View Full Version : Rex- our latest foster

08-16-2005, 10:30 PM
I am so sorry, I only post now with the rescues - but they keep me so busy. I just had to post a picture and writeup about Rex. He is just such a sweetheart and we have been working hard to get his surgery funded (which we did!!!). I just wanted you all to see what we all work for:

Here is the writeup we posted last month:

Rex Needs Your Help….

Those of you who have visited the website lately have probably already heard about Rex. Rex is a 5 year old collie/retriever mix who is a hit wherever he goes. He has a wonderful disposition with people, children, other dogs, and even cats. He was kept as an outdoor dog his entire life and on the July 4th holiday freaked out at the fireworks that were so close to his small yard. In his stressed out state, he chewed the side of the house trying to get into an area where he felt safe. When his owners returned, they found the chewed siding and promptly surrendered him to the City of Buffalo Shelter.

The staff at the shelter totally fell in love with him, but discovered a lump on his head that the shelter vet diagnosed as possible cancer. They feared that his medical and separation anxiety issues would force them to make a choice between him and other dogs in the shelter – a choice they didn’t want to make. Buffalo C.A.N. offered to take Rex into our organization and get him the help he needed. He was such a wonderful sweet dog, that even if his lump was diagnosed as cancer, we felt he deserved to live the rest of his life in love and comfort. After an initial visit to Blue Cross Animal Clinic and loving care by Dr. Stevens, we have decided to take in Rex for surgery to remove the lump. Rex’s bloodwork came back normal, so we are hopeful that his lump will turn out to be a cyst or a benign tumor. The surgery and the post operative care will cost approximately $600.


And here is what we posted today!!!

Rex sends big licks to the many wonderful people (and organizations) that made donations to cover his surgery to remove a mass from his head. Even more important, Rex's doctor called with good news regarding the results of his tissue biopsy. The mass, while more serious than a simple fatty tumor, poses little future risk to Rex's health. Rex's eventual adoptive family will have to keep an eye on the region from which the mass was removed for signs of possible recurrence. But this type of tumor (basal variety) rarely causes future problems and is highly unlikely to spread.

Thanks one and all! You can read more about Rex and his many "guardian angels" elsewhere on our website. Also, as Rex recuperates, we will be featuring him in our available dogs listings.

I am so thrilled about what we accomplished with this boy, that I just had to share.

I am also thrilled about our organization being asked to participate in an animal welfare coalition in our area. It is pretty amazing that we were asked as we are such a new organization, but I just wanted to share.

Here is the writeup on our website. Since we were invited and other organization were not - we are holding a "Town Hall" meeting to get feedback from the organizations that weren't invited:

A new animal welfare initiative here in Buffalo is bringing together a number of area shelters, rescues, and others. The hope is that this new Buffalo-Niagara coalition can overcome some of the competition and rancor among groups so that all can work together for the greater good of area animals. BuffaloCAN called for such an approach in its last newsletter. Editor and Communications VP Clara Miller called on area groups to start "Working Together" and referred to such an initiative in California which resulted in a position paper that has come to be called the Asilomar Accords.

Perhaps spurred by that BuffaloCAN article, the Erie County SPCA has engaged several area organizations and a local conflict resolution group to work toward a coalition-based solution to the area's animal welfare concerns. While the first formal meeting of this new coalition will not likely be held until the beginning of September, BuffaloCAN realizes that the concerns of such a coalition are not limited to the small number of groups directly involved. Therefore, BuffaloCAN is again taking a lead role in networking with area rescues to ensure that all will have a voice in future policy and initiatives in our region.

All area rescues are encouraged to attend a Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, August 17, 7:30pm, to be held at Sterling Place Tavern, 1437 Hertel Ave (corner Sterling Ave). BuffaloCAN's board of directors will be meeting at 6:30 for a short time before the Town Hall session to conduct some regular business. Bring your concerns, ideas, thoughts. Our group wants to speak for the vast number of groups whose efforts so often go unheralded but that are so significant to the lives of so many animals.

I am so hoping that this could really impact animal welfare in our community, because we are one step away from some serious breed specific legislation.

08-17-2005, 12:40 PM
Rex is a beautiful looking dog. I'm so glad your group was
able to get him the medical help that he needed.:) This pup
deserves to live as a loved & pampered pooch for the rest of
his life. :)

Congrats to your group for also being chosen to work with the
animal welfare coalition with other groups in the area. It's a great
first step to ask for input of all others.When people are able to
put aside differences & work together for the benefit of animals,
a lot more good can be accomplished. I wish you & the groups
getting together, all the luck in the world.:)

08-21-2005, 08:30 PM
Thank you!!! I am so excited that we were included.

Rex's lab work came back.

It is benign!!!!!

08-23-2005, 06:19 AM
What a hansdsome boy!! And what great news!!