View Full Version : SPCA of Dallas stealing animals?

06-04-2005, 05:42 PM
Hi guys,

Did any of you see the special on 20/20 last night about the SPCA of Dallas raiding peoples homes and taking thier animals for no valid reason?

It made me cry to see the owners suffer the loss of thier pets. In most of the cases they were not able to get them back. ABC had an undercover vet act as a cameraman during one of these "raids" and he attested that none of the animals were in bad condition... some were actually a little overwieght.

They were trying to prove that this particular SPCA was trying to get animals this way in order to sell them to keep that facility open and to pay for the directors 80K salary.

When it first started to air I really thought that they were joking.

For more about it:

06-04-2005, 06:14 PM
Now that's sad and scary. :(