View Full Version : The things people do to their dogs!

Heather Wallace
02-16-2002, 09:38 AM
Look at this!

Meet terry my mum's dog. It was taken at Christmas.

just look at what they have done to the poor thing!

Does anyone else torture their poor dogs like this?

02-16-2002, 09:59 AM
Yes Heather, I am afraid I am guilty. I will usually dress Perry and Daisy in something which goes with the holiday. I think they dread seeing the ole camera come out. Perry loves to have his picture taken and Daisy hates it, but us Moms love to dress our kids up. LOL

02-16-2002, 10:00 AM
He looks cute and I think he likes it!!!!:D

02-16-2002, 10:20 AM
I am also guilty. Graham's so good about being dressed up that I just can't resist.

Cute poodle with some great big antlers :)

Here's Graham in his Halloween Doodle Bug outfit:

02-16-2002, 11:13 AM
Wow that's one cool looking bug:D I can honestly say that I've never dressed my dogs up...mainly because they won't let me. I did however get them christmas collers, would that count as dressing up?

02-16-2002, 12:12 PM
Dressing up and "Looking at Mama" is Louie's only trick.:rolleyes: :o He does it well.... that and BARK.

AdoreMyDogs - Graham is cute as a BUG!!

;) :D

02-16-2002, 12:34 PM

How did I know this was about dressing up your dog? I don't torture Sadie for long but to me it's just so cute! She definitely hates anything on her head so antlers on xmas last as long as a picture. Your mother's dog is a good sport, those antlers are bigger than the dog!

This halloween was special, Sadie wore one of my old tutus's from when I took ballet. (Friends and family just roll their eyes at me.)

PS Graham is adorable, was that costume made for him? it's a perfect fit!


Heather Wallace
02-16-2002, 12:36 PM
Yes Crikit, christmas collars are just as sad as dressing your dog up.

My mum also done that to poor terry at xmas. he had jingle bells on his collar, when he walked they jingled.

Former User
02-16-2002, 01:23 PM
Nice pics everyone :) I never dressed my dog (now at RB), I once tried to put a hat on him and he made sure he didn't like it (the hat was in million pices:D ) and I didn't try it after that.
I know some dogs don't mind being dressed.

Jackie, your dogs always look so adorable in their holiday costumes!! I love those pics you post of them!

02-16-2002, 01:51 PM
Heather!!! LOL!! Terry looks absolutely adorable!! What a good sport!

I have kitties, and I don't know how they would tolerate being "dressed up". lol! Momma might end up being torn to shreds, lol!

I have to say, though, that I think it's awfully cute to see pics like Terry's. Jackie sent pics of her pups for Christmas, and all of my friends wanted to know, "Who's the Santa Schnauzer???" Of course, Mr. Dom Perignon looked quite dapper in his Santa outfit, and he charmed the socks off of my friends. LOL!

It's all in good fun and I believe, if you pets will tolerate it, then why not? I think it shows that your pet trusts you unconditionally when (s)he allows you to do this. Terry seems to be enjoying the spotlight! :D

May I ask you to please give Terry a few kissies from me? What a cutie!!!

Graham is another one of my favorites...just look at that cute little pup/bug face! heehee! :D

Golden Smiles
02-16-2002, 02:13 PM
:D That is too cute!! I got those same antlers on sale at Pets mart after Christmas!! I will be putting them on Mocha, my toy apricot poodle next year!! Why not, we do it to our non fur kids too, right?? If my sons would let me, I'd still have them in Oshgosh overalls!! LOL thanks for sharing! And by the way, that is the frst time I ever saw the name Terry for a pet!! :) Terri and gang!:D

02-16-2002, 03:17 PM
Im also soo guilty, Hannah is so easy going and willing to do anything that she doesn't mind me dressing her up. Soo I do :D


I also have pics of her in baby cloths and scuba gear and ..... but I can't find them ?

Copper won't let me dress him up :( he just isn't use to things like that yet.

02-16-2002, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Heather Wallace
My mum also done that to poor terry at xmas. he had jingle bells on his collar, when he walked they jingled.

Oh well my collars aren't that bad, Smudges had candy canes on it and Winters had pictures of lights on them. I couldn't get away with the bells because they would drive my crazy and Winter would try to eat or attack them...she has this thing for shiny objects on Smudge and herself. She's like a doggie klepto :rolleyes:

02-16-2002, 05:47 PM
We don't dress up either, but we do try to get in the holiday spirit at Halloween and Christmas by doing seasonal collars and leashes. Honey is notorious for yanking whatever collar Lilly is wearing, right off her neck though....poor baby! :(

Heather Wallace
02-16-2002, 07:20 PM
Thanks everyone for your replies it has been quite good fun, I don't usually post of the dog section, usually the pet and cat section.

My cats don't like to be dressed up. I try putting my glasses on them but as you can imagine then are a bit unhappy with the situation.

Here is a photo of my bunnies, I put one of their chewing rings over one of their ears.

Heather Wallace
02-16-2002, 07:24 PM
sorry everyone, here is that photo, I forgot to attach it

02-16-2002, 07:46 PM

Thanks for posting this very fun topic !!!

My dog Buddy (Shep/Husky) is a "no-frills"
kind of dog and would never willingly let me
dress him in anything. I always enjoy the pics
of animals 'dressed up' & am thankful that the
animals overlook this human frailty. LOL.