View Full Version : Feed Back on some Dog Grooming Produts.

Chris J
02-11-2002, 02:20 PM
I brush and brush Holly and it doesn't seems to work.
What do you all thing of the 2 products links below. Do they work?





02-11-2002, 05:07 PM
Sorry, I've never heard of either product. It would be interesting to see what results others here have had with them.

02-11-2002, 05:39 PM
I have never used any product like this and I would be very wary of them - regardless of whether they work or not.
If your dog is really shedding more than is natural then there is a nutrition, health or hormone problem. If it is natural ..... why mess with it?

I have a G.R. and believe me I know about hair around the house!
In the UK this year we have had such a mild winter - windy and very very wet (94 severe flood warnings around the country tonight!), but mild - that Paddy hasn't coated up as much as normal. But the lengthening daylight hours have still triggered some shedding in excess of the normal daily quota.

Try this regime once a day - brush all the coat from tail towards the head, do the back, then one side, turn and do the other side, then get the dog to sit and brush against the coat on its chest.
Start again along the back but from head to tail now with a fine toothed comb. Go through each side and the chest.
Again start with the back and brush again, from head to tail - both sides and front. Then use a hound glove to finish.
It sounds long winded but with a little practice takes around ten minutes a day. It will get most hair out in one session a day and reduce the overall sheddiness of the house - it also ensures that nothing is missed.
In heavy shedding I do it in the morning and it helps me relax in the evening too.

02-11-2002, 05:44 PM
Forgot to say that the combing stage is the bit that needs a little practice - lie the comb with the teeth going in the direction of hair growth so it is flat against the dogs coat. Only angle it enough to get through all the hair. The comb is then at an angle of around 20 - 35 degrees, depending on coat, not at 90.