View Full Version : Toilet in the crate??

08-05-2005, 07:50 PM
Please help if you own a crate.

Hi guys, i am buying a crate for my pup, and i am just wondering where would he go toilet???And also where did you get you get you crate from??

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

08-05-2005, 08:11 PM
i got lexie's crate from petsmart, and "supposedly" dogs arent gonna want to go restroom where they sleep. But lexie did for a lil while but she hasnt in a few days.. so i hope shes done with that. But your pup should be fine in there while your gone.. just take him/her out right before you put her in. Lexie hasnt had any problems in the day in her cage.. just at night

08-05-2005, 08:14 PM
Usually if the crate is just big enough for the dog to turn, lay down, stand up, sit, etc comfortably.. they will not go in it.

A lot of the time if it's a larger crate they will go potty on one end and lay in the other.

Dogs usually shouldn't be left alone long enough so that they HAVE to go in their crates. Just take him outside to potty before you put him in it and when you take him out.

08-05-2005, 08:15 PM
Thanks, i am having a look at petsmart webside right now.
;) ;) ;) :p

08-05-2005, 08:26 PM
what kinda pup do you have?
if it is a mix..
how big is she/he?

You absolutly DONOT want to get your pup into the habbit of peeing or pooping in the crate.. that is his/her "DEN", he/she will sleep there and spend tiem there when you are away (at school or work).

To avoid having your pup go to the bathroom in the crate, make sure you have schedualed bathroom breaks for your puppy.
About 15-20 min after your puppy eats or drinks take it outside. and wait till he/she goes to the bathroom.. Then reward...

Until your dog is housetrained, s/he should not be allowed free run of your house. Otherwise, s/he will develope the habit of leaving piles and puddles anywhere and everywhere. :eek: not pleasant.. I know ;)

If you ever find an accident in the house, just clean it up. Do not punish your puppy... Its your responsibility to keep an eye on your pup... :)

Hope I helped... :)

08-05-2005, 08:34 PM
HI, thanks for your reply, my pup is a lab x, he is still growing, i am pretty sure he is housetrained, he only goes toilet on the grass, but i am worried because he has never had house run for the whole night before and i am concerned that he might need to go toilet during the night.

thanks for your reply, really helped.:D

08-05-2005, 08:39 PM
One of the things you may want to do is invest in a larger crate if you think he's going to get a lot bigger, but get some sort of divider to put in it so he just has enough room to move around.

We had a large metal crate when we first got our dogs as puppies and all we had to do was move the back piece forward a bit (and made sure it was secure with plastic ties.)

08-05-2005, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
One of the things you may want to do is invest in a larger crate if you think he's going to get a lot bigger, but get some sort of divider to put in it so he just has enough room to move around.

We had a large metal crate when we first got our dogs as puppies and all we had to do was move the back piece forward a bit (and made sure it was secure with plastic ties.)

Those things are REALLY convient.. Good idea.. He is gunna be a big Doggie when he grows up..

If he is already house trained then I doubt he will go potty in his crate.. Dogs dont generally like to go potty in their bed... If he is sleeping through the night now.. I wouldent worrie too much..

But I would use Kfamr's idea, get a larger crate with a divider... that would be a good investment...

08-06-2005, 09:48 AM
When I adopted Buddy he was already a year old and 75 pounds so I bought a big crate, he was not yet house trained. He never went potty in his crate even from the very first time I put him in one. But would still have accidents in the house. I left him sleep in his crate at night for almost a week, and then I gated him in my bedroom at night so he was near me, and he would let me know when he had to go potty during the night. Eventually I took the gate down and he had free roam of the house at night. (even though the big sissy still wakes me up once a night to go outside but that's a bad habit that I brought on myself) :rolleyes:

Good Luck!!
By the way... what is your pup's name??

08-06-2005, 05:35 PM
Hi, my pup's name is Bonnie, thanks for the advice!!:) :) :) :) :p

08-06-2005, 06:54 PM
I got Kirbys crate from Walmart. its a medium sized crate as the small is too small for him.

you already have some great adivse so i dont need to add anything more to add but to wish you the best of luck. :D