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View Full Version : Do You Carry a Photo of Your Pet in your Wallet?

02-19-2001, 07:00 AM
I probably have almost as many photos of my pets in my wallet (living, as well as at the Rainbow Bridge) as humans. I even have my pets' pictures on my desk at work. Of course I have my human kids there too! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Pam (edited February 19, 2001).]

02-19-2001, 10:12 AM
Never thought to put photos of my pets in my wallet. But I will now!

Daisy's Mom
02-19-2001, 11:40 PM
At my age, I do not need to carry around a wallet yet. I do, however, have my school bag with me quite often! And it's full of pictures of Daisy that I show to everyone, many times over. They are probably getting sick of seeing her pretty little hound face but I could look at them over and over again... actually, I do http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/wink.gif My favorite picture in the world is in my school bag collection; I would love to get it scanned and put it on here. As some of you know, my father has ALS (AKA Lou Gherig's disease), and he and Daisy have a very special bond. I have a picture of him sitting on our porch with Daisy two years ago, before he was in a wheelchair. She was just a little hyper puppy and never wanted to stand still for pictures, but my dad and her sat there on the porch together for hours, the only movement between them was my dad petting her. It just really shows the love between them! I am getting it copied, blown up, and framed for his birthday in April, and I will try to get in on a CD so I can show it to you guys. I also have to show the one of her sleeping in her leather armchair (spoiled dog? I think so), and the one where she's all tucked in in by bed... this could go on forever http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif Ah, what I would give to be as photogenic as my dog!

02-20-2001, 07:38 AM
I am just like Daisy's Mom .. I dont carry a wallet but i carry my school bag. I think people at school have gotton sick of seeing Simba's cute face but everytime they do se it they awwww... I think my fav. pic would have to be when we dressed him up for Christmas in Christmas lights and bows and a buch of christms decorations and then we plugged the lights in... if i ever do get a scanner will scan it and show it to you all... I have a wall in my room with tyons of picture of friends and family and i think simba take up half of that wall... maybey even more.... My father says i take to many pictures of him but i cant help catching the cute face in a picture!!!!


02-21-2001, 01:53 PM
I not only carry photos of my pets: 1 sable Sheltie, 1 white american standard persian & 1 tuxedo cat...all females by the way. I have their photos on my work desk too...

02-21-2001, 03:07 PM
I don't have anyone's picture in my wallet unfortunately, not even my own human girl! But, on my work desk, which has an cabinet above it for storage, pictures of my pets, my friends pets, your pets, etc. are posted. Actually, the only Pet
Talk picture I have is Karen Israel's, Cody, who I got in a Christmas card. But, Honey, Lilly, Mimi and Butter are there, along with Dexter, my little rescue friend, who is not so little anymore.

02-21-2001, 04:45 PM
Daisys Mom:
Could you scan the photo from your school? I'm sure everyone would love to see the photo of your Dad and Daisy, they must be very close, just as you are with Daisy. She is a very special dog and has lots of love to give. We had a Bassett many years ago and his name was Charlie. He was so cute, when the moon was full, he would howl to the whole neighborhood. Everyone loved him.

03-04-2001, 11:21 AM
I haven't thought of putting pictures of my anaimals in my purse, I just might have to know.

Snoodle Poodle
03-26-2001, 04:54 PM
If any one still looks at this.....
I dont carry any photos of my pets possibly because thats 8 cats 1 dog and 1 bird. I dont know but I should because I constantly like to show off my pets http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif