View Full Version : Fritz on a blitz

08-04-2005, 06:49 PM
fritz went on a blitz today.He was running back and forth from the living room to my bedroom and under the bed and out again.Then he found a paper towel in a pair of pants of my dad's and went underthe dining room table to the back of a living room chair,through the kitchen to the dining table to the chair again.Finally got it from him.He has been eating his food pretty good lately so that's good.Friends of mom and dad(not his Aunties) came for a few minutes and he greeted them like he usually does.We are going on a car ride tomorrow.we are going with my Aunt and Uncle to where my sister and her husband have a cottage that 2 hours north of here in Haliburton,Ontario.fritz will be able to visit with my sister's dog Taffy.Hope he will be all rested up for his big day with his Aunties on Saturday.I have 5 more pictures in the film to go,so maybe early next week I will have some new pictures of fritz.Got rain today,no thunde thank goodness,although there a boom from a cement plant where they were blasting and he don't like that.He barks at it .I will tell you all about day tommorrow.might be late afternoon.

08-04-2005, 07:08 PM
Sounds like he was having a great time running around. Glad to hear he's doing well and eating good.
Looking forward to new pictures!

08-04-2005, 07:22 PM
It sure does sound like Fritz is feeling frisky.:D It's so great
to see them healthy & active. Looking forward to some new

Ginger's Mom
08-04-2005, 08:19 PM
Sounds like Fritz had a good day today. :) And he should have a blast tomorrow playing with Taffy. At least he will have the car ride there and home to rest up. ;)

Daisy and Delilah
08-04-2005, 09:46 PM
What wonderful news Fritz!! We're so happy to hear how frisky you've been. You sure have a big day planned for tomorrow so take it easy. Can't wait to see you looking good in the new pics. Two more days until the Aunties visit. YAY!!!!!:D

Love, your little chihuahua buddies in Florida, Daisy and Delilah:)

08-04-2005, 09:50 PM
Can't wait to see Fritz pictures!

Kevin Farmer
08-05-2005, 03:37 PM
Let us know how the car ride went...

08-05-2005, 06:03 PM
Fritz, what have you been smoking little man? Where did all this energy come from all of a sudden? Glad to hear you're eating and that you're going on a trip this weekend. Is Taffy your girlfriend? If not, can Fenway call her?

Take care little one. Can't wait to see pictures next week.


08-05-2005, 06:08 PM
Wow, Mr. Perky FRITZ. You've been packing in too much energy. I knew it would happen sooner or later. Did you shred the paper towel? Was it fun? Glad to hear you're feeling better.