View Full Version : A new way to train?

02-22-2002, 08:02 PM
I was wondering. Some of you might have read about my problem with Jo listening to me outside. Well, I found something I think might work. Can you tell me if its a good proper way that will work??

She has a toy she LOVES. A rope, but only gets it sometimes. She'll eat it in one sitting if left. So when she goes out, comes when called and doesn't bark, she gets her rope. When shes bad, she doesn't. Would she know that she only gets it when shes good? She knows barking is bad. But now, whenever I get home she runs out to get her rope all the time. How can I show her she only gets it when shes good? (you know like police dogs get ropes or balls if they find the drugs or w/e their being trained)

02-23-2002, 12:06 AM
That is a good way to train her. Don't worry, it will take a little bit to catch on but she will associate that only a certain behavior will be rewarded with the rope. Be patient and don't give in :) You should see results fairly quickly.

02-23-2002, 06:41 AM
Excellent idea - she will not associate doing something wrong with not getting the rope but will quickly assocaite the correct behaviour with the rope.
Try putting it somewhere out of her reach near thedoor. Only when she has behaved correctly do you you reach for the rope and give her a lot of verbal praise as you do it - really happy, highpitched, excited voice. When she has not behaved correctly then you turn your back on the rope and give her the very minimum or attention to get her in. (A very quiet, calm, "Good girl" when she responds to the recall.) Once in she is ignored.
The contrast between the two reactions will encourage her to want the extreme, happy, play with rope reaction and she will strive to get it. - Keep it high energy and fun and she will WANT it!

02-23-2002, 06:46 AM
Thanks carrie. I'll try that! When I let her in she thinks she's gonna get it no matter what. She'll run over to it, and look at me, then look up at where it is. I usually just pretend its not there and ignore it/her if she was bad. But I tell her how good she is and get all excited when she comes in good. She flips out, so excited and stuff. SHe just LOVES the rope, its not funny, its her precious little toy