View Full Version : Help Ontario's Pit Bulls!!!!

10-02-2004, 01:08 AM
I got this info from a sim-game, and wanted to pass it on!!

Please help!

"The Ontario government is attempting to pass a province-wide ban on "pit bulls" (including American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers and in general, any dog identified by a veterinarian as being a 'pit bull').

People need to be informed about the facts surrounding these breeds. There are too many existing myths that need to be dispelled before people realize that these breeds are not the problem... and that banning them is not going to solve any problem.

The more people we have standing up for pitties, the more of a chance we may have at saving them. Please help by contacting Michael Bryant, the man responsible for this atrocious idea, to voice your disapproval. HOWEVER: in sending emails or letters, keep to the facts and try to keep emotion out of it. People are more likely to listen to an educated view rather than an emotional one. Make sure that the subject line of any email clearly states what your position is: "Opposed to pitbull ban", for example."

Attorney General, Michael Bryant
720 Bay St
Toronto, ON, M5G 2K1
Email: [email protected]

Thanks :)

10-02-2004, 07:01 AM
I definitely will be sending some e-mails!

10-02-2004, 07:24 AM
I sent an email!

10-02-2004, 09:28 AM
Thanks guys :)

10-02-2004, 10:12 AM
The ban was in the Ottawa paper awhile ago. I think I still have that paper in my room.

They will allow registered pitt bulls as pets.

IMO I think ALL dogs should be registered & all dogs should be tracked (as in last vet visit, moved, living, temperment, ect). There r too many dogs being abused, tossed out & too many dogs attacking people.

Canada Post is even haveing major problems with dogs. & now they refuse to go to a home with an unsecured dog.

A few weeks ago a postman was attacked by a dog, who ran through the screen window & attacked!!

No dog should ever be that agressive!! Barking through a door, is ok, but snarling or snapping at a postman, NO. We taught Max who the postman was & we NEVER had a problem.

When ever the postman came over we would open the door, say hello & he would greet Max & then leave.

When Max was loose at my dads place, he would woof in the backyard & run to thew front of the house, only cause he hear a noise. Max would see the postman & start whining & wagging his tail like crazy & begging for a pat. He would do the same anyone who walked up to the house & left.

Entering the house IMO is different. If ur stupid enough to break into someones house & end up being torn to shreds by the dog thats INSIDE, is too bad. Being attacked by a dog outside should never happen, not even in the dogs backyard.

I have no problem with this ban, aslong as registered owners can have these dogs, mutt or pure. There is nothing wrong with the breed except it is too easy to get them to be mean & when the owner has turned them mean, they r just too powerfull. But remember, its the Golden who attacks MUCH more often!! But the golden is a much weaker dog so the damage isn't as bad as a pitt bulls. So ALL dogs should be registered.. Even CATS!!!

10-02-2004, 12:03 PM
I e-mailed last night:)