View Full Version : Need Help: Katrina Pet Rescue

09-04-2005, 08:12 AM
I know this is a dog forum, but I'm working at a refugee shelter in Baton Rouge, La and have met an elderly lady who is in terrible distress over having to leave her 3 ferrets at home in downtown New Orleans. If anyone has any leads on how I get in touch with a resue team or have Any other advice, please email me at [email protected] time is running out. thank you VERY much

09-07-2005, 10:04 AM
go to www.cathappy.com/HurricaneRescue.htm A lot of info there - local shelter info - might help.

Good luck


09-12-2005, 10:02 PM
anybody know where i could donate to a shelter in new orleans?

09-12-2005, 10:25 PM
There are plenty of them needing help listed on the Hurrican Animal Rescue Site www.cathappy.com/HurricaneRescue.htm

One in particular though has really been helping huge numbers of animals and they are in need of everything. Lamar-Dixon Center in Gonzalez, Louisiana They need people, but $$$ will help get supplies...Here is a recent request for help:

We are running on empty here in South Louisiana and Gulf Coast animal rescue work and need volunteer help! Veterinarians and vet techs are needed urgently at the Lamar-Dixon Center in Gonzalez, Louisiana. We also need vets and techs to relieve the staff at the LSU Hurricane Animal Shelter. Animals arriving at Lamar Dixon -- those most recently rescued -- need people experienced with rehydration and re-feeding, also need rehydration supplies (fluids, etc) and refeeding supplies (Science Diet a/d, etc.) Contact Dr. Thistlewaite at LSU School of Veterinary Medicine, 225-578-9900.

If you are an experienced animal rescue worker, shelter worker, shelter volunteer, or an experienced amateur animal handler who is willing to scrub cages and so forth, you are needed for animal care at Lamar-Dixon. They are desperate for help. This is get-down-and-dirty work. Call volunteer coordinator Cathy Wells at 225-772-8609; 225-342-1126; or 225-755-1484. Non-professional volunteers, please realize that this is VERY hard, dirty work. Not a situation to bring little kids to cuddle the kittens. There will be time for that later. Right now we just need the animals washed, clean cages, feeding and watering.

Please also contact any professional humane officers you know or your local animal control agency and urge them to send at least one officer to help with out efforts. These people can contact the Louisiana Animal Control Association at 225-772-3394

Thanks for asking...God bless you for your help.


09-13-2005, 05:43 PM
ok thanks

09-13-2005, 06:21 PM
The website Petfinder.com is also involved with reconnecting pets with their owners.

09-13-2005, 09:21 PM
aww i love that website, thats really good that there doing that i couldn't imagane being away from my animals and my family