View Full Version : have you rescued an animal?

02-19-2002, 04:51 PM
I have! Her name is Hershey.:)

02-19-2002, 05:16 PM
Most of my pets were rescues, except for my betta fish, Bubble Boy, my cockatoo, Pica and my green cheek conure, Oliver.

Graham, my dog, was a rescue. All of my past hammies, guinea pigs and rats were rescues. 3 of my past birds were rescues. My yellow labbie (who's at the RB :( ) was a rescue. All of my cats were rescues. One cat that I rescued off a busy road, and from kids who were trying to scare her into the road was pregnant and so her and all of her 9 kittens were rescued.

I think I am going to be buying my first pedigree dog this summer, a golden retriever. I feel guilty not rescueing this time, but I have lots of plans for her and I want a well bred puppy who I can actually raise from puppyhood (Graham was nearly full grown when I adopted him and I was too young with my yellow labbie to remember what puppyhood is like)

02-19-2002, 06:13 PM
All of my animals with the exception of the fish are rescues.

In fact, I was looking into getting a rescue box turtle this week, but my living conditions aren't right for one right now. Hopefully when I get more settled in I can get one. I need to be in a place where I can have an outdoor pen. I had wanted to get one to keep indoors but read up on them and they thrive on being outside.

02-19-2002, 06:22 PM
All the pets I've ever had have been rescues but my baby, Leonardo, I had to rescue twice. He was about 10 days old when I found him outside my kitchen window, abandoned by his mother, yelling his head off. I adopted him and he grew and grew. When he was about 4 months old, one day there came an awful screetching from the kitchen. There he was dangling by his front left paw from the back of the refrigerator. :eek: He had crawled up on it an fallen behind it, getting his paw trapped in the coils. I unplugged the fridge while I tried to get him loose. Those coils can get pretty hot. He had his paw caught in such a way, that the only way I could see to get it loose was move the fridge; a task I can not do. The only thing to do was call the fire department to see if they could help us out. But what to do in the meantime? I couldn't leave him dangling, he would break his leg or paw. I got the idea to see if I could push him up so he could sit on the coils while I called for help. When I shoved him back behide the fridge, he turned his paw and popped out! What a relief! He had a sore leg for a few days but nothing worse. I was so relieved. He still will not get on top of the fridge almost 12 years later.

C.C.'s Mom
02-20-2002, 07:19 AM
My 2 cats are rescued from a private cat rescue organisation. My male cat Rudie has lived the first 3 years of his life in a shelter until he got rescued by us (nobody ever wanted him because he's so large and shy - but he bloomed after only 6 months). The girl cat Eddy came to live with us after she got Rudie's buddy in the shelter and I didn't want to split them up.

My dog isn't a rescue. I went to the local shelters a few times, but they were really strange and didn't want to give a dog except a so called fighting dog. (There have been many complaints about the shelters and the managements are changing now, but too late for us). I didn't want that, and so we got a pedigree Golden Retriever puppy because we knew her momma and loved her incredible nature and behavior. I don't feel bad about having a puppy who wasn't a shelter dog, because there are hardly any puppies in shelters here and we had cats with an attitude who needed a puppy to get used to.

02-20-2002, 08:01 AM
Almost all of my cats were/are rescues (except from one), they have either been found in the street or adopted from a shelter.

When I will finally be able to get a dog I will adopt him from a shelter.

I just couldn't have it any other way, there are far too many abandoned animals around.

02-20-2002, 08:52 AM
I suppose I could say that we've rescued Fister, he was born in our backyard and had a sister who someone else took. We managed to get him up after about a year and he has settled in nicely :D - but it took a looong time and a lot of patience. He still visits the yard but less and less. His mum died last Easter :( so there's only one other male cat left there. he's very old we think. He lives in his 5* hotel and get fed every day! :p Will try and get a picture of him soon -and of Fister and his mum! :)

03-19-2002, 01:11 PM
2 of my bunnies came from the rabbit sanctuary where I volunteer. Velvet was turned in because his "mom" was 8 yrs old...her father had just died and her mom was diagnosed with incurable cancer.
With all that trauma, can you image having to give up your beloved pet as well?!!! He is my most mellow bunny and mom #1 did a great job with him.
Emma came as well to the sanctuary and had been abandoned at least twice before I took her. Chocolate was on her way to the humane society when I ran interference and took her....her first mom was having baby #2 and the toddler was just a little too rough with her.
My last two I also consider rescues.....as I rescued them from the Pet Store. I know, I KNOW, I shouldn't buy anything from a P.S. but I saw
them and I just couldn't leave them there......

All five are delightful companions and proof positive that it does PAY to rescue animals.
These guys are my best friends and wonderful companions and I wouldn't trade any of them in for anything.

03-24-2002, 04:40 PM
I guess you could say little Puck was a rescue, though it was kind of our fault he needed rescuing...
When we first bought him, we didnt really know that much about caring for an African Pygmy Hedgehog.
I asked the people at the pet store if i needed to know any special care instructions, and they said no, they only told me what to feed him, etc...
What they didnt tell me is that if hedgies arent kept very warm, they go into unnatural hibernation resulting in death if not quickly treated.
Well, we live in eastern Canada, and it tends to be quite cold for half the year.
We werent the only ones who weren't told this, because every hedgie from pucks litter was returned exept our little guy, because they all didnt know what was wrong when the hedgies stopped eating and moving around, and we were the only ones willing to put in the extra effort of nursing him back to health (we also got him a great big heating pad for his tank)
He quickly recovered and now hes a very healthy, extremely adorable addition to our family, and we love him lots.

03-28-2002, 03:17 PM
I am a Wildlife Rescuer. I have been working with wildlife for over 7 years now, so I've probably saved thousands of animals by now. The summer is baby season and that's my favourite time of year. I have raised everything from Blue Jays to Screech Owls to skunks. Saving animals is the most rewarding thing in the world! Visit my web site for some cute pictures of both rescued wildlife and domestic pets.


Sara luvs her Tinky
03-28-2002, 03:28 PM
MY Tinky was rescued........ IT IS A GOOD FEELING ISN'T IT!!!:D

04-03-2002, 08:31 PM
I have a 10 year old little lady name Katie who is a female tabby. She was rescued from the S.P.C.A. when she was 11 months old the day before she was to be put to sleep because she had been there too long. Well we couldn't have that now could we. Katie has turned out to be one of the most affectionate and loving cats that i have ever owned.
Then there is my little Lhasa Apso named Buddy, who is about the age of 9 or 10, who was rescued off the street. I was only suppose to keep him for a few days until we could find the owner.
We posted fliers in the area he was found, put an ad in the paper and called the S.P.C.A. But no one came forward to claim him, i guess he must have been abandoned. That was 8 years ago. He is such a joy and the best little doggie anyone could have. He has the sweetest disposition and just loves everyone and is very sociable with other animals.
I also had a few more cats that i rescued off the street who have since passed on.

04-05-2002, 08:32 AM
I have rescued a 15 year old sun conure. Who was a former breeder. His name is Dakotah. Poor Dakotah is plucked from his former mate. Seperated now, and taming down we hope to offer Dakotah a life of leisure, and much spoiling!!! His website is at http://www.angelfire.com/va3/dakotahspage

04-12-2002, 12:50 PM
[COLOR=blue]I run an exotic animal rescue and wildlife rehabilitation center in Eugene Oregon. I am currently applying for non profit status through the IRS. I have many rescued animals.

My bengal cat Houdini I found in the playground with a family who had just bought her.The family knowing that Bengals are leopard hybrids mistakingly thought she was tougher than she really was.

I caught the family throwing the kitten up the kiddy slide just so they can watch her slide down. In all this she sufferd a contusion. I asked the poeple why they would ever do that to an animal and they just said they thought she was strong enough to withstand it. I asked if the kitten was theirs (which it was) but they lied and said that she didn't belong to them.
This was a purebred Bengal cat and show quality. I couldn't understand why someone would spend 3,000 dollars on an F2 Bengal and then abuse it like that. :mad: I scooped the cat up off the ground and took her home. I returned to the families house the next day and they confessed the cat was theirs. The lady admitted that she had gotten the kitten because it was considered an exotic and she just wanted something different.

The lady handed custody over to me along with the kittens papers and pedigree. She is very beutiful and has since become a grandma. I chose to breed her because I felt that I could improve the Bengal line through breeding her. She has been in 6 shows and has placed 4 times. her name is Houdini. I am not a profit breeder and no longer breed my Bengals. Houdinis daughter Cheetah just had a litter 7 weeks ago and that will be my last litter. All of my last litters (two) all went to family and I kept 3 of them. I fell in love with that type of cat and now I rescue them.

I just rescued 7 kittens from a backyard breeder. I also have a male up for adoption right now. He is such a charater. Don't get me wrong about breeding. I know what I am doing and not just breeding because I wanted my cat to have a chance to experience birth. I am not like that. I am supposed to get two more Bengal cats in tomorrow from the local Humane Society.

04-13-2002, 02:25 AM
We have four Sun Conures. Tango a 2 Year old Male. I have had him since his weaning. He is the love of my life. We also have a 8 month old disabled sun conure female named Baby Girl who has a splayed leg and loves to give KISSES. We also have a Five year old X Pet, that someone tried to turn into a breeder and it did not work out named Peanut. We are currently working on returning him to a Pet status and he is Semi tame. He does bite when you first get him out of the cage. After that he is sweet and will allow you to pet and handle him for short periods of time. However he is his own bird and likes the T Stand and to be talked to best. Then we have Dakotah a 15 year old X Breeder sun conure. Retired. He has a slightly plucked chest from his Jenday mate, and is now seperated from her. He will take Peanuts from your hand but is by no means a pet. We are dedicated to offering him the rest of his years at being spoilt and just kicking back and relaxing, he has done his bit already! I also am purchasing a female sun conure in Massachusetts that is a pet and she loves to dance, laugh and give kisses and hang with her human. Her name is Sunkist. We also have ferrets and several other birds. All the birds pics are up on this website www.angelfire.com/va3/tangospage go to the links at the bottom and enjoy!

04-13-2002, 11:45 AM
:cool: well , this may be not so important to everybody , but this morning I saved a caterpillar from being walked over by my husband !
:mad: No !!!! this is not meant as a joke !!
It is not because that animal is so small , that it doesn't have its value in our nature !!!
so please , eveybody , save any animal you can , no matter the size or kind , just do it !! Sure there is always a mummy happy for it !!:) :)

04-13-2002, 12:13 PM
Good for you, Lut! :D :D

Former User
04-13-2002, 12:17 PM
I guess I could say so. Casper and Kitty would have ended up in the shelter if someone didn't take them. I'm so glad we found them, and got a pair of precious and priceless cats, whom we love VERY much!

04-14-2002, 12:47 PM
Oh that is so cool about the catepillar. I would have done the same thing. My bf makes fun of me because I save earthworms form getting drowned after a rain storm. I keep praying mantises also. They are starting to come out so I will catch some and breed them. They usually live til September but I keep mine alive all the way to January the next year. I love those things. I keep them in a huge outdoor cage where they can fly around and eat all the moths and bugs they can find. I buy crickets literally in the thousands. For some reason I name them all Prangy.

04-15-2002, 01:45 PM
Here's a pic of my latest rescues. These are 11 rats that I rescued from behind a refridgerator at the local petstore that I used to work at. The mother had gotten loose and had a litter of 12 rats, but one was stillborn. I took the babies home to handrear them since the mother had been out awhile and was pretty unhealthy. I fed them with a syringe and then two days later took them over to my friends house whos rat just weaned a litter. It was perfect.
I can't believe I kept them alive though. They were only 2 days old and needed to be fed every hour. And to think that there was 11 of them. I didn't get much sleep those 2 days with the rats and a four month old son. I kept them warm using a heating pad on the lowest setting.

And don't worry I didn't place them directly on top, the heating pad was placed under the nest that they were in.
The foster mommy took to them like they were her own and in a couple days the babies were noticably healthier. Their fur was shinier, they weren't as floppy, and they were filling out in their middle.
When I first got them they had mites and I had to get all the mites off of them because they were sucking the life out of them. Now mite free and in new homes as of yesterday I am very proud of them. ;)
I had to keep one for myself though. A little american irish slate. She is a sweetie.:)

04-15-2002, 09:14 PM
Awwwwwwww! The little rats are soooooo cute! I'm glad you found them!


Flower Power
04-16-2002, 09:35 PM
All my animals are rescued.... Devon and Jaz are from the Doberman rescue, Tiddler and Moonshine are from a cat rescue, and Flower and Disco are from the Equine Rescue League! I worked as a volunteer at the Equine Rescue League (in VA) for over 4 years - it was a wonderful experience.

Can't forget my rescued pets who are no longer with me: Hannibal and Sable (horses); Cleopatra, Gabrielle, Pandora, and Saxon (rats); Khol and Spade (dogs).

PS - Visit Flower's site (http://www.equinebiz.com/FlowerPower), it is all about horse abuse and what to do about it!

Flower's Pet of the Day spot: http://petoftheday.com/archive/1999/April/13.html

I love reading about all the people who care enough to share their homes with animals in need! :)

04-16-2002, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by Flower Power
All my animals are rescued.... Devon and Jaz are from the Doberman rescue, Tiddler and Moonshine are from a cat rescue, and Flower and Disco are from the Equine Rescue League! I worked as a volunteer at the Equine Rescue League (in VA) for over 4 years - it was a wonderful experience.

Can't forget my rescued pets who are no longer with me: Hannibal and Sable (horses); Cleopatra, Gabrielle, Pandora, and Saxon (rats); Khol and Spade (dogs).

PS - Visit Flower's site (http://www.equinebiz.com/FlowerPower), it is all about horse abuse and what to do about it!

Flower's Pet of the Day spot: http://petoftheday.com/archive/1999/April/13.html

I love reading about all the people who care enough to share their homes with animals in need! :)

WELCOME! I just visited Flower's site--had to tell you what a kick I got out of the descriptions of the 'riding disciplines!' How true are those?! lol It's wonderful to have another horse lover on board!!!

04-17-2002, 12:36 PM
Sadie and Cincy are not rescues in the sense that we got them from a shelter or rescue group, but in a way they were.

We got Sadie from a the brother of a friend of a friend. (Say that quickly!) Her mom, patches (a dalmation), was owned by his neighbor. He had mention that if the guy ever wanted to get rid of patches, he would take her and find her a good home. Well, the guy took him up on it, saying he didn't like the way the dal was acting. Turns out how she was "acting" was pregnant! His black lab had out her in that position and he didn't want to deal with it, so he was going to put her down. Thankfully the guy we got her from took her in and took excellent care of her. She had a little of 11 adorable black puppies, some, like Sadie, with white chests and feet. He kept them in his garage, with heat (they were born Oct. 25) We were not sure about the timing of getting Sadie because we had just got married when we found out about her. But after we got back from our honeymoon we went to see her and she just took to me like you wouldn't belive. I actually held her little brother first, and he was a sweet dog, but when I took Sadie in my arms, and she cuddled up inside my coat and started licking my face, I knew I had to have her. The hardest thing we did was walk away at that time, "reserving" her, allowong her to stay with mom two more weeks until she was 8 weeks old.

Cincy was a different situation. we had been thinking about getting a second dog and my mom was eager to help. She called on Sturday and said there were free lab mixes in the paper down in Findlay (about an hour south of here) I called the lady and talked to her a little and at that time asked her if we decided to take one of the pups could we leave it there 2 more weeks until she was 8 weeks. well, she said they could probally work something out and we went down the next day to see the puppies. we took Sadie along, but she was more interested in the kitty then the puppies (sorry Sadie, no cats, mommie is allergic!) well, I was having a hard time deciding, they were all so cute (there were 4 left) I thought Cincy seemed to have a good personality that would mix with Sadie (the other puppies seemd more aggresive/adventerous) and since Sadie is so submissive I didn't want her to be uncomfortable. Plus, something else was drawing me to this little runt. I knew we had to take her home that day, that these people were not watching out for her well being and she might not survive 2 more weeks (They had already taken "momma" back in the house and the puppies were outisde alone in a chicken coop-type structure.
n the way home, Ralph found a tick in Cincy's ear. She had a horribly bloated belly and although we don't kow what caused it, within a day of being with us it looked 100% better. Cincy has had 2 eye surgeries, warts in her mouth and bouts of flu like symptoms. She has recovered from all these and is a happy, healthy, 6 1/2 month old puppy. I have no doubt we were meant to take her home, to make sure is properly taken care of.

Sorry my stories about my "rescue " dogs got so wordy!!!

04-17-2002, 12:45 PM
both of our dogs are rescued from the local shelter. Katie we got 3 years ago and shyla we got 10 weeks ago.
they have been a great addition to our family.
wouldnt change them for the world.


04-22-2002, 04:04 PM
I have rescued two animals. Tango and Snoopy. They came from an animal shelter. Snoopy was abused by young children in his previous home and Tango was neglected because he was a energetic puppy. They are both fine now and the most spoiled dogs in the world.

Sam's My Baby
04-23-2002, 07:43 PM
I guess you could say my muscovy duck, Scruffy was rescued because I had picked him up from a farm, and if I hadn't got him, he would have been someone's dinner by now:( He is 4 years old this year, and I hope that I will spend many more years with him in the future.:)

04-25-2002, 02:31 PM
I've also rescued an animal....I found my cat when we were moving.(I was 1)...I still have her too!

Hey Sam's My Baby, how is your gerbil doing?;)

Sam's My Baby
04-26-2002, 01:58 PM
Hey Gepansy!!!! Sams doing great! Hows oreo? I miss hearing about that cutie! Got any new pics of him???:D :D

05-07-2002, 01:50 AM
Hello everyone. I have rescued a couple of animals in my life. The most recent was 2 Indian ringneck parakeets. They are mother and daughter. The mother is about 15 years old. We only know this because of the band on her leg. The band is from India and is no longer allowed in this country. They stopped importing more than 12 years ago. She( Olivia) was a wild caught. She must have been a breeder and who ever had her before kept one of her babies. I now have her as well, Katlin is about 5 or 6 maybe we don't know for sure. The man I got them from was just taking care of them until his friend got out of the hospital. Well, his friend didn't come back. When I answered the ad and went to pick them up they were both in a cage the size for a regular parakeet. I don't know if you have ever seen and Indian ringneck before but they are the size of a large conure. I felt so bad, Olivia has never let us touch her and she screams when I have to towel her to take her anywhere. We have not clipped her wings. We allow her to fly in our room as mush as she wants and is never caged. I feel she has been in slavery way too long. She will enjoy the rest of her years just doing her own thing. Now Katlin is a little different:) She allows us to pet her. That is as far as it goes with her. I am thankful for that. Katlin has had her share of problems mentally from being caged the way she was. She has pulled out all her wing feathers, and tail feathers. She can not fly at all. She looks like a little chicken.:( I am forever pulling blood feathers out of her. I just hope that they will both someday feel comfortable enough to call this home and start to relax. :)

05-13-2002, 07:55 PM
All my 7 cats are rescues. I have a 13 year old Maine Coon that I just rescued a month ago, a Sphynx rescued from a breeder along with 6 others. MooShoo and his cousin Pixel are the only survivors. Then there's Shorty (a beautiful calico munchkin who spent the first year of her life in a cage because of a breeder), an American Curl named Carly the Curly Girl, and a tortie named Mollie Rose who just turned 8 yesterday (yes we had a Fancy Feast Party) and Casey, who turned 7 on Easter Sunday. I'll try to post pictures soon.

10-24-2002, 04:33 PM
I dont know if you would call getting my hammie from my school for free a rescue
but i luv him anyway!!

10-25-2002, 11:38 AM
My husband and I just adopted a dog from an SPCA organization. We're bringing her home tomorrow. The SPCA rescued her 6 months ago from a shelter so that she would not be killed. She had been picked up from an elderly lady who had too many pets and couldn't afford to feed them all. She and the other animals were all malnurished when they were picked up by the shelter, but she looks great now. Her name is Susie and it took a while for her to get adopted because she's not used to personal attention. She's very friendly with other dogs but a little stand-offish around poeple. Even we spent a couple of hours with her before deciding to adopt her. I think she'll come around quickly. After the two hours, we had to leave her in her crate for a while to sign the papers. When we came back to say good-bye, she actually wagged her tail and looked interested in us because she recognized us. I can't wait to make her a part of our family. She's our only child so far.

Desert Arabian
10-27-2002, 08:52 PM
We (my family) rescued our cat Dudley, and Skittles, Oreo and Nugget (rats), from becoming snake food. When/if I get a dog, when I move out, I refuse to buy my dog from a breeder, I am going to the pound to rescue my pooch.

11-01-2002, 08:13 PM
All my cats were rescues. I was doing TNR (trap-neuter-release) for cats, and out of the 7 I trapped, 3 have become part of the family. The other 2 cats in my avatar where also homeless, but I didn't trap them . . . they just wandered on over. I consider Lizette (not pictured in avatar) semi-family. When I released her she chose to stick around the house. Untouchable, but she knows we will feed her every day.

11-03-2002, 03:54 AM
Between 1985-1999 we rescued/adopted/took in over 30 dogs...some (strays that we took in) eventually went on to forever homes (we took them to the vet, got to know their personalities and found them forever homes with people we knew or the friends and family of people we knew) but before a sudden move to OH from TX in 9/99 we had 6 permanent dogs living with us (they were placed with family and friends and we still get updates on them all). The only pet we had that moved with us was a Missisippi Map turtle who has been with us since 8/95 and for 14 mos. LT was our only pet.

Since 11/00 (we bought our 1st home in 6/00), however we have adopted or rescued......

3 dogs (Buckeye....an 8yo Black Lab w/us since 11/00, Sassie...a 19 mo. old Black Lab with us since 11/01 & Daisy (a 9mo. old Beagle/? mix w/us since June)

50 guinea pigs (38 currently living with us....1 died from cancer, 1 after a stroke and 1 from unknown causes and the others from old age) between 4/01-6/02 (1 of my girls, Momma Copper, was POTD last month),

& 6 African Pygmy hedgehogs. Our 1st 2 girls (Tiggy & Winkle) came to us in June from a friend who moved from a large house to an apt. and had to place most of her pets in new homes, our next 3 (2 boys named D'Artagnan & Porthos/1 girl named Glori-Rose) came to us in Aug. from a hedgehog rescue (1 was owner surrendered to the rescue, the girl was given to the rescue by a breeder since she was born minus her right front foot & could not be bred and the other was actually bought by the rescuer because of a feeling she had.....that he was meant to go to someone else) & our last girl (Gwenyver Fiona..or Gweny-Fi, said Gwenna-Fee... for short) came to us from the same friend we got the 1st two girls from (she visited us...until then our friendship was an online friendship and saw how well the girls were being cared for and the 1 girl she had lept was obviously missing her "sisters" so she felt she would be better off here & she arrived in Sept.).

On 11/10 2 more hedgies, Zevida Avigail (Zev'Avi or Zev for short)and Vanya Jelena (or Van'Je...said almost Vonnie with an h sound) will be coming here to live. Zevida was owner surrendered from a family in IN (we live in OH) who had gotten her in 11/01 for their son who wanted a HAMSTER (still trying to figure out how you can confuse hamster with hedgehog) and he burst in to tears when he saw her. She is 2-4 years old and has never been held without gloves (they came with her), 9 days ago she got her 1st bath in AT LEAST a year, her nails have not been trimmed in AT LEAST a year (well...they were trimmed yesterday.....), she was being fed table scraps (which included bacon, pork chops, fried chicken and french fries and who knows what else) & she has never had a wheel. She has...mites, is overweight, has ear fungus that was so bad it had to be trimmed with scissors before medication could be started & her feet are so damaged she may never walk correctly for the rest of her life (because of her nails). She was picked up by a wonderful woman (Lori) on Friday.....she is who runs the rescue we adopted our 3 hedgies from in August (you may have seen my little guy D'Artagnan last month...he was POTD on 10/9). When Lori emailed me to let me know she had to go to IN on Thurs. she asked me if I would adopt a little girl she had there at her rescue. Of course I said yes...we have to go to her house to pick up Zevida so bringing home 2 is not an issue. Vanya is under a year old and was bought from a breeder (the same one Glori and Porthos came from) for a little girl. The family decided she wasn't quite what they wanted and gave her back to the breeder (who btw is well respected in the hedgehog community..she's one of the good ones) who in turn gave her to Lori, to find a loving home for her.

In December Little Bit (who we THINK is a girl...and if LB IS a girl her name will be Rivka Azahra or Riv'a which is said like the 1st part of river and uh at the end) will be coming to live with us. A friend bought a female hedgie from a pet store and 2 weeks later SURPRISE....baby LB arrived (she heard the 1st chirps on 10/15 but we aren't sure of LB's exact bday). She asked me on Wed. if we would take LB in when she is 6 weeks old and of course I said yes. They live close to us so I have been able to visit LB and have even held her a few times already (mom trusts me).

It's a house full but...we wouldn't have it any other way! The dogs rule the house but mainly stay in the living room and ALL of the other animals live IN our living room (which is thankfully HUGE!).

11-03-2002, 06:14 PM
Lets see- what have I rescued?

April 5th 2002- I found a Brontosaurus in my backyard, he was hiding under the pine trees, and I lured him out with a piece of parsley. I named him Brutus.

June 16th 2002- I rescued an Ameoba from my science lab. I let him go in the tolilet and told him to be free.

July 04,2002- We were on vacation in South Carolina. We were on the beach, and I found a beached Blue Whale. I shoved it back into the sea, before I realized it was my mom. So, I had to rescue her twice.

Yup, I've rescued a lot of critters!

11-04-2002, 03:09 AM
All 4 of my bunnies were rescued. You can find such wonderful animals there, that I really wished more people would adopt from rescue places or SCPA's. The only bunny I got from a pet store was Josephine, pictured in her tunnel. She passed away 3 weeks ago. She was a treasure who i had the pleasure of living with for 7 years. She had an amputed front leg and recently became paralyzed in her back legs. No need to say, she couldn't really get around. I gave her tons of attention, love and many different types of food (she loved food so much). She died in my arms.

11-29-2002, 10:53 AM
I have been rescueing reptiles for quite sometime... Currently We have Myrtle a 47 yr old eastern Box turtle... who has been with me for well over 13 yrs now, His Friend Alice a 43 yr old female Eastern Box Turtle who was rescued from a pet mill, Audrey our Finch who was attacked by a cat, and Grizelda(Griz for short) who is a Blind Green Iguana that we recently adopted from half way across the country.

Beyond what we currently have, I have rehabbed many turtles, birds and other fuzzies who were able to go back into the wild... As well as some reptile rescues that are sadly missed... after long battles with infections, Metabolic Bone Disease and a score of other problems from thier previous poor care. Oh and I forgot to mention nearly 100 chickens, geese, swans, ducks, a goat, a turkey, a pony, a pair of peacocks, a pair of Emus, 30 some dogs, a cat, 5 hermit crabs, a tank of fish and a toad... I think I have done a good bit of work... but I never feel as though I have done enough... so many still die.

I like to think they had fulfilling, happy lives, spoiled beyond that of most children.