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View Full Version : check out this video! WOW!

10-17-2004, 12:27 PM
check this out! its amazing! this is a freestyle video that is 10 times better then the old one going around of carolyn scot and rookie!


10-17-2004, 12:31 PM
OMG. That is the cutest thing I've ever seen!!! What an adorable and SMART dog!!! :D

Thank you for sharing!!

10-17-2004, 12:36 PM
i watched that episode!! i thought it was one of the most amazing things i;ve ever seen a dog do!!:eek: :D that was so cool:)

10-17-2004, 12:40 PM
lol I never saw the apisode, did they win? lol

10-17-2004, 02:13 PM
Absolutely amazing! Thanks for sharing it! :-D

10-17-2004, 02:37 PM
I saw something similar on a TV programme here in the UK. It was about how they managed to train a man who lived on his own in an immaculate apartment and had no interest in dogs at all, to become an agilty trainer and convince a set of judges that he had done this for years ( the judges had to guess who was the amatuer out of three). They all had dance routines ( simlar to the one in the video) he didnt win, but he became extremely attached to the dog and came to an agreement with the owners where by he had the dog for weekends.

It was a real tear jerker.

10-17-2004, 09:51 PM
WOW! :eek: That was incredible, I've never seen that episode before. What a beautiful, smart dog!!

10-18-2004, 01:05 AM
Wow!!! :eek:

*wishes Sesh was that smart* :D :p

10-18-2004, 02:05 AM
that is amazing :eek:! it was so cute when he pawed the ground and ran through the cape.. lmao! leave it to a border collie ^_~

Originally posted by BCBlondie

*wishes Sesh was that smart* :D :p

Seshy is that smart, he's just waay to cool to dance around like that :cool: