View Full Version : Great Danes in need of a HUG...

10-04-2004, 08:37 AM
Ebony and Olivia could use some hugs sent their way..


Thank you
MAGDRL Volunteer

10-04-2004, 08:56 AM
Dear Lord,, are they ever beautiful yet sad case doggies,, These are the times I wish I was a millionaire!!!

10-05-2004, 02:15 PM
Just breaks your heart. When I retire, its puppies all over the place for me. How could those beauties be left to get like that, I just can't understand, I guess I was brought up to respect all life not just my own. Bring tears....

10-05-2004, 07:06 PM
That's horrible:( I wish I could help them all. One day I would love to have my own rescue organization so I could try to help all of these dogs in bad situations:(

10-06-2004, 09:28 PM
People suck!

I hope those people rot where their fate is the same as what they did to that dog.

I will post this on the other board I belong to when my computer decides to quit being stupid. That board is VERY rescue friendly, so I'm sure there will be some response of help.

10-07-2004, 06:02 AM
Oh Those Poor Danes!!!!
People can be Soooo Cruel!!!
I wish I could Win the Lottery and Help Them!!!

10-08-2004, 12:44 PM
omg....... :(

That "person" Bonnie, should suffer ...painfully.....:mad:

10-15-2004, 10:43 PM
Awwww, I want to hug him. I'd love for him to hang out on my couch all day long. I worked with danes all one summer, and I just loved them all. One just loved to hog the couch more than anyone else. One time, she got off, and I moved my leg. Well, I wasnt' allowed THAT much of the couch. She jumped right back on :D I'm glad to see that someone is taking care of this big boy.