View Full Version : Email, Pitty Pup Pic, And More Pics From Our Trip To The Shelter Today

11-28-2004, 12:56 AM
Hi Everyone, hope that all our American friends are enjoying a nice holiday weekend and lots of turkey and all the trimmings.
My hubby and I made a trip to the shelter today to see LeeAnn to give her a little angel teddy for Cappy, see Rumble the Rotti boy that is available for adoption and a Mom and her pups that are almost ready for hopefull a Great loving home.:rolleyes: It scares me they will fall into the wrong hands like the majority do, I held the runt of the litter, she just curled up against my chest and didn't want me to put her back with her litter mates. It broke my heart to leave her.:(
LeeAnn sent me a beautifull pic of Cappy with his new teddy....he already removed teddies ears.:eek: but just loves it as you will see in the pic of him. I'm goign to share LeeAnns picture....not the best pic as she was bing silly and her email about an update on Cappy from today. Also pics of the pit pups, Rumble and Cappy..think I'm repeating myself...I'm a little tired so please bare with me.:confused:

Email from LeeAnn...update on Cappy's nodes.

Hi Hun.

Glad you loved the picture of him & his new teddy. He’ll be carrying his new baby around until there’s nothing left of him.

No wondering why he chewed the ears off Teddy….it’s always the same story with his babies. The ears & face go first then he pulls all the stuffing out of them. I came home to find Kit gone out & Cappy’s beloved Easter boy bunny had been all but raped & massacred. His overalls & shirt were torn off as well as a leg & arm completely off & most of his stuffing scattered all over the living room. What can I say….this child of mine is spoiled beyond Rotti Rotten & can do no wrong as far as I’m concerned.

On a darker note his node in the left side of his throat is now swollen up to match the size of the right one. The nodes in the backs of his legs are also much larger than last week. My heart tells me he will probably be ready to fly away from me on Angel’s wings by Christmas. His bark is now starting to sound slightly distorted due to the swelling in his throat. I remember & recognize this sound because it’s the same thing our Lab Whipple went through as his throat nodes became more enlarged. My heart aches just to look at him. I long to hold him close to me keep him safe & alive but I know I can’t. All I can do is love each minute I’m so blessed to have him. I’m sure some people would be bitter over losing him at such an early age but I’m not. I believe we’re only given exactly what we can handle. I guess God knew what he was doing by giving us this abused baby who never knew unconditional love until he came to us. He certainly will leave this world knowing that. Don’t know if I’ve ever told you this but it’s taken me almost 2 years to get Cappy used to me leaning over him & hugging him close when he was sleeping. When I would attempt to do this from the time he was a puppy he would roll his eyes back in his head become very startled & then growl from very deep inside his throat like he was threatened. He came very close on many occasions to ripping my face right off but I just knew I had to keep at it with him. It took me a very long time but I would stroke him all over every night until he finally felt comfortable enough to throw away his baggage & trust me that I would never hurt him. This kid sure has carried some heavy emotional baggage on his soul all of his whole short little life. My prayer is that he’s learned to finally trust a human touch, forgotten the hell he’s experienced & has experienced the complete joy knowing he was loved so unconditionally.
Love ya tons Lee Ann

http://ibelieveinangels.mypicgallery.com/rottiangels/dcp-8772_large.jpg LeeAnn, Cappy's Mommy





The pups are much tinier than they look in the pics.:)

Stubby wags from Monty and Kiki
Hugs from LeeAnn and me

11-28-2004, 06:56 AM
Oh I hope the sweet guy can hold on til xmas and be comfortable,,,, it would be so nice for him and Leann and family to be able to share one last wonderful gift filled morning with him!!!!


the puppies and mommy are simply beautiful..... I just HATE cage shots of any dog,,,, they should be out of cages and palying in a grassy yard filled with toys!!!!!

11-28-2004, 08:14 AM
shelters can be so depressing. i have friends in rescue that do tranaports that cant go near them anymore because of the sadness it brings....

bless yall!

11-28-2004, 08:54 AM
shelters can be so depressing. i have friends in rescue that do tranaports that cant go near them anymore because of the sadness it brings

hey there, you hit the nail on the head about the sadness. My best friend LeeAnn works there and lives with it everyday and hates her job other than she knows the animals are treated humanely because of her being there and she has rescued so many from that shelter and got them into rescue groups, foster homes, and forever homes. She will adopt an animal before she will ever let it be put down. She truly is an amazing woman. I got my Kiki through her last February. She has saved so many little souls from the big E word.
We left the shelter yesterday just wanting so badly to win a lottery so we could buy lots of acres in the country and build a place that would properly house animals in need until we could place them in a forever home. That's our dream and LeeAnns too. I have it all figured out in my head how it would be, nothing like a shelter at all.:D
It would be their home, with lots of love and comfort, proper care, food, beds to sleep on, people to love them, etc. No bars!!!!!!!!!
They say if you wish or dream hard enough sometimes it comes true, well I will never stop hoping or wishing for this, I feel it is my reason for being here, to save as many animals as I can. For now it's a tough go without enough foster homes, but still I do what needs to be done to save an animal. I just wanted to take every dog out of there yesterday and bring them home, but sadly I can't. The only comfort is knowing that LeeAnn will do what she can to find good homes for as many animals as she can. She has a home for Rumble the Rotti in the pics. Thank God because he's too much for me to handle. he's had a really bad life so far and it shows.:( He will be going to the son of a lady who does fostering and rescue work.:D Another one is saved....and that makes me happy.
Your pictures are great by the way!!!!!
Your baby is beautifull.;)

Doggy hugs, Deb, Monty and Kiki:)

11-28-2004, 04:53 PM
Oh Deb...What a sweet, sad, touching note from Lee Ann. Dear Cappy looks so contented, laying with his little angel stuffie:) I hope his earthly angel gives him comfort during the tough days ahead. But wait, he already has two earthly angels in Lee Ann and his Aunt Deb. I had to laugh when I read her detailed descriptions of past guttiings:D We've all been there!

How precious are those little pups! I too hate those wicked bars. But I'm so comforted knowing that those dear, innocent, deserving souls have Lee Ann there to look after them and show them love, doing all she can to help them find their ways to their forever homes. And I have a feeling that one day, your and Lee Ann's dream of a refuge for homeless, abandoned and neglected doggies WILL come become a reality! Oh, what a happy day that will be.

I hope and pray that precious Cappy can hold on to spend one last Christmas with his Mom. She is one amazing, strong woman. There are few who can love so selflessly as she.

Please keep us updated on Rumble:) And when you see Cappy, please give him a big, warm, gentle hug from me, Deb.

Love, Sandra

11-28-2004, 08:02 PM
Yes, we've all been through the stuffie guttings :D

I will be keeping Cappy in my thoughts, I hope he can hold on until Christmas. He is so handsome, by the way!!

Those pitbull pups are adorable, and I agree..shelters can be depressing!