View Full Version : Photo? for Tesoro who Died yesterday

11-27-2004, 11:12 AM
Please Help,

My heart is too broken and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get my dog Tesoro's photo to appear in the body of my message. I want to post on DOTD Dog Memorial section that my beloved Tesoro died yesterday in my home of a heart attack (a final complication in his battle with Lymphoma Cancer). I want to do it properly with a tribute and to have his beautiful photo appear in the body of the message.

I do know how to start a new thread in the Memorial section, but... How do I post Tesoro's beautiful photo so everyone can see it instantly within the body of my posting. How do I get the photo to appear so that it is NOT an attached file? Can someone please tell me how to post his photo within the body of the message? Do I need to upload his photo to a webhosting site first and then what?

Once I learn how to get his photo into the body of the message, I'll start a correct thread in the Dog Memorial Section.

Thanks for your kindness. Any of the computer whiz's out there who can help me with this are appreciated. I usually am pretty good with computers but I think I'm just in so much grief that I am not figuring this out as quickly. I am hoping that going through the process of writing about what a good boy my Tesoro was, and making a fitting memorial to my baby Tesoro -- that it will help me heal a little bit of this tremendous grief and loss.

Please advise on how to get this photo up so that I can post to the correct thread and section.

If anyone can help me with how to get a photo signature of my beloved doggies on here, that would also be appreciated.

Best regards,
Anna Lisa
and her 3 remaining dogs who also miss Tesoro:
Mr. Mosely, Elsa, and Happy

11-27-2004, 11:20 AM
Hello ... I am very sorry to hear about your dear Tesoro! :(
To place a picture (image) within your post, you need to have an online photo album somewhere ... such as through www.imagestation.com or www.photobucket.com . Once you have that, you will right click on your stored picture, and highlight the URL of your photo. Then within your post, you will click on the IMG button and then paste your copied URL into your message. I hope this helps, I'm not the best at instruction! ;)

11-27-2004, 11:33 AM
Anna Lisa, I'm so sorry your Tesoro in gone to the Rainbow Bridge.
No words can help you now, I know, but try to remember the great times you had with him and think of him playing, free of pain, with his new friends at the Bridge.
My thoughts are with you. Hugs...

11-27-2004, 11:43 AM
oh im sorry:( What day was he DOTD?

RIP Tesoro:(


11-27-2004, 03:00 PM
I am so, so very sorry for you loss:(:(:( How blessed you were to have known the love and devotion of such a special doggie like Tesoro. My heart is breaking for you:( It would be an honor to see a pciture of your beautiful boy and read your tribute to him. If you still need help positng your picture, please let us know. Keeping you and Tesoro in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Sandra

11-27-2004, 03:07 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Tesoro passing on.
It never is easy loosing a beloved part of the family.
Hugs Karen

11-27-2004, 03:43 PM
See Phred's excellent Tutorial here (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7406) on how to post pictures within a thread.

11-28-2004, 05:22 PM
I am so sorry for your great loss of Tesoro.

11-30-2004, 10:30 AM

I am so sorry to hear of Tesoro's passing.:( I do understand
the tremendous feeling of loss & grief. I do hope someone can
help you post Tesoro's picture so you can do your dedication
page to him. I was also too sad & grief stricken to do it myself
when Buddy passed away, but Phred's help did help me to share
a picture when I could not. {{{Hugs}}} at this sad time. Liz.

11-30-2004, 12:27 PM
I am so sorry to hear of your loss... :(

*~Hugs~* to you

11-30-2004, 04:17 PM
How are you doing, Anna Lisa?:confused: Whenever you're up to it, we'd love to see a picture of your beloved Tesoro. Please let us know if you still need help. Big hugs to you....I know your heart is breaking:( Sandra

11-30-2004, 06:42 PM
Tesoro is playing with my girl Princess at the Rainbow Bridge :D

12-01-2004, 10:00 AM
Do you need more help posting a picture?? Please feel free to PM any of us for more help!!!

12-02-2004, 02:16 PM
Thanks all,

Yesterday (Wednesday) I went to the Pet Cemetary and crematorium for a private cremation of Tesoro. His ashes came home with me and I am feeling more peace. They make these beautiful wooden urns that have a glass place where you can insert a 4x6 photo of your companion. It was a beautiful box so as soon as I got home, I picked out my favorite photo of Tesoro for his box urn. Then, I did what I guess could be described as a private ceremony at home (just me and my other dogs) where I put framed photos up of Tesoro, played his favorite music, (he liked classical and Irish music -- he loved the Chieftains) and I lit a votive candle and tried to meditate on the happy times I had with Tesoro. I also gave the other dogs rawhide chewies which makes them all really happy. And the important thing for me was that I tied to focus on the love and joyful times (and not the tragedy of his battle with lymphoma and tried to not think about the heart attack he had). I believe Tesoro is in heaven and I'm not crying as much now. And I feel comfort in that Tesoro didn't suffer.

I hope to work on getting his photos to photobucket or image station this weekend. Thanks for your encouragement and kind words of comfort. Tesoro was a wonderful friend and I want everyone to be able to see his photos and read about him.

Thanks again,
Anna Lisa

12-02-2004, 05:33 PM
Anna Lisa,

I'm so sad to hear about your sweet Tesoro. I know how painful it is to loose your beloved best friend. I'm sorry I haven't replied sooner but talking about things like this is still very hard for me. Expecially since we're coming up on the 3 month anniversary of Angus's passing.

It sounds like you made all the other dogs very happy and that you had time to reflect on all the good times you had together.

I'm looking forward to seeing some pictures as soon as you get them posted:)

12-02-2004, 08:20 PM
what a wonderful way you chose to remember him,, Very touching,,, I look so forward to seeing pics of your sweet baby!!