View Full Version : Fister's Journey - The great bedroom drama

11-29-2004, 12:19 PM
Things are pretty quiet in the Fister household at the moment. He's over 8 years old now and we've had him over 7 years, so he's usually a pretty laid back cool old guy, and satisfied with his lot. But suddenly one day an unexpected problem turned up!

THE PROBLEM. (It's even got a remote control!)

The good old days when it all was HIS bed!

In Fisters world, life follows it's normal lazy pattern and there are rarely any dramas nowadays. A typical day seems to consist of 1/2 hour eating, 1/2 hour washing, 2 hours gazing out of windows, 2 hours quality time with his humans, and about 19 hours of sleeping. (Plus of course periodic complaints and comments on our behavior!)

Anything you can do I can do better!

But recently something happened which REALLY upset him. We had finally decided to get the new expensive luxury beds that we had discussed for so long. We knew this would give Fister problems as I had insisted on an adjustable bed, resulting in his very favorite spot between our pillows disappearing due to the gap between the beds. And on top of that, his favorite night time sleeping spot under my bed disappeared. He was, to put it mildly, not amused!

Please, put those mattresses back on, I need them for cover!

I was lucky on the day they came to set up the beds, I managed to creep up on Fister in his window and quickly bundle him into the bathroom before he realised what was happening. Then his temperament began to show, and he started getting very restless. He doesn't like any interference in his peaceful days, and dislikes anybody else being in the flat at all really, though he will just about tolerate it. So two workmen, new beds and a lot of moving about made him very nervous. I foolishly went into the bathroom to try and console him, but he obviously thought that it was time for the dreaded "House of Cages" and he really freaked out, so I had to leave him alone.

When the deed was done, I let him out again and sat back to study his reactions.
After looking nervously around and making sure that everything was OK in the living room, he went racing into the bedroom and jumped up on the new beds. Incredibly enough, he didn't even notice the difference, even if they are considerably higher! After that, he retired again to his favorite window sill as if nothing had happened.

It's just not the same anymore

Later in the evening when we retired to the bedroom, he followed as usual, but stopped in front of the bed as if he had hit a brick wall when he finally realized what had happened. He was aghast! Absolutely flabbergasted! WHAT IS GOING ON HERE! Where had the gap under the bed gone? Where was his favorite hidey hole? He instantly went on full alert, sniffing carefully around and trying to work out what on earth had happened. First one side, then the other, again and again, he just could not believe his own eyes.
So that night, for the first time in years, we had no Fister in bed to purr us to sleep. He was extremely offended and went off in a big sulk and slept in his armchair. How COULD we do this to him? The rest of the next day he completely ignored the bed, even though he normally spends most of the day sleeping on it.

The next night, he came cautiously up to the bed and sat staring at me for a long time, then finally plucked up courage and jumped up with us. It was only then that he realized the full extent of the catastrophe. What had happened to his sleeping spot between our pillows? The most important place in his universe. The gap between the beds meant that he couldn't chill out there, and it also interfered with his favorite parade ground between us, where he would often march proudly backwards and forwards before settling down to sleep. It was altogether a CALAMITY. It was just not good enough, a disaster, an affront to his pride. So, for the second night he retired, offended, to his faithful armchair.
The next evening, plucking up courage, he noticed the triangular gap that appears when the bed is up, and being a curious beast, he just HAD to crawl in and check out the mechanism of course. This worried me a bit, so I'm always careful to check where he is before I lower it again, we don't want him squashed in there with the electric motors and stuff all night!

I might as well accept it I suppose, at least it's still comfortable

Things are fine again now, the humming of the electric motor doesn't send him scuttling off anymore, he just regards it with a disdainful stare, and sometimes even seems to enjoy being lifted up by it.
It does mean that he won't spread himself out between our pillows now though, so we don't get so many purring concertos to send us to sleep, but at least he seems to have got used to the new situation. The gap is still a bit of a problem, he keeps treading in it and nearly falling over, and he has found it necessary to sleep halfway up on Randis pillow now, so poor Randi has had to move over and surrender even more of her pillow space!

But I'm sure we'll all get used to it, we usually do in the end.

How could you do this to someone like ME!

11-29-2004, 12:32 PM
Aw, poor Fister! How COULD they?
You have such a shocked look on your sweet face!
You can move in with me. I don't like change much either. Of course, you would have 3 brothers and a sister to deal with!

Chin up, Fister! You may learn to like the new bed!:D

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-29-2004, 12:32 PM
Oh you poor Fister boy, how could your humans do this to you, he?? Didn't they know that the old bed was not only theirs, but yours as well :rolleyes: :eek: . And no hiding hole anymore either??? Oh my, my cats would be offended too! They LOVE to get under the bed, and purr happily... .
Cannot you find a reasonable compromise? Like getting UNDER the covers, and sleep ON top of your humans belly?? It is soft too, Maya can tell ;)
Good luck to you, big boy; I hope things get better soon!
Hey, how about trying John's pillow for a change ;) :)

Edwina's Secretary
11-29-2004, 12:33 PM
Dear Fister,

What a traumatic story! We hope you have punished them appropriately and extracted revenge.

It is only right after what they did to you....all in the interest of THEIR comfort!

Imagine....we were moved half way across the country....

Selfish humans...

We feel your pain.....

Edwina and Eddie

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-29-2004, 12:51 PM
:D :D

Love the part where he at first jumped up on it like no problem, then later realized what had happened. :D

It's so good to see you again Fister, and hear about all your daily traumas. Sometimes those humans are just too much, aren't they? :D

11-29-2004, 12:52 PM
Fister, I think Randi and John need to stock some shrimps for the period you're "still upset" ;) I think only a good shrimp every now and then could ease the pain :)

11-29-2004, 01:18 PM
Fister, you poor thing! Don't your hoomans know its your bed??

I'm glad you found the next best thing, your meowmie's pillow. ;)

**hee hee, great story, John!**

11-29-2004, 01:29 PM
Oh my poor Fister. Life's changes are something that happens on regular basis. :)

11-29-2004, 01:54 PM
:D Oh Fister ... I'm glad to see you are finally adjusting!;)

11-29-2004, 02:16 PM
Fister --

We feels your pain. We plan on holding out for shrimp ... just because. We recommend this HIGHLY. It should help you, too.

Purrs and headbumpies,
Cassy and Livvy

Killearn Kitties
11-29-2004, 02:47 PM
We had finally decided to get the new expensive luxury beds that we had discussed for so long.

But was Fister involved in those discussions??! Perhaps Fister needs better representation! He is far too adorable and handsome a boy to be taken for granted in this manner!

11-29-2004, 03:05 PM
Oh, poor poor Fister!!! Luna and Lily can really sympathize with you, and this bed room story almost broke their heart!

How rude of your humans to put your favorite sleeping and hiding place away, and replace them with such a thing! You must feel as if your little kitty world has been fallen apart!

Kirsten & the girls

11-29-2004, 05:23 PM

Is this the face of Happy?? No it isn't!!
This is one very unhappy usurped feline, who wishes his man and maid servant had thought to discuss the bedroom changes with him first.
They go barging into buying new beds - without a by your leave or may I. Is a furry chap warned - NO! All of a sudden his whole world is thrown out of kilter and when he does indulge in a little sulking - he's ignored!!

I think it's going to be shrimp or salmon at the very least John - good luck!!


11-29-2004, 09:02 PM
Actually, in that picture, poor Fister looks traumatized.

The nerve of some people eh sweetie.:eek:

I think it is going to take a lot of shrimp to get any forgiveness out of this fella.

11-30-2004, 03:05 AM
Now I understand why Fister didn't come over for such a long time- you have that bed now for months but he refused strictly to give you and interview:D

If you don't care about the boss of your household I hope anyway YOUR back is better by the new high tech bed:D

I love how Fister shows his little tongue and teeth in so many pics- he's sooooo handsome:)

11-30-2004, 08:42 AM
Oh Fister, that sound like it came straight from the pages of "All My 9 Lives" (the cat Soap Opera) I'm sure all the kitties are biting their nails on this cliffhanger of a story - will you get used to it? Will you find a new hidey hole? Oh my! Such suspense and drama! You are a good boy to accept it so quickly... kisses to you sweet Fister!

11-30-2004, 09:20 AM
pssst, Fister * heh heh heh * Wanna get back? Find that remote thingy and when they're asleep JUMP UP AND DOWN ON IT Boing, boing boing. That should teach them..

11-30-2004, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
pssst, Fister * heh heh heh * Wanna get back? Find that remote thingy and when they're asleep JUMP UP AND DOWN ON IT Boing, boing boing. That should teach them..


Cinder & Smoke
11-30-2004, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by lbaker

* heh heh heh *
Find that remote thingy ~
Boing, boing boing.




The Couple, FOLDED in Half and Trapped in their Fancie New Bed;
were found after da Kat's Food Bowl ran emptee -
and he began YEEowling at the apartment door.


12-01-2004, 09:08 AM
WOWEE WOIW! Does Fister,ever have a Great BED!

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-01-2004, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by lbaker
pssst, Fister * heh heh heh * Wanna get back? Find that remote thingy and when they're asleep JUMP UP AND DOWN ON IT Boing, boing boing. That should teach them..

Woohoohoo, I've never laughed that hard in my whole life!!!

12-01-2004, 10:41 AM
We would just like to point out in our own defense that the new bed situation isn't quite as disastrous as Fister would like you all to believe. He is at this moment sleeping soundly in HIS new bed, and seems to have got used to it already. He's back to his old habits of stomping around on me, and we've had the pleasure of participating in his good night purring again too. The space under Randi's part of the bed has also now been accepted as a reasonable swap for his old haunt.

The proof of the pudding is in the sleeping!

… and - PLEASE - no more smart ideas with that remote control, I hate to think what would happen if he worked that one out. I'm more than thin enough already! :eek:

12-01-2004, 10:49 AM
ahhhhhhh......Finally the satisfaction of a Fisterory sinks in. What a tramautic story! You poor, poor feline.:D

12-01-2004, 06:24 PM
what a great story.......what wonderful pictures!!!!