View Full Version : Finn's learning to kayak

finn's mom
08-16-2005, 05:22 PM
I don't have pictures, but, hopefully I can get someone to take a few of Finn sitting in the kayak with me. It was so funny. I stayed in really shallow water, the kayak was practically stuck on the bottom. And, I would call him into the kayak. Most of the time, he'd jump in and jump right back out. But, I did manage to get him to chill in the kayak for a few minutes, whilst clicking and treating. ;) Then, I paddled us both back to the boat ramp, with him laying down in the front end. It was so fun. I hope to be able to practice with him and get him comfortable enough where he'll ride nicely in the kayak for decent distances. There's a little island about 1/2 mile out that I would love to kayak out to and get out and let him run. He'd love that! Anyway, I thought I'd share the story. It was only my second kayak trip today, but, I was ok being alone because we didn't go far or very deep at all. I hope to get pictures soon!

08-16-2005, 05:49 PM
good luck good boy

finn's mom
08-16-2005, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by cocker_luva
good luck

Yeah, we'll need it. He's pretty nutty out there. ;)

08-16-2005, 10:37 PM
hehahaha.. no pictures needed for me! I just had this happened to me the same... at the camping pillsbury - at first crayola wasn't so sure but managed to get in and frozen up....the kayak was rocking when I paddle..(too much weight) :rolleyes:

and then we paddled to a cove (about over 400 yards away) and on way back, I asked him to hop into the water, (kayak was starting to flood!) :eek: he did and swam along with me -- he did well! I was proud of him. :D

I'm sure you're proud of finn too! :) hope someone will take pictures of you both someday!

08-16-2005, 10:46 PM
Sounds like SO much fun!! That will be interesting when he finally stays in the kayak without you haveing to worry about him jumping out or anything!

Good luck!-
Steph and Jes

08-16-2005, 10:47 PM
Good boy Finn!

I'd love to see some pictures of that. What kind of kayak do you have? I only take a dog when I want to practice my self-rescue skills! Huskies are not water dogs! Kayleigh likes to swim though, she's good at helping to tip the boat!

08-16-2005, 10:50 PM
I got a mental picture of Finn trying to paddle a kayak :)

finn's mom
08-17-2005, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by Glacier
What kind of kayak do you have?

My friend taught me the other day how to paddle the kayak and all that, and, he has two ocean kayaks. The type is Frenzy...I'll see if I can find a picture. They're open, though, not the kind where your legs are covered, I've never gotten in one of those before. These are really easy to maneuver, and, hard to flip. They're fun! :)

08-17-2005, 10:04 AM
That sure sounds like fun. I can see it now. lol
Good luck to the both of yous!

finn's mom
08-17-2005, 10:10 AM
Here are the kayaks that my friend has...



08-17-2005, 10:13 AM
Oh we need to see pictures of that! I am trying to picture Finn in a kayak...LOL :D

new mom to a veiled
08-17-2005, 11:07 AM
I somehow got a mental pic of Finn siting in the boat with a lifejacket and a pair of shades on.

finn's mom
08-17-2005, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by new mom to a veiled
I somehow got a mental pic of Finn siting in the boat with a lifejacket and a pair of shades on.

Well, I'll be sure to post a picture of that when I'm able to get someone else to take it. :) I'll be getting him a life jacket very soon, and, I'll just throw a pair of shades on his face for ya. ;)

08-17-2005, 04:08 PM
I bet that was quite a sight,Finn in a kayak.Can't wait for pictures.

08-17-2005, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by finn's mom
Here are the kayaks that my friend has...



Nice boats! And you won't need Finn to help you with your self-rescue skills. Sit-on-tops are much easier to get back into than a traditional kayak should you ever end up in the water.

08-17-2005, 04:25 PM
that would be so nice to have a kayaking partner GOOD LUCK!

Anita Cholaine
08-17-2005, 04:25 PM
It must be so fun... I'd love to see some pics, it would be pretty..:)

08-17-2005, 04:27 PM
I would also love to see some pics! your dog is soooooo cute!

finn's mom
08-17-2005, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
Nice boats! And you won't need Finn to help you with your self-rescue skills. Sit-on-tops are much easier to get back into than a traditional kayak should you ever end up in the water.

Yeah, that's why Brian has those boats, and, not the traditional kind. ;) They're so much fun. Seeing your pictures of the kayak really made me wanna try, and, then, meeting Brian has made it possible!

08-17-2005, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by finn's mom
Yeah, that's why Brian has those boats, and, not the traditional kind. ;) They're so much fun. Seeing your pictures of the kayak really made me wanna try, and, then, meeting Brian has made it possible!

Sit-on-tops aren't practical around here. The water is too cold. The local dealer doesn't even bring them up. I always have to "dress for immersion" (direct quote from the local kayak salesguy!) which means a wetsuit most of the time. I took a bunch of courses earlier this summer on how to get back in the boat alone, since I paddle by myself almost all the time.

I think Stuart would like a sit-on-top that he could fish from. He hates feeling like his legs are trapped, despite my assurances that they aren't. It's suprisingly easy to fall out of traditional kayak. You'd really have to make a mistake to get stuck in one! It's much harder to do an "eskimo roll" and stay in the boat than it is to fall out and have to do a "wet entry."

finn's mom
08-17-2005, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
I think Stuart would like a sit-on-top that he could fish from. He hates feeling like his legs are trapped, despite my assurances that they aren't.

Ha ha, that's pretty much what Brian says. He feels really claustrophobic. ;) I've never tried, but, I would if given the opportunity and taught how to properly exit one! I love the photos you've posted. And, I love how relaxing the kayak is when you just pull your paddle up and float. It's amazing. My first kayaking was last week, and, we paddled a mile. I was so tired, it was such great exercise, though! I didn't too shabby for my first time, though. :)