View Full Version : Remember Bailey?

03-06-2002, 06:11 PM
As if this day wasn't emotional enough, I just got a wonderful email from Lisa, Bailey's new mom, complete with a picture of Poodle paradise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Momma Alyson -

It's me, Curly/Bailey. I'm writing to tell you that I'm doing great. This lady says I am a sweet, sweet little dog and and that she just loves me.

I still don't have a name. We can't figure out just the right thing. Apparently it took this lady a long time to name her other dogs too, she wants to make sure it's good since it's forever. She promised to decide on something this weekend.

I'm attaching a picture from a trip to Dallas we took weekend before last. That's me on the left, then my two sisters are the one in the middle and the tiny one on the right.
The other two dogs that match mine are Lisa's aunt's. The two black ones are sisters, and I sort of have a brother now too!

I'm still not house trained. We're working on it. I haven't had to go in a kennel yet, and I really don't want to, so try to start trying to use the Wee Wee pads. I have two spots I Iike particularly well, so that should help. It's not really my fault. There have been so many dogs through the house this year it's confusing. Anyway, we're going to stop taking fosters for a while so that should make it easier.

I went to the vet and got shots and hated it. They also put a chip in me ... they must think I'm a robot or something. But I was a very good dog anyway. The vet people loved me - especially when I protected them from the evil black wooden cat that sits above the door to the exam room.

My new yard is fun too - there are lots of birds and squirrels to chase. I did tear up a Venetian blind, but it's really her fault for leaving to go to work. I have to be able to watch out the window! Now we keep the blind open so I can see out and bark at things.

I'm a wonderful little guy. Thank you for letting him come live with me with this lady.



The first one is Bailey. The gray one in the middle is one of his sisters and the other is the little black girl on the end.

03-06-2002, 06:46 PM
OMG, where's Pam? It's oodles of poodles!

Aly, you have got to be proud that you helped to facilitate a marvelous home for Bailey. I am so happy for him, although he was really one that I hoped would be the one. He and Reece's Pieces looked so cute together.

03-06-2002, 07:00 PM
Rachel, here I am! I'm just wishing I was in that room right now being covered with little poodle bodies!!!! I would be down on the floor in the midst of them!!! It is definitely Poodle Paradise!!! Aly, I definitely remember Bailey. He looked so much like Reece's long lost brother. Don't let Reece look at your monitor because he may start to pout. The letter was just wonderful and I know it sets your mind at ease to know that yet another of the special doggies that you took under your wing has found a wonderful forever home. You must be so proud and happy now!!

03-06-2002, 07:18 PM
Oh Aly!!!!

That email and picture had to do your heart good!!! Bailey (or whatever his name will be) is doing fine!!! Just look at all those faces!!! Oh my goodness!!!!

Too, too cute!!! I know you and Pam never thought I could ever be a Poodle junkie.......but I am!!!! :eek:


03-06-2002, 09:56 PM
They are all adorable. Boy, does he fit in!!!

03-07-2002, 02:20 AM
What a sweet letter! This lady sounds so nice, it really looks like Bailey has found a wonderful loving home. I'm sure this makes it a little less hard for you.

03-07-2002, 05:45 AM
It seems to me that Bailey has a great home and sweet Mommy. Thanks to your kindness, Aly, he is happy!

Dixieland Dancer
03-07-2002, 08:41 AM
It was nice to hear back about Bailey. I'm sure you had some tears in your eyes as you read that but also a joy knowing you were responsible for another happy ending. You are my hero! Keep up the great work!

03-07-2002, 11:28 AM
I am so happy to hear that Bailey is adjusting wonderfully to his new home. He fits right in. Aly, you did it again!!!!

03-07-2002, 12:08 PM
Happy endings are beautiful things. I'm so happy that Bailey has found his forever home. Aly, you are a beautiful person also, for doing all that you do for the dogs and cats in need. I can't wait until I convince you to move north and buy that house across the street from us so we can REALLY make our next door neighbor angry!! lol

03-07-2002, 07:14 PM
Aly, receving that sweet, sweet letter must have made you feel soooooo good! What little darlings, all!! And little Bailey is being such a big, brave boy!!! I know your heart was set, but look what joy you brought into someone else's life! Poodle Paradise!!!!!!!!!! Heavenly!!

03-07-2002, 08:50 PM
Aly, that photo is darling, it makes me want some poodles. They are just adorable and it looks like Bailey is in good company. Is that lady lucky or what? LOL

03-07-2002, 10:16 PM
I wrote Lisa back and told her how much it meant to me that she gave the little guy such a wonderful home. She replied and said that she would take me up on my offer to petsit if she goes out of town :D :D :D She also said that her old girl (the gray one in the middle of the picture) even plays with Bailey and she's usually too scared. In fact, he's the only dog that's gotten her to play :) :)

Oh I had also told her I was SO sorry about the housebreaking because I really thought he had it down when she took him. He had stopped having accidents at my house. She said not to worry because she's had so many fosters that have had accidents and he probably still smells that. She doesn't mind at all, although she IS trying to break the habit ASAP, hehe. She's an incredible woman.

03-08-2002, 06:44 AM
Aly that is wonderful. Bailey is SO adorable and that is wonderful news (except for the housebreaking thing :) ) I am sure Bailey will get it soon.

Horray :)