View Full Version : Look what I found in my backyard...

PJ's Mom
05-26-2005, 09:34 AM

Her name is Missy and she lives in the house behind us.


I guess she's a poodle. I wish I could've taken some better pictures, but I couldn't keep up with her. I've never seen anything that hyper in my life! :eek: :D

This is how she got into my yard.



That's her sister Riley trying to make the great escape, too. She's just a little too big to fit through the hole. :D

Unfortunately these dogs don't get a whole lot of attention. They spend most of their time alone, outside. At least they have each other. :(

My son just took Missy home. They didn't even know she was gone.


PJ's Mom
05-26-2005, 09:35 AM
For good measure here are a couple of pics of Peej and Bailey taken about 15 minutes ago. ;)


Bailey sniffing something.

That's it. :)

05-26-2005, 09:40 AM
Cute little dog! My neighbors have a chocolate lab and a border collie. I dont know why they even have the dogs!:( They give them no attention what so ever. We pet them and give them treats as much as we can. I feel so sorry for them. Why own dogs if your going to throw them outside and ignore them?:mad:

Peej and Bailey are beautiful as always!:D

05-26-2005, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom

My son just took Missy home. They didn't even know she was gone.

This makes me so sad and angry at the same time. Poor little Missy looks like she could use a bit of a grooming, although doesn't even get in the ballpark when compared to how horrible my Ripley was when I first saw him. I think she was coming to get in on the lovin' that your dogs get. I love Peej's haircut and cute little tail. Cute picture of Bailey sniffing too. Mine would have wound up rolling in that sniffy odor probably. LOL!

PS - Ripley says Missy is a cutie pie, disheveled or not! ;)

05-26-2005, 10:52 AM
we have neighbors just like that. they have 2 dogs, a dalmation and a min pin. they always get out and walk in the middle of the street. they dont even care that their dogs have almost been rolled over on multiple occasions. and the sad part is that they just recently got a little weenie dog puppy. he is getting out too. one day, they are going to look out their window and find one of their dogs dead on the road. maybe then they will learn.

05-26-2005, 03:32 PM
I can't understand how someone could neglect or mistreat an animal. When I was about 10, a dog in our neighborhood used to run away all the time. Most of us knew that she was badly abused (beaten, etc.). Shortly after we found this out, we "stole" her. Word got around the her owners that we had her, but they waited a year and a half before they ever called and asked for her back. Luckily, we had since moved out of the neighborhood and told them that we no longer had her (of course, we still did though). She was the BEST dog. She died 7-8 yrs. ago, but I know that her time with us was very happy. I still miss her though...I don't expect I'll ever get over that.

Suki Wingy
05-26-2005, 03:36 PM
I'm glad he didn't get into the street! DalmatiAns are NOT dogs to be left outside, infact, there are multiple reasons why they are about the worst breed of dog to leave in your backyard, that is so sad.

05-26-2005, 05:11 PM
Aww what an adorable little girl!!! Look at Riley's face...too cute! People shouldn't get dogs if they don't want to give them the love and attention they need...grrr!

05-26-2005, 05:25 PM
Aww, he looks like my RB poodle Pepper. I can't imagine a little poodle having to live outdoors. :(

I LOVE that second picture of Peej!!! What an adorable picture.

PJ's Mom
05-26-2005, 10:54 PM
Both dogs were back in my yard today. My kids took them home after I let them in the house to get a drink and a treat. The kids were home, and never realized both dogs had been gone for over 30 minutes! *sigh* Poor girls. :(

05-26-2005, 10:56 PM
Poor babies...:( Maybe you can convince the neighbors to let you have them :D

PJ's Mom
05-26-2005, 11:04 PM
I think they'd run me ragged. :D

They're both sweet dogs, but have had no training at all. The bright side is that you can tell they love each other very much. :)

05-27-2005, 08:32 AM
Peejie your looking very handsome today :)

What a cute little puppy! Even though shes not taken care of ((looks like she needs to be groomed)) she *does* look very happy :) I imagine she and her sister truely do love each other and look out for each other :)

PJ's Mom
05-28-2005, 01:38 AM
The two dogs have apparently been left alone, outside for who knows how long. It's 1:40am now and they're barking like crazy. I hope the people didn't go off for a long Memorial Day weekend and leave them home alone. :(

05-28-2005, 05:51 AM
Awww, I feel so bad for these pups. I'm at least glad that it is your yard that they keeping making their way into. So sad that they aren't given much attention.

PJ and Bailey are adorable as always! Glad I got to see them.

Robin :)

PJ's Mom
05-28-2005, 09:14 PM
They're back again. :( No one is home and they were running around in the street. :(

Pics to come later....

Ginger's Mom
05-28-2005, 09:50 PM
I missed several posts. I didn't realize that they had been out all night last night. And now they are running around in the street?!? :( :mad: Those poor girls. Are you going to put them in your yard? Obvious they can get out of their yard. Are the people home? It's just not fair. And if anyone else were to take them they would have to go together. They apparently only have each other for comfort and company. :( :mad: How long have they had those dogs? Those poor little girls.:(

05-28-2005, 10:04 PM
aww i love pj's new hair cut :)

PJ's Mom
05-29-2005, 12:48 AM
Thanks, Jynelle. :) it took us a really long time to get used to it.

Originally posted by Ginger's Mom
I missed several posts. I didn't realize that they had been out all night last night. And now they are running around in the street?!? :( :mad: Those poor girls. Are you going to put them in your yard? Obvious they can get out of their yard. Are the people home? It's just not fair. And if anyone else were to take them they would have to go together. They apparently only have each other for comfort and company. :( :mad: How long have they had those dogs? Those poor little girls.:(

I don't know when/if the people showed up at all last night. The dogs were barking for a long time.

I let them in the house tonight and they had access to the yard. Their people didn't show up until after 11:00. The dogs had been out for over 3 hours.

Pics in the next post.

PJ's Mom
05-29-2005, 12:52 AM
Ok, pics. First Missy, the poodle. In this pic, it's hard to tell whcih is the front end and which is the back end because she needs a grooming so badly. She had tons of stickers in her fur. :(


Here's the front! ;)


Happy girl.

I've never met a dog so submissive and high strung as this dog. It takes her awhile to trust, but she's a sweetheart.

Riley in the next post.

PJ's Mom
05-29-2005, 12:55 AM
Can someone tell me what kind of dog Riley is. I'm not good with breeds. :rolleyes:

Sweet girl.





last one.

More pics in one last post. :o

PJ's Mom
05-29-2005, 12:57 AM
Peej and Bailey!

Handsome boy!


Pretty Baiwee. ;)


That's it. Sorry for so many. :o

05-29-2005, 01:29 AM
aw, you are awesome to take them in!! I can't believe their "owners" just leave them in the insecure backyard day and night :( poor pups! Maybe you could offer to find them a new home?. . or give them tips and advice about the care of dogs?

Theyre adorrable! I know my Grandmother would DIE for that poodle :p my Mom too!! The second girl is gorgeous, I loove her, she looks like a Toy Fox Terrier to me :). . Bailey and Peej are adorable too! It looks like they love having friends over.

Ginger's Mom
05-29-2005, 05:18 AM
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I don't know which to thank you for first. Taking in those two sweet little girls and keeping them safe and happy, putting up pictures of them, or putting up pictures of that handsome Peej and pretty Bailey. It's a good thing Peej and Bailey are such good natured dogs that they are willing to share their home with two more dogs. What did the owners say when they returned home? Are they at least going to get their fence fixed? Thank you again for looking out for those two little sweeties.

05-29-2005, 08:08 AM
Oh this is breaking my heart!! Reading about Missy and the stickers in her fur reminds me again of Ripley when I first saw him. He had those little sticker balls that fall out of the trees all in his tummy. I know when he laid down it had to hurt something awful. I am so glad they at least keep escaping to a dog friendly home. The other cutie pie does look like a toy fox terrier to me as well. My aunt used to have two of them, Tippy and Tinker and it was a riot to watch their antics. :) Thank you for caring for these two.

I just noticed that at least the humans care enough to put collars and tags on them. Ripley showed up at the shelter with only one of those old fashioned white flea collars on him. I didn't even know they made them any more. For me it worked out - no collar and tags - no one to contact and in 8 days he became mine. :) :) :) :) :)

05-29-2005, 08:18 AM
My neighbors (in the back) have a tiny Yorkshire Terrier. They do not have a fenced yard but I do. They are very good about supervising her but once in a while she slips away from them. The cutest thing is she is smart enough to come all the way around to my front door (since she can't get into our back yard because of the fence). This last time she had a heavy chain leash attached to her collar - a tactic used to keep her from going to far, but the little bitty thing had dragged it all the way to get to my front door. She loves Hannah and Tucker and I guess this was her way of saying. Can they come out to play?

Your neighbor's dogs are so darling. Good they know where to come rather than taking off. I'd say that Riley might be a Rat Terrier. I just hate to see any little dogs left outside for any length of time. They really don't have the means to protect themselves from wild creatures or so many other mishaps.

Great pictures of PJ and Bailey. I too like PJ's new groom. :)

05-29-2005, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by Jadapit
Cute little dog! My neighbors have a chocolate lab and a border collie. I dont know why they even have the dogs!:( They give them no attention what so ever. We pet them and give them treats as much as we can. I feel so sorry for them. Why own dogs if your going to throw them outside and ignore them?:mad:

Peej and Bailey are beautiful as always!:D


I agree 110% with what RobiLee is saying. For goodness sake, If you have a dog, please take care of it, like you would your own skin-kids!

PeeJ and Baily are just darling, (as always!):D ;)

And Missy and Riley! Just love em!
I'd have to say that Riley is eathier a Rat Terrier cross, or a Parson Russel Terrier cross. Hope this helps.

PJ's Mom
05-29-2005, 01:40 PM
Riley kept going outside, looking at her house and crying. :( Something good is happening there, I guess. They little dogs were very hungry and thirsty. They do know how to sit, but that's about all.

We'll see how long it is before they get out again. I'm wondering if they would be better off at the shelter where they can find a new home. :(

05-29-2005, 02:08 PM
They show up at your house to get what they need at home...just a little love...thank God for you Dawn...:)

PEEJ and BAILEY are just as adorable as ever. PEEJ's furcut turned out pretty nice...she has such yummy looking fur. Is it as soft as it looks? :p

05-29-2005, 02:43 PM
Next time they take a wander, drop them off at the shelter. Maybe after their owners have to pay the fine one or twice, they will think about leaving the dogs out alone for long periods.

Buddy Blaze Lover
05-29-2005, 06:37 PM
Aw, what a cute little doggy!!:D

05-29-2005, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom

Oh, Peej, you get cuter and cuter everytime i see u!

Miss Jessica