View Full Version : Are you ready boots?? -- Oz, Murph and Gully (pics and video)

08-10-2005, 10:54 AM
Hola Guys!

I know I just posted a video, but I've got a new one I just gotta share. I chuckled the whole time I was making it. Hope you guys enjoy it too. It's the one labeled Boots at: Music Dog Videos (http://www.musicdogvideos.com)
Amazingly enough those size small boots fit Murph, Oz and Gull. Gotta love those Collie Barbie Feet.

I also snapped a few pics of Oz and Gull with the boots on. Murph didn't wanna have anything more to do with the boots this morning, so I'll have to get some other pics of him later. He got the best part in the video though. It really is his medium. :) Anywho, here's the pics:







08-10-2005, 10:56 AM
Aww...adorable pictures. Your dogs are both very beautiful. I don't remember if I have seen pictures of them or not, probably missed the thread lol but I am sure glad I didn't miss this one. Off to check out the video......:D

08-10-2005, 11:41 AM
Thanks Jamie!

I've been posting at Pettalk for 3+ years now (wow! can't believe it's been that long), but I do post pretty sporadically. So it wouldn't be hard to miss us. :)


08-10-2005, 12:24 PM
OMGosh Les! :p That was TOO cute! I was laughing through the whole thing! LOL! Thats going under my favourites for sure! :D We need MORE of the collies if you asked me...;)

What ever happened to that paw video? ;)

08-10-2005, 12:27 PM
Aww those are cute boots!

Ginger's Mom
08-10-2005, 12:36 PM
Cute pictures, I particularly like the one of Gull with his eyes closed and the one where Gulli s looking at Oz's feet (lol). And you are right, Murph does have the best part in the video. he is just so darn cute.

08-10-2005, 12:39 PM
I am laughing out loud right now. What a riot! I am sure that is not what Nancy Sinatra had in mind when she sang that song. LOL! Par, your videos are a hoot and a half! :D :D

08-10-2005, 01:06 PM
Awwwww! There are my two favorite Collie boys. I LOVE that first picture, Les. They look so cute with those booties on them and both of their expressions are priceless, hehe. Are you still doing agility with Oz, or any other activites with Oz or Gully? I'd love an update! ;)

Thanks so much for sharing!

Suki Wingy
08-10-2005, 03:35 PM
oh, I love your three! I need to get my act together and find a way to post all my videos I've made!

08-10-2005, 03:55 PM
Such cute pics! I love those collies!

08-10-2005, 04:47 PM
Ok, that was terrific...expecially the last little bit with Murph! Had me laughing out loud:D

08-10-2005, 06:47 PM
Hey, that's dog abuse isn't it.:D LoL. that is the funniest
video I've seen all day. It's a riot.:D Such sweet babies to
even wear them at all.:)

08-10-2005, 06:57 PM
Great video and pics! I loved the end of the video with Murph.

08-11-2005, 10:25 AM
Aw thanks for the compliments guys, especially the ones for Murph. :) He's so happy, happy to be noticed. Well okay, he's happy all the time anyway, but he's most especially happy at all the pettalk attention. ;)

Hi paula!

I'm still a lil' short on video footage. I think I'll put up another post this week with a deadline and see if that helps. If I don't get anymore footage though, I'll just go with what I've got.

Hey there Pam! Ah you must be in my age group, if you knew who was singing. ;) I had to search a lil' for her rendition, because I refused to use the Jessica Simpson version. Had to go with the original. :)

Hiya GoldenRetrLuver!

We haven't been to agility in awhile. My job kept interfering (I really do need a new job) and I got tired of paying and never getting to go. So we've actually switched gears and have been working on dance steps at home. I originally was going that route for Gull, cuz he loves it so much, but found out Oz is getting enthused about it too. And because of his agility training, he's picking up things really fast, like weaving through my legs. At some point, I'm hoping to do a lil' video with them dancing with me. *fingers crossed*

hola lizbud!

I think if you talked to'em, they'd agree with ya. When they see me pick up the booties, they all run for the hills now. :) Not to worry though, they got many good treats for putting up with wearing'em.


08-11-2005, 12:11 PM
you have some beauitful dogs all of them

what breed are the bigger ones i love their ears

08-11-2005, 05:10 PM
Hey there Puppy_Love (Welp there goes Donny Osmond's voice singing away in my head "And they called it Puppy Love... Oh I guess they'll never know..." ;))

Oz and Gull are Smooth Collies. The tips of their ears are actually suppose to be tipped forward. Seeings how I got them as companion dogs vs show though, I didn't go through the trouble of taping or gluing'em down to get that look. I kinda like'em the way they are myself too though, anyway. :)


08-11-2005, 06:27 PM
I love your dogs, Par...so adorable! Lmao to that video! :D That made my day!

08-12-2005, 02:34 PM
OHHH, you know I love those two collie boys of yours and it makes me so happy to see them. Thank you!!!

I have watched the video over and over and just keep sitting here laughing away. It is so cute and funny! Its my favorite right now. I enjoy their version much better than the latest Jessica Simpson version;)

Hugs for all three of your gorgeous furkids!