View Full Version : My sweet Mooka has joined his sister, Sox

12-21-2004, 04:23 PM
Hi Friends,
I had a foster home arranged for 2 of the 7 kittens that were born on my porch and I took them to my vet today to have them tested and to get their first round of shots. But little Mooka was too sick and had to be put to sleep. His sister, Tigger, did, however, go to a foster home. I have the feeling that he may end up keeping her, though. She's disease free.

Mooka was my little buddy; he came when he was called and his tail wagged just like a puppy. He was quite rambunctious but very sweet and I feel so sad that he'll never know what it's like to go to a good, warm, loving, permanent home.

So now I still have a sister, brother, the moms and the tom to find homes for. A local farm told me that, if I can't place them, that they could be barn cats there. He feeds his barn cats and gives them fresh cow's milk. I don't want to do that but they're feral and getting wilder every day, so I don't think I have much of a chance of placing them. If I weren't on this deadline for moving house, it might be different. But the final push comes day after tomorrow, so I'm running out of time.

Fraidy Cat and Star Kitty have found a permanent home. The same man who took Tigger has them and I know what kind of care he gives his cats, so I feel good about that, except that Star is really afraid and won't come out from under the bed. She did for me today, though, so I'm going to stop by again tomorrow and work w/her some more.

I also took one of the kittens and another gentleman took one, too. This has been the most hectic and joyful and sad month, all rolled into one. Some cats found homes, some passed over, some are in foster care. But I've been trying to place these babies for months w/little success, so I guess I have to accept that the Universe is watching and all is well.

Thanx for listening yet again and, if you don't hear from me for a while, it's because I'm moving house and won't have access to the computer.

Blessings to all and happy holidays,

12-21-2004, 06:50 PM
I'm so so sorry that this has happened just before Christmas. My heart goes out to you. RIP little Mooka and play happily in the sweet grasses of the Rainbow Bridge.

12-22-2004, 07:39 AM
M, I am so sorry. Boy this has not been a very good month for you. Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Mooka, play hard over the Rainbow Bridge.

12-22-2004, 08:19 AM
Wearetoo sorry,to hear abot Mooka,as he,like my Roadblock,deserved a Furr Ever Home! Now,he has one,with the Pet Talker Angels,and has food,friends and love.

12-22-2004, 11:29 AM
I'm so sorry about sweet little Mooka. Atleast now he is happy and healthy in heaven, making many new friends. I will be sure light a candle for you both.

I think it's very sweet that you're so devoted to finding good homes for all the kitties. God bless you.

RIP Mooka.