View Full Version : To JC, Bella & Charlie.... An Apology

12-07-2004, 09:12 PM
I'm sorry because I'm sure you don't want anything to do with me ever again but I am hoping that Charlie is on the mend and I havn't been able to stop thinking about how badly you must feel. I sent you an email and didn't hear back from you so I was hoping you might reply here to update everyone on Charlie. I feel terrible for anything I said that was hurtfull or judgemental. It was not necessary and was not helpfull in any way. I wish now I had just given my sympathy and good wishes for Charlie and you and Bella to heal and find peace but I didn't. I can't change what has been said but hope one day you will be able to forgive anything I said that caused you more pain. I have considered quitting PT and may still. If ever I felt like an intruder or outsider it's now after reading a post that the new people were changing PT from the way it used to be and they wanted it back the way it was. Well I guess there really isn't much left to say so I'll sign off and wish you all well thought's.

12-07-2004, 09:16 PM
Oh Deb!

You have no said or done anything wrong whatsoever.
You're a great addition to Pet Talk, and one of the sweetest.
Please do not ever think of leaving.

12-07-2004, 09:21 PM
Deb, please PLEASE don't leave PT!

You're a wonderful addition and PT just wouldn't be the same without you. You have done nothing wrong, you just stated your opinion as did many others so there is no need to feel horrible and like you're not wanted.

12-07-2004, 09:25 PM
I agree, your a GREAT addition to PT, and it would not be the same at all without you!!

I have already told you how much I admire you for expressing your opinions even though you are new, and you did it in a very nice and understanding way, and you weren't the least bit judgemental.

Please don't think of leaving!! I would go through Monty & Kiki withdrawl!!! ;)

12-07-2004, 09:32 PM
oh please don't leave. you said what you thought needed to be said and that's what these boards are for.

12-07-2004, 10:11 PM
I'm pretty new here, too, and I've learned alot on this site. I think sometimes our opinions get taken as "advice" or judgements when we respond - that happened to me a month or so ago and I, too, felt like quitting because people posted quotes out of context and made me sound like a...well, something not very nice. It's bound to happen over hot topics. All I can say is that what gets posted should be taken with a grain of salt - some people post topics for discussion and others just need support. I feel really sad over the whole Charlie thing - the situation and the ruckus on PT. I hope NO ONE quits over this. I hope to continue to hear about Charlie and Bella, and Monty and KiKi

12-07-2004, 10:33 PM
Please don't leave! This will all blow over. We'd miss seeing your rotties and you. People get upset about things on here and so they voice their opinions. That's no reason to leave. Please reconsider!

12-07-2004, 10:36 PM
Here is a private message I just got. I will not say who sent it for obvious reasons but I am posting it because it just didn't sit well with me. I came on and wrote an apology....how am I starting anything.... I give up....you can't please everyone all the time. My aplogy was not meant to cause trouble but to say I was sorry for any pain I added to what they already had. Nothing more, nothing less.:confused:

Your thread
JCs computer is broken right now, so odds are she won't see your post. I think maybe you should just send her a PM (she'll get it eventually) and delete the thread so the whole sitation doesn't start over again. If you want me to tell her something for you I can give her a message.

I don't think I have ever met this person, I could be wrong.