View Full Version : Sorry I need to VENT

06-03-2005, 06:39 AM
Ok here is the deal my sister in law has a new Boyfriend and all of a suddon her dogs mean nothing to her. Two of them are kept outside in kennels so I always say hi to them everytime I take my dogs out so yesterday afternoon I noticed that there water was low and I just thought that they drank alot WELL...this morning while I was taking my guys out she came out to feed them and guess what she didnt do GIVE THEM FRESH WATER:eek: I have not said anything to her yet but I defonatly plan to. So i gave them clean water and in one of the bowls I found a dead wasp how would she have liked to drink that or have that in her water. Just because you have a new BF doesnt mean that your RESPONSIBILITIES sease to exist! If she doesnt want to take care of the PROPERLY I feel she should find homes for all of them. am I wrong to belive that these dogs deserve better!

Thank you all for listening to my rambeling.

Pawsitive Thinking
06-03-2005, 06:41 AM
The dogs are lucky to have you looking out for them! She needs talking to!!!!!

06-03-2005, 07:31 AM
Brody's mom is right. The dogs are lucky to have you around. Some people's common sense floats right out the window when they *fall in love." *sigh*

By the way, I was trying to meet up with you last week on the boardwalk in Ocean City. You can check out the thread in Dog General (Barks on the Boards). Maybe we can still find a meeting place this summer. They are opening a dog park in Ocean City soon. :)

06-03-2005, 07:52 AM
I just don't understand how someone can let that happen. Poor dogs. If her boyfriend means that much to her, maybe she should find the dogs a good home where they wouldn't be neglected.

06-03-2005, 10:09 AM
no - you are absolutely right to be upset with her - Good thing YOU are around to take care of her dogs when she slacks off!

Especially if the dogs are outside alot - they have more opportunity to get dehydrated, and LOTS of water is essential, year -round.

We used to have a neighbor who kept their German Shoirhair, Max, outside all the time. They were teachers and were gone all day. Max would either step in his water bowl or drink it all - and I would often lower a bucket of fresh water over the fence to him. Even if they HAVE water - Fresh, COOL water is as delightful to them as it is to us on a hot day!

I have no idea how old you and your sister are - But I have an (almost) 15 yr old son. It's my job to feed and water the pets in the morning ( he's getting off to school) but it's HIS duty in the evening.

It's a BIG thing to me to have LOTS of clean, FRESH water for our pets - esp in the summer. I encourage them to drink alot, and they do - because we have a dog door to a fenced run outside and they can 'go' outside whenever they want. We keep a bucketfull outside in the summer (the 'old' water gets dumped on the garden and gets refreshed often) and two large bowls in the house. I really believe that good quality food and lots of water and not having to 'hold it' all day were large contributors to my first goldens having such long and healthy lives.

I have to ride Jon about his responsibilities sometimes - he is, after all, a teeneager and ADD to boot. He definately LOVES the animals and is really good with them. However, Because WE are responsible for them, and they CAN'T fend for themselves - I try to drill in his head that he must watch over and take care of them FIRST before himself. It's not that hard to fill a dish - and I've been known to take his dinner, drink, snack, TV or whatever - AWAY from him, until he takes care of the dog and cat, FIRST!

maybe you should try stealing your sisters meals until she feeds HER pets? LOL!


06-03-2005, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by Pam
Brody's mom is right. The dogs are lucky to have you around. Some people's common sense floats right out the window when they *fall in love." *sigh*

No kidding..

06-03-2005, 11:25 AM
Brody's mom is right.