View Full Version : Proud of my Friends (Attacked Puppy Rescue)

01-22-2005, 01:12 AM
My friend called me on Thursday to tell me that someone brought in a puppy to her work (She works for a vet specialist office as a tech, they are only specialists, no standard appointments or visits) that had been attacked by a Pit Bull and a Rottie. :( The pup was the new addition to this family and the owners had never seen thier original two act in this way before.

Turns out, the surgery would cost over $4000 to correct, and the dog wouldn't have full use of her leg. They elected to put the pup down because of the cost. :(

My friend wouldn't let them do it. So, she called our mutual friend, who just bought in to a clinic to see if she'd do an ampuation and then we'd all keep our eyes open for a home for this little girl.

I'm happy to say the surgery was a success! They did it today and now she's resting comfortably.

:) I'm so proud of my friends! They all saw she's utterly adorable and HUGE! She's a pit/rottie mix and they say she's very sweet. I'm sure someone will take her soon... :)

01-22-2005, 06:21 AM
How wonderful of your friends!!

Best luck little sweetheart, for a quick recovery and a wonderful home!

01-23-2005, 01:25 PM
Kelly, what wonderful friends you have. How is the "little" girl doing now?

01-23-2005, 02:20 PM
Just read this - what wonderful people! :D
Hope the pup is doing well and on it's way to a forever home!

01-26-2005, 10:01 AM
Keep us posted, as you can, Kelly. I hope the little girl will find a wonderful new home. Kudos to your friend, too!!!! :)

01-26-2005, 10:19 AM
that's awsome! i hope she finds a new home soon.:D