill - past astonished tourists and locals alike, some who actually seemed to think that this was planned activity and stood out of the way shouting encouragement!!
Paddy stopped at the beottom when he saw the sea and couldn't believe his eyes! We both had a shock that day!! Husband kindly left the dog training decisions to me from then on!!

C.C.'s Mom
03-12-2002, 04:43 AM
They all did things that are quite humiliating...

When Cookie visits the vet, she's usually in a state of permanent extreme happiness and jumps up and down. So, when we have to sit down in the waitingroom, she has to calm down and this is always causing her to burp! And very loud too!!!
She also always has to make a welcome pee when friends come over to visit. Nice on their shoes, swapping her tail in it as well.

03-12-2002, 06:37 AM
OMG everyone!!! OMG Carrie!!! That's SO funny :D I have one similar to Carries:

I was a little girl of maybe 12 or 13 or so. My yellow lab, Beener was full grown, but very young and I had not yet started training him, so he was not too well behaved.

I often rode my 10 speed bike with Beener, leashed, running beside me. He usually was perfectlly behaved and he kept up with me beautifully. He knew when I was about to turn and he'd turn with the wheel of the bicycle, and when I was about to slow down or stop, he learned the command "sllloooooowwwww" very well. Well, one day I wanted to go to a nearby 7-11 store to get a slurpie, and of course I took Beener because I took him with me just about everywhere. So I got my bike out, got him leashed and headed off. Everything was going well, he was jogging beautifully next to me. I had to head through a fairly wooded park to get to the 7-11 store so we started through the park when I saw someone ahead of me. As I got closer to him I realized it was the first boy I had a crush on, and I had a really big crush on him. Just about when I recognized the boy, Beener saw a squirrel and took off full speed ahead. I was holding his leash so when he ran, he took me with him, I flew off my bike and I began sliding in the leaves until I let go of his leash. My bike was all banged up, but most of all, I was SOOOOO embarressed to have been pulled right off my bike by this dog, and dragged a few feet in the leaves RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE KID WHOM I HAD MY FIRST CRUSH ON

He asked me if I was OK, and he tried not to laugh, but I must have been quite a site :) It was horrid :) It's amazing I love dogs as much as I do!

03-12-2002, 06:51 AM
Cute Story Leslie - my cats have never embarassed me in person, they never stick around when I have company, but they've left stuff that caused me to be really embarassed. One day a lady in a beautiful black suit came over to evaluate the price of my condo. She sat down at the dining room table on my velvet covered chair, and when she got up, that beautiful suit of hers was covered in white cat fur. I was so embarassed and I felt so bad. She was really gracious about it though - said it happens all the time, but I just kinda doubted that.

03-19-2002, 06:56 PM
Oh my Gosh YES!! Misty threw up a hair ball in front of company eating supper with us. It was embarrassing and not very appetizing to say the least.:p

03-20-2002, 09:00 AM
We do a lot of outreach education with bunnies. One sultry spring evening we participated in an elementary school fair and took 4 of our "demo" bunnies...3 girls and a boy. You know what's coming don't you? Spring? A Boy? 3 Girls?
Yup, right in front of everybody our boy became amorous. What we said...which is quite TRUE...is that bunnies demonstrate to other bunnies who is boss with this behavior, but it was funny!:eek:

03-20-2002, 01:49 PM
Too funny!
This thread reminds me of my recently departed cat Ebie.
She was super friendly, and loved being around people. She had the knack of finding the one person in a room that hated cats, and attaching herself to that person.
My parents had a party one night, and Ebie was in the middle of the room saying hi to everyone. Then she caught sight of my Dad's golf partner, who disliked cats ALOT. She flew over to him, jumped on his lap, and climbed on his shoulder. My father grabbed her and put her out of the room.
She was back in 2 seconds, this time jumping on the man's head like a bad toupee. My father grabbed her again, but she came back again, this time sticking her rear end in the man's face.
At this point, she had to be locked up, and all you could hear was Ebie banging on the door and howling to get out.

03-23-2002, 10:25 AM
My pet guinea pig embarreses me a lot, every time I hold him he goes to the bathroom on me and my friends laugh.

03-24-2002, 09:06 PM
i cant say my pets have ever embarrassed me, but these stories are great, lol
Id be embarrassed to have my mothers cats though, the black and white one is almost completely round, and the siamese isnt far behind.
I mean, these cats are FAT
Put Garfield to shame, lol