View Full Version : I hate this =(

06-03-2005, 12:45 AM
The other night I had a dream that I was camping. I'm not sure exactly where I was, but it was in the evening and I saw a dog. It came running up to me and it was Freckles. I was sooooo happy and excited and had no idea how she found me. Then, of course, I woke up and realized it had all been a dream. I cried for about 2 hours straight. I was so happy in my dream. I really wish it had been real. Since then I have been a horrible wreck. Last night at work I was so irritated and I couldn't think straight. I was closing and kept messing up counting the money because I couldn't stop thinking of that dream. There was a point where I stopped and just tried telling myself to calm down so I wouldn't cry in front of the girl I work with. :( Sorry but I just needed to vent. I have been so sad since she went missing. I have had her since she was only 5 weeks old, and I miss her so much. :(

06-03-2005, 02:05 AM
wow... thats horrible. :( I really can't imagine what you're going through, I don't know what I'd do if my dog was lost. I'm so sorry, Cass, you are doing your best to find her!

I read the other post about your friend possibly giving her away or knowing what happened to her :mad:... wow.... if she were my friend, I would lose her in a second. It sucks soo much that so many bad people do these things to you (your Chi and Freckles!). I've heard of a lot of people that have found their dogs months after losing them, please don't give up hope and keep being strong! I'm sure Freckles is safe, and just waiting to come home.. I really am praying that she can be back with her family soon.

06-03-2005, 05:51 AM
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by luckies4me ... I saw a dog. It came running up to me and it was Freckles. I was sooooo happy and excited and had no idea how she found me. end quote
freckles came back to you in this dream to let you know she's all right, i truly believe this. after angel duke passed to the bridge, i felt very sad; he wasn't with me, snoring away in the bedroom. one night i dreamed of a golden, swimming in a lake , when the dog came out of the lake, i saw the face and it was duke, i knew he was happy and healthy again. i cried a bit when i woke up, but i know he'd 'came back' to see me. i think freckles did the same for you. crying from pain from your loss is normal, your grief is real. www.petloss.com, www.rainbowbridge.com are excellent resources to talk to other people about how they are dealing with their loss. you can also PM me to talk. ((gentle hugs)) joyce

06-03-2005, 06:04 AM
I am at a loss as to what to say or do to make you feel better,,, everything short of finding sweet Freckles will just not be enuff..... I cannot imagine the agony you are going thru and I feel so badly foryou and Freckles.... Please dont lose that flicker of hope,, miracles can and have happened in the past,,, perhaps it will happen for you.

I will light a candle for Freckles today and pray you find eachother soon.
Lorraine O

06-03-2005, 07:27 AM
Oh my Cass I'm sorry but I didn't even know sweet Freckles girl was missing. I don't know how I missed that between here & lj. I just tried to look back on here & couldn't find any posts about it. I feel for you I really do.

My furry critters & I are all sending tons of good thoughts your way for a safe return of that cutie.

Come home Freckles!

06-03-2005, 09:00 AM
I'm so sorry... I hope you find her.
She is certainly thinking about you.

06-03-2005, 09:57 AM
Awww Cass, I'm really sorry. I know how hard that was for you.
I had a dog his name was Kato. He was a sher-pei pit bull mix. That dog was the love of my life. Him and I had such a connection and bond with each other. He came up missing one day.:( We are pretty sure someone stole him. I thought I was going to die when I lost that dog. I still cry over him.

I had a dream one night that I found him in the back of a pickup at the grocery store. It was so real. I woke up and realized it was just a dream. It was awful. So, I know how you feel. I really am sorry Cass.:(

06-03-2005, 02:01 PM
I hope she comes back soon :(

06-03-2005, 02:59 PM
Is there ANYTHING else I can do to try and find her? I was thinking of driving to my friends one day without telling her, maybe parking the car down the street to see if they take her for a walk or something? Or knocking on the door so she doesn't know I am coming.

What about radio stations and the news? How would I go about doing this? This is the ad I had out, tell me if it is OK. I get paid today so was going to run an ad in the local paper. Though I'm not sure when it would come out.

"Reward! Lost/Stolen dog!

It has been three weeks since my precious dog Freckles has gone missing while in the care of a friend of mine. She is a black lab mix, blue merle and a very sweet, social dog. She loves everyone, and gets along well with other dogs as well as cats. She would most likely run up to anyone, and I know she would. If anyone has seen a dog that fits this description please let me know!!! She is around 45 pounds and was wearing a black nylon collar. You can see a photo of her here: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y180/luckies4mee/Picture116.jpg and here: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y180/luckies4mee/Picture118.jpg

There is a HEFTY reward! I am trying to do everything I can in my power to find my girl again. Please, if anyone has seen her or knows where she might be let me know!"


06-03-2005, 03:21 PM
Your friend lost him....
some friend...
I would be furious.

06-03-2005, 03:24 PM
Post signs in your friends neighbourhood that way if someone sees her they can call you. Call radio stations as well. Also go door to door with someone not by yourself. Maybe try your friends neighbours they will know if Freckles has been around.

06-03-2005, 04:29 PM
oh cass im so sorry:( this must be so hard for you.
I think you should go to your friends,like you suggested.Mabye take a walk around you friends neighborhood to see if anyone took Freckles.

06-06-2005, 02:17 PM

I just found that website. I've heard good things about the guy, but it does cost $75 for unlimited consultations/questions.... might be a little bit expensive.

The ad looks good!! I REALLY hope someone replies! I would use the 2nd picture, the 1st picture isnt too clear. Checking around your *ex*friends house is also a good idea... :rolleyes: just how she sounds, I wouldn't be suprised if she stole Freckles for her kid or whatever.

06-06-2005, 03:40 PM
I don't know a whole lot about it, I can't find previous threads. I don't know what you have already done.

But I agree, I'd take someone with you & go to your friends neighbors or your friends unexpected & see.

You can hang up flyers in most stores, gas stations, vet offices, street poles etc...

Call ALL area vets, humane societies, kennels, police etc...

Some papers will allow lost pet adds for FREE!

I think that add is a good one. As far as flyers go post a pic of freckles right on it.

I would not use the 1st pic though, they may get confused & think that your moms dog is the one missing as she is more visable than freckles.

Sending the best of thoughts for a safe return of Freckles!

06-06-2005, 05:39 PM
I think you should contact that dog detective and see what he can do, I dont know about the prices in from UK and I would say get someone else to go to your friends house so she cant hide the dog if she see's you at the door, would she bark at the door? If your dog has a lovely nature theres every chance of her being with her for the kid, sorry about the dream that must of been terrible :(

06-06-2005, 06:32 PM
Well, hi Cassandra, its funny, that is my name as well, I go by cassie though. I can only imagine your pain. My dog has been through cancer twice, being trapped and sent to the pound without us knowing and being badly abused while I could do nothing to stop it. I LOVE my girl dearly, though she no longer lives with me, I see her and talk to my mom about her often. If she was ever stolen/lost, I woukd go to the moon and back to find her. I REALLY HOPE Freckles finds a way back to you, and if someone did steal her, I hope they get an a clue and remember just how happy you and freckles were together. There really isn't any legal way to get the dog back, court would never hold up, but I think maybe getting a friend of famikly member to come with you and go door to door, asking neighbors if they have seen the dog, would be great, not every neighbor pays attention, but most do and most likely would be a great help. U can never feel that same pain, closest I have gotten to it is my mom gave my other dog away while I was out of town...she gave it away Thanksgiving Day 2002, but that is nothing like this, I hope you find a way to Cope, and I SO hope Freckles and you are reunited! Good Luck and never give up!
Cassie and Lilly, you are in our hopes, prayers and wishes