View Full Version : Okay this is going to sound stupid...

02-21-2002, 09:33 PM
I'll apologize in advance for what I'm about to ask but the question came to me the other night and I just couldn't stop thinking about it :rolleyes:

So here it is do you and your dog or dogs or animals have a song? You know something that when you hear it makes you think of them, I would say and vice versa but I don't think that part is possible. Like I said it sounds sort of stupid but this is what happens when I'm tired and thinking I think stupid thoughts and then feel the need to voice them.

Anyhoo these are the songs that I thought of the other day for me and the 'royal couple'

This I promise you by N'sync
I'd do anything from the musical Oliver
You belong to me (that ones more for Smudge then it is Winter)
I enjoy being a girl (that ones for Winter who is such a little lady at times it isn't even funny)

and that's it I think, at least for now I'll most likely find more but at the moment thats it.

C.C.'s Mom
02-22-2002, 03:50 AM
My husband likes to sing songs for our fur kids. He makes them up himself on the melodies of popular songs.

There's one song he likes to sing for the dog, it's a German song which has a line "weil ich ein maedchen bin" (because I'm a girl) and when he sings this, the dog is happy and twirls around.

He also sings for the cats, mainly X-mas songs.

02-22-2002, 05:37 AM
No need to apologize, Crikit. RecentlyI went searching to find the casette that has my Angel, the Tibetan Spaniel's song on it. It's Nina Simone singing 'Angel of the Morning.'
That's because every morning I wake up & see my golden Angel looking at me with her lovely brown eyes. She really is my Angel of the Morning.

Shelley, our red Sheltie's song is 'Lady In Red.'
Danny, our sweet tri-colour Sheltie's song is 'Danny Boy'...in fact we often call him that.
Thanks for asking this question. I's so glad that other people have songs that match their pets, too.

02-22-2002, 07:16 AM
To think about it, I think my furry friend's song is the symphony/song of Ludwig van Beethoven, which was also the song to name the "Beethoven" that we see in the 3 movies "Beethoven".


02-22-2002, 08:19 AM
I don't think it's silly.

I don't have any songs that remind me of Kia at the moment. But I know what you mean by that. I hear an old song and I can remember things that happened that year. It's funny how the memory works. :D

I like to sing to Kia. She looks at me like I'm a goofball but I know she'll never tell. ;) :D :p

02-22-2002, 11:33 AM
Sadie's name comes from a Barbra Streisand Funny Girl song - "Sadie Sadie married lady..."

I lived with my mom when I got Sadie and that was one of the conditions on getting her - the name had to be Barbra Streisand related!

02-22-2002, 06:34 PM
Theres a song by Beanie Man (by which is coming down here for a concert soon!!!!) who sings a song "Simm Simma" It goes " Simm Simma... who got the keys to my beema" And well Since Simba's nickname is Simm Sim. Or Simm Simma... which ever.. it makes me think of him... i say Simm Simma and my mom is around she sings the song lol! it sems like when me and my mom are talking to each other what ever we say theres always a song we think of lol!

02-22-2002, 06:37 PM
Oh yeah and i hope you dont torture your puppies and make them listen to that horrible n suck ehehehehe

the only n sync song i have listened to over and over is the remix Nelly did of nsuck's "Girlfriend" :rolleyes: I guess Nelly wanted to make the song sound good hehe he did a good job.. Ill be Nelly's girlfriend :D :p

02-22-2002, 09:00 PM
You Are My Sunshine is the only one that comes to mind [Hannah], but obviously we need something a little more current and one for Tucker as well, so I'm going to have to search a couple out. I know this will take me a while to find just the right ones. Now I'm going to be on a mission. Each of my dogs have a poem but no real special song!:(

02-23-2002, 12:11 AM
a better 'nick' for that band is..'nstync...hehheh my friend found that one...

02-23-2002, 03:03 AM
We have sung the Winnie the Pooh song to Louie since he was a pup. Only we had to re-write it:
Louie the dog, Louie the dog, Chubby little puppy all stuffed with fluff, He's Louie the dog, Louie the dog, willy nilly sily ol pup.
Winnie the Pooh was Louie's favorite toy until we introduced Tickle Me ELMO!!:D

02-23-2002, 11:36 AM
don't worry, I'm not mean in enough to make my dogs listen to the new kids on the block wannabes, I only think the lyrics of the song suit them.

02-25-2002, 08:59 PM
Ok. I have to chime in. When Owen was little it was "you are my sunshine" but lately its been John Lennon's "beautiful boy"
glad to know I'm not the only one!:D

02-27-2002, 06:20 PM
"She works hard for the bunny....so hard for the bunny"
:D :D :D

02-27-2002, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
"She works hard for the bunny....so hard for the bunny"
:D :D :D


02-27-2002, 06:39 PM
".....my house, is a very very fine house - with four cats/six dogs in the yard, life used to be soooo hard - now every thing is easy..." well, sometimes, sometimes not - but better with my guys then without. Songs can just take me away and sometimes that's a blessing. I want to go away...I want to flyyyyy awayyyyyy.

02-27-2002, 06:39 PM
Most of the songs I sing to my babies I usually make up. But I do sing "lollipop lollipop ohhhhh lolli lolli pop" to Lolly sometimes. And I have Neil Diamond's 'Shiloh' on mp3 that I love to listen to when Shiloh is sitting on my computer desk.

02-27-2002, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
"She works hard for the bunny....so hard for the bunny"
:D :D :D

we also sing, "WHO LET THE BUNNIES OUT?!" and (reserved for car trips) "Ridin' along in my automobile...my bunny beside me at the wheel..."

02-27-2002, 07:07 PM
Dear Zippie-Kat,

Sorry, dear, you've got it wrong. It's "Who let the CATs Out, Who?, Who?, Who?". For your information. In case anybody asks. ;) :p

"You are my sunshine, my furry sunshine" is the main hit in our house with thousands of variations on where they were when I woke up (laundry basket, climbin mini-blinds, snarfin kibble, etc.)

"Strangers in the Night" has never quite been the same since "... you furry treasure" got substituted in.

"Ain't She Sweet" is popular as is "Honey Bun" with substitutions -- now he/she's 16 inches vs. 60 inches high, and 'eleventy-one' vs. '101' pounds of fun.

All things considered, since I can't carry a tune, and adore singing it's a blessing my fur-babies are tolerant. :p :rolleyes: ;) :eek:

02-27-2002, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
".....my house, is a very very fine house - with four cats/six dogs in the yard, life used to be soooo hard - now every thing is easy..." well, sometimes, sometimes not - but better with my guys then without. Songs can just take me away and sometimes that's a blessing. I want to go away...I want to flyyyyy awayyyyyy.

Hey you are back on!!!:D Ok what is the name of that song? I have the tune in my head but I can't think of the words or who sings it and its driving me nuts.

02-28-2002, 06:13 AM
"Our house, is a very very very fine house..." Crosby Still Nash. "Flyyy awaaaay" Lenny Kravitz... I get tunes in my head that wont go away which is mostly OK unless it's something really stupid like Gilligan's Island:o or a commercial:rolleyes:

02-28-2002, 08:42 PM
Hehehehe Gilligans island...at least that's better then having the growing pains theme stuck in your head while at work...you should see the looks I get when I walk around a bookstore singing that.:D

Sara luvs her Tinky
02-28-2002, 08:43 PM
I made up a song for my Tinky it's really stupid and corny, it goes

I can't sing either, but she always looks at me so sweet when I sing it to her.

When I was little we had a rhodesion ridgeback who's name was Delta. I'm not sure of the name of the song, I think it is called Delta Dawn.............. but I would sing Delta Dog whats that flower you have on. I miss Delta he sure was an excellent dog. :)

02-28-2002, 10:08 PM
I don't think your question is stupid. I just sing to them no particular song I make it all up. I do it especially when they have done something good it gets them excited.

02-28-2002, 10:17 PM
Here I go with the age thing again :o but the song was Delta Dawn by Helen Reddy......"Delta Dawn what's that flower you have on?".....I remember it... in fact I think I have the album in my closet in a box!!! LOL!!!

I haven't found the right songs for Honey and Lilly yet....but I'll be letting you know when I do. :)

03-01-2002, 06:11 AM
Albums:rolleyes: Logan I thought I was the only one that still played albums :o my sons 15 year old stepson came over once with his buddy while I was listening to an old Henrix album and the boys got all excited:eek: cool :cool: your G'ma has Henrix on VINAL (vinal?) I felt like an old relic :D :D :o

03-01-2002, 06:20 AM
We made up a song for our dog too, and he always laughs when he hears it!! :) We can't decide if he likes the song or he's just laughing at us being idiots ;)

03-01-2002, 08:08 AM
I sing to Duncan in the car and squeeze his name in there as much as possible. Usually it's country songs...I don't know why, they just lend themselves well to singing to dogs I guess!

Logan, what about that song that goes....Honey, oh sugar sugar, you are my candy girl and you blah blah blah...I can't remember the rest! I'm going to go find out what it is though!!

Oh, and I LOVE N'Sync and I'm not afraid to say so!! That Justin is too cute! Oh, if I was only 10 years younger....
And 20 lbs thinner...

And could dance.....

And sing...

And looked like Britney....
Well you get the picture!!!;) :D

Here's one:

Honey you can have me
When you want me
You simply ask me to be there (a huh)
And you're the only one
Who makes me come running
Cause what you got
Is far beyond compare, ooh

Chorus: Mariah Carey

And it's just like honey
When your love comes over me (That's right)
Oh baby I've got a dependancy
Always strung out
For another taste of your honey (Uh huh)
When it rushes over me
You know sugar never ever was so sweet
And I'm dying for you
Crying for you
I adore you
Boy you know your love addected me
And I'm strung out on you, darling
Don't you see
Every night and day
I can hardly wait
For another taste of honey
Honey I can't describe
How good it feels inside (yeah, yeah)
Honey I can't describe
How good it feels inside

03-01-2002, 09:33 AM
I have tons of albums and even 45's!! And I still listen to them on occasion. :cool: