View Full Version : RIP my sweet Bonnie..I'll always miss you

11-25-2004, 10:00 PM
I drive by where I rescued you almost daily, and wonder to this day how someone could dump a badly crippled beautiful kitten in such a horrible area. :( I felt so happy when I finally found you scared to death in that tiny alley between buildings, and breathed a huge sigh of relief that you couldn't get out the other side where buses, and trucks sped by. I took you home that day, and cried at how badly broken up your hind leg was, but felt better the next day when the vets told me it was a birth defect that could have been corrected when you were tinier. You went out so many times for adoption, and after too many times of people seeing you as a less than perfect kitten, and me seeing all your beauty, I decided enough was enough, and no more adoption days. You became mine that day. I cherished you for not enough yesr though. Testy tortie girl that you were, you'd only take so much loving before those paws came up and smacked me. And you'd tolerate only so much of my working the matts out of your lovely silky long fur, before you started smacking. I always knew when to stop, and you were such a tolerant tortie. Dentistry was so badly needed when after the antirobe ran out, and you didn't want to eat, I knew it was time. Probably a bit overtime. I was devestated to find out that when they shaved off some of your matts your skin was so thin, and elastic. I'd pulled, and worked the matts off you for years. :( Bloodwork showed nothing terribly abnormal, so why did you end up with an 8" long triangular gash across your chest, stapled together by over a dozen staples? :mad: Dentistry and de-matting should NOT have lead to your leaving me at less than 10 years old. I have a huge bill to pay, and you're not here Bonnie. :( :( :mad: RIP my sweet tempermental tortie girl. I'll always miss you. :( :(

11-25-2004, 10:11 PM
QSA, I'm so sorry to hear about Bonnie's passing.:( Now she's playing happily at the Bridge with my Pepper. RIP sweet Bonnie. your meowmie sure does miss you.

11-26-2004, 02:50 AM
Oh Jan, I am crying with you. And it does make you mad on top of the sadness, doesn't it? It just isn't fair, is it? But we all know that life is not always fair and more importantly, we all know that you did the RIGHT thing for Bonnie and that her passing could not have been predicted. If the vet thought there was risk you would have known about it. After all, the vet needs to live with the death of a patient too, and that is hard. Bonnie had LOVE! And isn't that what we want for ALL the lonely and homeless? Bonnie was blessed to be found by YOU and not left for dead. Bonnie had a GOOD life even if a rough start. And the fact the you will miss her, proves this. {{{{{HUGS}}}} RIP Bonnie.

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-26-2004, 04:43 AM
Hugs to you QSA!! Rest in peace little Bonnie http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/smilies%20474%20rainbow_bridge.gif

11-26-2004, 06:05 AM
What a lovely tribute Jan and bless you for taking in this forgotten feline. As Jen said, because of you, she knew the love of a hooman. I just know that she is happy on the other side, with no defects and playing happily.

RIP Bonnie. :(

11-26-2004, 08:55 AM
Bonnie,is with The Pet Tlaker Angels,now on cvacation,in Malysia,next week Egypt.nd she wants you,not to feel badly,as it was her turn,to go,to the Rainbow Brige.Sheloves you,and always will love you,and knows that you did your best,for her.She is withBJ,Roadblock,Beans,Snoopy,Sox ,Tucker and Phoebe,and Black Cat,all beloved Cats,that we have lost this year,and they are having fun,in Kunchung,The City Of Cats!

11-26-2004, 10:14 AM
This morning while I was feeding the herd, I found what I thought was a demolished furry rat, and it was one of Bonnie's matts that I would cut off and throw on the floor for the kittens to play with. I would always throw the thick ones down for the kitties to whip around...nothing like free toys. I tucked it into my jewelry drawer to sob over later. :( Play hard my dear testy tortie until we meet again. :(

11-26-2004, 12:59 PM
Bless you and Bonnie. May your sadness soon abate and only the wonderful memories remain. Bonnie is now pain free and enjoying her new life w/all the others who left us to go on without them. She knows you love/d her and that will be a comfort to you for the rest of your life.

RIP, dear Bonnie,

11-26-2004, 10:17 PM
:( :( :( I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to dear Bonne. I am sorry that her loss was so unexpected, and that you feel like it was too sudden, But she was VERY MUCH LOVED, and that is more than most kitties get the chance to have. She loves you, and you love her. She misses you, and you miss her. But you will meet again at the Rainbow Bridge, and she will be waiting for you, ready to get those matts brushed out once again;) I am SOSOSO sorry, and I hope that you find the comfort you need at this difficult time.

Bonnie- I hope that you have all the fun possible at the rainbow bridge.. You are missed and loved very much. RIP sweet Bonnie:(

11-26-2004, 10:49 PM
All I can offer you is tears and ((((HUGS))), Jan.:(