View Full Version : Abby's vet visit today

08-04-2005, 07:47 PM
Took Abby to the vet this morning…I’d noticed that she had a nail that seemed to get caught on the carpet with every step she took, so I took a look at it & saw it was split quite away up & that her hair was stuck in it really tight…

Also did a check up because of how sick she was back in April. I told him she’d just started some excessive licking of her rear & the “sit & spin” (not the sit & drag, lol) Well….seems Miss Abby has a 104 temp & impacted anal glands AGAIN! So we took care of that & miss wiggle worm wriggled free just in time for me to get a splat of those fluids on my shoulder!! Woooweee! He gave her antibiotics (baytril) to take for 2 weeks & also a shot.

And….for those who think Abby is an angel, ya better sit down before you keep reading. I had to hold her so tightly…yet she managed to pull right out of her collar & jump off the table…she also got her tiny lil snout out of my grip twice & acted like she was going to nip the vet…altho as he noted “look at her tail, it’s still wagging 100 mph through all of this! Like I had time to look…I was holding a wild animal, I had anal fluid on my shoulder & was now wearing a fur lined shirt!! Sheesh… The vet noted that if Abby’s goal today was to embarrass her mom, she seemed to be doing a wonderful job of it!!

Just like the last time she managed to throw up all over the house. All of this just for the anal glands…holy cow…how did I ever get through her kidney stones??! Tonight she’s very quiet, just laying close by me & wanting to lay on my lap…so…even though I had plans to do something tonight (ladies night out with all my coworkers)..I decided to stay home & take care of my “angel”

(back in April Abby was sick several weeks, anal gland problem on top of kidney stones & crystals in her urine...we almost lost her, such a helpless feeling...but she pulled through & is on a very strict diet)

08-04-2005, 08:23 PM
Our 'kids' can be a worry at times, but I still think Abby is a beautiful little angel.:)

Ginger's Mom
08-04-2005, 08:32 PM
Ooohh, look at that little face...she can't be a little terror, she is much too sweet looking. :)

Sounds like quite an ordeal. I'm am glad that things seem to be quiet tonight. Give her a gentle hug for me.

08-04-2005, 08:51 PM
Poor baby, ABBY. Wait a minute........poor baby Mom. The things we do. I wonder too how we manage to take care of our lil' monsters. Yes, I said monsters. Only mine is BIG. Poor Dr. Moon was almost put through a wall, one time, with only one hind paw.

I still think ABBY's an angel. How could such a pretty thing not be an angel? Kisses to you ABBY. And share some with Mom.

08-04-2005, 08:54 PM
Oh my what a little monster she was today. I'm glad she is doing better even though she made a mess of herself today. :)

Daisy and Delilah
08-04-2005, 09:09 PM
Sorry to hear you girls had such a bad day. Nothing pleasant about it was there? We hope things will continue in a calm mode. Abby is such a cute little girl. Don't worry Abby, Mom still loves you alot sweetie.:)

Love, Daisy and Delilah

08-05-2005, 06:33 AM
We woke up to a couple piles of puke this morning....mikey stepped in it outside our bedroom door....hmmmm...I got up & cleaned it up & took her outside (what the heck did he do??! oh yeah, he washed his foot!!) Then Abby & I went back to bed for about 1/2 hour, with her laying on top of me...I'm going to heat up a little watered down broth after I shower & give her that & also try to get her pill down her...

08-05-2005, 06:38 AM
Oh, I'm so sorry that you and Abby are going through this. I hope all is well really soon.


Pawsitive Thinking
08-05-2005, 06:39 AM
Sounds like you're having a rough time of it at the moment.....hope Abby gets better soon

08-05-2005, 12:35 PM
Poor Abby and poor you.:( I hope she's taking her meds like
a good pupper so she can start feeling 100% again.

08-05-2005, 07:05 PM
Oh i know how you feel. its hard to believe that our very sweet looking dogs have hidden horns that erupt when ever they want. and normally when they are not feeling good.

i went through something simular with Kirby when he got really sick. he would be still,, but he kept trying to bite the vet every chance he got. and he managed to do it once :eek: but luckily Kirby was so weak at the time it didnt even break the skin. while his tail was wagging through the whole process. :confused:

apparently its a nevous reaction or maybe just nurves alone. cant always go by tail wiggles when our little ones are sick. just ask our vet....LOL