View Full Version : ewwww ewww EEWWWW!

08-07-2005, 03:28 AM
ok first you have to know that my room is in the basment and my bed is surround by 2 partially in the gorund windows, however the side of one of those windows was never properly closed off, so basicly is the outside wall, the insilation, and the inside wall, and the window in the outside wall, but the area between the inside and outside walls is not closed off so bugs can litterly walk into my room should they fall into the window well, so needless to say I am accustomed to creepy crawlys getting in my room, but this one takes the cake, Misty had a marrow bone just for recriation, she would leave it on my bed and chew on it before going to sleep at night, marrow bones have never been a problem for now, when I picked the bone off my bed glanced inside and it was full od maggots! :eek: that bone went straight to the trash all bedding when straight to the wash, the entire room was vacumed and I jumped in the shower saoped myself down and proceeded to do the same to Happy, Misty, Perky, and Blair(Ripley is in Brandon, Man.) then tossing everything in the bathroom to the laundry and now here I am at 2:30 AM after a major freakout and cleaning frenzy. lets just say never again will I allow the dogs to bring there bones in my room! :eek:

08-07-2005, 08:44 AM
ewww.... sorry about what happened.

08-07-2005, 09:33 AM
ewwwww you better hope you didnt have any open sores or your dogs the maggots can crawl into any opening in the body then start eating you inside out not trying to scare you but true...

08-07-2005, 09:48 AM
eww... I freak out over bugs (not spiders, though). If I would have found that, I would be burning my sheets plus bathing and shaving my dogs :D ....I overreact sometimes.

08-07-2005, 09:48 AM
:eek: yyyuuuccckkk! You have my sympathies!!!!! I'd be freaking out too! Hope you can get over this & get some sleep...

08-07-2005, 11:41 AM
BLUH!!!!! Ewww Eww i hate maggots!!!! they scare me!!! LOL but eww poor you get some sleep...

08-07-2005, 01:29 PM
THat is really gross i would totally freak out if my dog did that! I dont thin i would ever get one of those bones again! Ewwwww:eek:

Toby's my baby
08-07-2005, 08:14 PM
Ewww that must have been really gross! I am glad you got it all cleaned up! We get those pesky misquitoes in my room, tons of them! I stand on my bed at night with a kleenex, trying to kill all the ones on the ceiling. I hate creepy crawleys, sorry you have to put up with that!

08-07-2005, 08:38 PM
YUCK!!!!!! Ugh, that is disgusting, I feel so sorry for you! Bugs don't usually gross me out, but magets do!

Steph and Jes

08-07-2005, 08:40 PM
ewwww! :eek: i feel so sorry for you... we just recently moved into a new house but at my old house we had tons of creepy crawleys.. roaches.. ick those were the worst.. i totally freaked out like shaking and crying n junk when i put on my skirt and a roach crawled down my leg..haha ive never worn that skirt again. Hope you get some sleep!

08-12-2005, 04:01 PM
EWWW!! That is so gross, I hate maggots so much. >.< Every time I see one I freak out. That would have me scarred for life. lol