View Full Version : What fun we had yesterday!

06-02-2005, 09:13 AM
We all (the dogs and I) took a trip down to see Robin yesterday.
I took the dogs to get groomed while Robin and I went out for lunch and did a little lite shopping. We really had a nice time.
Afterwards we went to pick up the kiddies and oh my they had fallen in love with my Bon boy at the groomers (doesn't surprise me a bit;)). Said she would take him in trade...uh nope, don't think so!

Anyway when we got to Robin's we let them all out to play together, even Katie! They all really got along very well. I took a few pictures and a couple of videos that I want to share. Robin and Alden were so proud that their Katie girl was playing so nice:D It was quite a happy site to see!
The pictures aren't the best, but the video is great!

Everyone under the tree
Tori, Bon and right behind Bon is Katie (he's so big you almost can't see her!)
Katie and Bon face to face
The pretty miss Katie and her lovely mommy

This first video they are all just wondering around the yard together. Just nice to see them all out there at the same time.

more to come!

06-02-2005, 09:19 AM
Bon all tired out
My pretty girl
And Huney Bunny

Here's a video of them playing with the rope toy

06-02-2005, 09:21 AM
And one last video, this one is the cutest because Bon and Katie are jumping!

Hope you enjoyed our day!!!

06-02-2005, 09:35 AM
Cute pictures and videos! How cool that Katie could come out and play nice too!! :)

Lolly is running around barking and looking for the dogs right now, haha.

06-02-2005, 10:11 AM
I know how happy it makes Robin to see her girl having fun with other pups. I get so excited seeing her play nice.
Great pictures an Videos, come on slacker Robin.. where's your's?

Now all three of mine are barking at the door (still) because they think you guys are here with a bunch of dogs. :rolleyes:

06-02-2005, 03:15 PM
I love seeing all your dogs!

06-02-2005, 03:49 PM
What a great bunch of pictures, and I especially enjoyed the videos. Boy Bon and Katie were really going there! What did the neighbors think of all those dogs? LOL! Looked like lots of fun, I am jealous!

Dixieland Dancer
06-02-2005, 03:52 PM
Great Videos! The last one was precious.... the other two (Roxie and Tori) looked like they wanted some of the fun Bon and Katie were having! :D Thanks for sharing!

06-02-2005, 04:00 PM
It's good to see all of them together! :) It looks like y'all had a great day! Thanks for sharing with us! :D My dogs went nuts at the videos, too. :p

06-02-2005, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Now all three of mine are barking at the door (still) because they think you guys are here with a bunch of dogs. :rolleyes:
LOL! When I came home last night and watched the videos all 3 of them were running around look, but I couldn't figure out what for...it was just them making all the noise:rolleyes: :D
They do the same thing every time I play one of those videos too:o

06-02-2005, 04:36 PM
Hey, give me a break Kay! I had to work this morning and am just now getting my pics on here...lol :p . I didn't take very many though and they didn't turn out to well.

I had a great day with Anna and the furkids! I always love it when we get to spend the day together. I hope Anna still feels the same way...LOL. After thinking about her actual day here in my city she might decide to not come back...LOL. Anna is just being her super sweet self and not saying much about the whole day. I mean it just wasn't her day! Lets see the biggest most important thing is that the groomer did a terrible, rotten, horrible job:mad:!! Ugh! I'll have to let Anna tell you all the details on that one. It was awful and I hope she gets some kind of compensation for it. Then we went to have some lunch and she ordered a cajun bacon burger without onions. They bring her a cheeseburger with onions and no bacon. They did bring her a new burger but she was pretty certain there was nothing cajun about it...lol. Hmmm, what else..oh YES...she also had to hang out by herself while Alden and I listened to a window sales rep who was at our house FOREVER (we did buy new windows though and the guy even offered Anna a tshirt ;)). Uhhh, her hostess (that would be me) had her drinking out of a dirty glass :o :o :o . Another thing is that Katie was not so good. She roughed up our sweet Huney :o :rolleyes: (still upset about that one and can't talk about it:o ) Oh what else can I think of..oh yea...we went to the Dairy Queen and they didn't put sprinkles on her MOOLatte!!!!:mad: :mad:

Holy Smokes! Do you think you will ever come back, Anna? I sure hope so!

LOL..ok I have some pics coming up in the next post!

06-02-2005, 04:49 PM
A goofy looking Tori and a happy looking Huney

Roxey and Katie playing tug of war

Bon in motion

Checking each other out! Katie and Roxey both have some raised hackles going on but all was ok.Plus Katie seems be giving Bon the evil eye letting him know he better behave himself

Anna is surrounded!

Big Bon!

The ever so stunning Roxey!

Can someone tell me why Tori is allowed to get away with all the biting and tugging on Katie?!
Pulling on her neck and face
Biting her leg

Thats all! :D

06-02-2005, 04:57 PM
Good pictures Robin (if only I weren't in them!). That one of Katie looking at Bon is great, you can see in her eyes she means business!
And why you ask is Tori allowed to get away with pulling and tugging? Well because she loves her little sister silly:p

06-02-2005, 05:13 PM
great ohio dawggies, anna & robin!! :D

everytime I see pet site dogs playing around, I wish my crayola'd have this sooo much fun too! :( someday!!! :D

thanks again :)

06-02-2005, 08:20 PM
Really nice pictures and videos! All 5 pups are so adorable! Looks like they had fun! :)

06-02-2005, 08:39 PM
Great pics you two. I love seeing all of your furkids. Bon, wow, he is huge. He would trample all over me, lol.

06-02-2005, 08:54 PM
Very nice pics!! Looks like you all had lots of fun (despite what Robin mentioned) ;), I am sure Anna enjoyed being with you and the puppers :) !! :)

BTW, Harlee is still barking (after the video), wondering who the heck is barking in her house at 9:50 at night! LOL!! :) I had to close the curtain to the glass door she was sitting in front of, b/c she saw her reflection and, i think, thought it was "those barking dogs she heard" ;) Great videos!!


06-02-2005, 08:59 PM
I loved both videos. Robin almost got knocked over.
I got a kick out of Katie smelling the pole and Bon comes
by and pees on it.
That must be his pee pole.

06-02-2005, 10:04 PM
Great pics Anna & Robin.:) Will check out the vids later when home. Work only has dial-up.:rolleyes:

06-02-2005, 11:01 PM
wonderful pictures Robin! Poor Anna, hope she recoups ;) cause it sure looks like this crew will want to have another play date soon!