View Full Version : Lupi Harness

09-30-2004, 01:56 PM
Well, after trying almost everything to stop Amber pulling whilst taking her for a walk, including blackmail ( she's too clever to fall for bribery), choker chains ( I hate, but had to try it) I've just bought a Lupi harness.

A little tricky to get her to sit still long enough to place it on her, but once we managed it she was ok. Never pulled once whilst wearing it.

Is there any long term damage that can occur? Has anyone else tried them? What are your opinions? Has anyone got any other methods of stopping dogs pulling whilst on the lead?

Any ideas would be welcome.

09-30-2004, 02:01 PM
My sister in law has bad arthitis and got one of these for a rescue pup she got (Lexie) its the greatest thing for her. Lexie doesn't pull and doesn't seem to mind it at all. Lexie is the fuzzy one in front

09-30-2004, 02:04 PM
Our miniature poodle has a harness, and I think it's much better than attaching the leash to their collar, as it pulls against their throat instead of their chest area. Also in small dogs, I've heard that not using a harness can break their neck if you jerk on their leash.

09-30-2004, 02:09 PM
I've used a gentle leader on Nala before and it worked well.
She didn't like it at first but was okay after a while.

09-30-2004, 02:17 PM
I had the same problem when I would walk Jada. She is a strong girl and she pulled so bad and I had NO control over her. It made walking unpleasant for the both of us. There is a pit bull board that I go to somethimes and eveyone on there told me to try a prong collar.

We bought one and omg it has worked like a charm. She doesnt pull now and everyone on that pit bull board said that after awhile you can take off the prong collar and go back to the regular collar. I havent tried that yet. I still use the prong collar when I walk her. Good luck with whatever you decide to use!:)

09-30-2004, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by Jadapit
I had the same problem when I would walk Jada. She is a strong girl and she pulled so bad and I had NO control over her. It made walking unpleasant for the both of us. There is a pit bull board that I go to somethimes and eveyone on there told me to try a prong collar.

We bought one and omg it has worked like a charm. She doesnt pull now and everyone on that pit bull board said that after awhile you can take off the prong collar and go back to the regular collar. I havent tried that yet. I still use the prong collar when I walk her. Good luck with whatever you decide to use!:)

I use the prong collar on Dusty and Roxy also. It works great.

09-30-2004, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
I use the prong collar on Dusty and Roxy also. It works great.

What is a prong collar and how does it work differently to an ordinary collar?

09-30-2004, 03:42 PM
this is a Prong collar,or a pinch collar(i hate that word) they looks mean but they dont hurt the dog at all.when they pull,it gives them a little pinch and they dont like it,so they know not to pull.it worked very good on Kodie,and he is very storng,and weighs over 90 pounds:p i didnt want to get it in the first place b/c i thought it looked mean,but it works very good.

09-30-2004, 03:55 PM
Sammy beat me to it, I was going to post a picture of Jadas prong collar.:) They work so good and they do look horrible but it doesnt hurt Jada at all. They stop pulling when the prongs start to poke them. Thats why it works so well. When I got Jadas collar out to take the picture she got all excited. She thought we were going for a walk.;)

09-30-2004, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by sammy101
this is a Prong collar,or a pinch collar(i hate that word) they looks mean but they dont hurt the dog at all.when they pull,it gives them a little pinch and they dont like it,so they know not to pull.it worked very good on Kodie,and he is very storng,and weighs over 90 pounds:p i didnt want to get it in the first place b/c i thought it looked mean,but it works very good.

Crikey, that does look mean. I will have to ask if they are available in the UK as I have never seen them around.

Thanks for the advice.

09-30-2004, 04:54 PM
I have never heard of a Lupi Harness.

RB Oscar had a prong collar, it worked great. He didn't pull at all, therefore it didn't hurt him one bit.

09-30-2004, 09:48 PM
RB Max had a Halti. Its great. It doesn't harm nor hurt that dog in anyway.. Its just gains control of their head so they cannot pull.

This is the best pic of RB Max wearing the Halti I have, its easy seeing it on his grey face. We're playing. We do this attacking the leash just before we go home. He loved it. He never pulled to hard, he loved chasing the leash around & around & around & jumping in the air to get it

I took these pics awhile ago, for someone else who wanted to see a Halti. The stuffed dog is Fred :D

& if u have a smaller dog, u can use it as a choaking harnes (it doesn't choak that much at all, just makes it annoying for the dog if the pull to hard)

09-30-2004, 11:05 PM
My dogs got out of hand with their pinch collars on before. Even with great force, the collar never injures them or digs into their skin.

BUT...it does have to be fitted properly. It should be a tad snug, not to big. Some people think they are supposed to be big so that you can slip them over their head. That is not true.

I learned it the hard way. I had put a loose one on this pitbull, Bullet. He got out of hand when he saw a cat, not only did it take several people to restrain him, but when it was all over, he was bleeding on his neck and chin from the collar. Afterwards, I talked to my friend/trainer and learned that I was using pinch collars improperly.

*Just wanted to add that the cat (Ron) was ok.*

10-01-2004, 08:13 AM
What does a Lupi harness look like?

10-01-2004, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by pitc9
What does a Lupi harness look like?

The dog in the picture is wearing one


10-01-2004, 11:55 AM
if it works use it lol a prong would never work with misty(border collie) because she is so focased on pulled that could not care less about pain, I use a halti for her, it works as best as anything is going to lol because when she is in focas mode she will even pull in a haltie, she is just so intensly focased on pulling that she wont pay attention for anything. she wont even look at a peice of liver for petes sake! lol even with general corrections around the house, neither negitive nor positive reinformant will work for her, however if I show her my teeth.. lol she stops immedietly! that is the only thing that works for her. your dog is a border collie to I believe so you gotta choose what works, because most BCs are so focased that you could shock them on high(with a shock collar) and they would not even flinch, so I am not sure what good a prong collar would do with these dogs lol like I said when it comes to BCs if you find something that wokrs, use it lol

10-01-2004, 12:23 PM
I recently resorted to a prong collar for Tommy for a couple reasons. I had been using a gentle leader, but he absolutely hates having it on his face. Now he didn't fight it, but the whole time on the walks, his tail was tucked and he was miserable. As soon as the halter came off, he was fine. I thought he'd eventually get used to it, but he just didn't, it made him miserable, he trembled and looked beaten when I was about to put it on him.

I didn't really want to do a slip collar because he is already so jumpy and easily startled, I felt like popping a collar would intensify that, especially since he usually only really pulls when something has him nervous.

As much as I always thought I'd never want to use a prong collar, it has ended up being ideal for Tommy, because he doesn't mind wearing it, and I don't have to pop or startle him if he pulls, it just pinches a bit and so now he just doesn't pull for the most part. He was actually already doing really well with not pulling except when something made him nervous, and then he yanked my arm pretty hard. He is a strong dog, and due to the fact I must walk on some streets with regular traffic, I didn't want to ever have the chance of him getting startled and yanking the leash out of my hands. He seems much happier and more relaxed on walks since I stopped using the gentle leader.

10-01-2004, 03:56 PM
Cazi, I have used a Lupi on Bob and it worked really well and no, it has not caused any damage to him at all.

I have used a number of head collars in an effort to stop his pulling too and they work very well, especially this one.
But, as you may be able to tell ...
... he doesn't like it much! :)

So, if I am just taking him on the field, or somewhere there are not too many people/dogs, I use a harness that is very similar to the Lupi and it works really well too.
Here it is modeled by a Dalmation. :)
Bob doesn't mind it at all, we even have a 'one paw, two paw' routine worked out for getting him out of it without unhooking. :D


10-01-2004, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by cali
if it works use it lol a prong would never work with misty(border collie) because she is so focased on pulled that could not care less about pain, I use a halti for her, it works as best as anything is going to lol because when she is in focas mode she will even pull in a haltie, she is just so intensly focased on pulling that she wont pay attention for anything.

Tango is the exact same way! I have to use a halti on her too and usually she pulls a little in that also.

10-01-2004, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by cali
if it works use it lol a prong would never work with misty(border collie) because she is so focased on pulled that could not care less about pain, I use a halti for her, it works as best as anything is going to lol because when she is in focas mode she will even pull in a haltie, she is just so intensly focased on pulling that she wont pay attention for anything. she wont even look at a peice of liver for petes sake! lol even with general corrections around the house, neither negitive nor positive reinformant will work for her, however if I show her my teeth.. lol she stops immedietly! that is the only thing that works for her. your dog is a border collie to I believe so you gotta choose what works, because most BCs are so focased that you could shock them on high(with a shock collar) and they would not even flinch, so I am not sure what good a prong collar would do with these dogs lol like I said when it comes to BCs if you find something that wokrs, use it lol

Yeah, I think most cattle dogs have to much energy and determination to feel pain. Dusty's Australian Shephard comes out in him sometimes, and nothing can stop him.

10-02-2004, 09:26 AM
Our puppies have started to get in the habit of pulling because they are not used to having a collar or leash on all day(we have a fenced in backyard, so they don't wear them) so when we go to put them on their leashes they kinda throw a hissy fit. My husband read in a book to make your dog leash friendly you have to "rescue" them from it first so they know you are not trying to hurt them by putting it on them. I'll try to explain the best I can. First you put them on their leash and then tie them to a pole kinda close to the pole and walk about 10 feet away from them. They pulled and tugged and wrestled with it for a couple of minutes and then sat down. when they sit down it means they are excepting the fact that they can't go anywhere. then you go over and "rescue them from that mean 'ol pole and they seem to just walk right next to you like you are their hero. we do this before walks and it has cut the pulling down to a minimum (only when they find a "spot" to go potty). We haven't had to do it for the last week and the book said you shouldn't have to once they have learned this. It also said not to use those prong collars, but on Killian (deceased) it worked okay, I just couldn't bear to put it on him. Has anyone ever put one on to see how bad it hurts ???? I did and let me just say OWIE!!!

10-06-2004, 12:03 PM
Our Penny has both the Lupi harness and the harness the Dalmation was modelling and the little uh...darling still pulls, she is one stubborn Terrier ;).

I have also used the Lupi (It fits both Penny JRT and Elvis Border Collie) on Elvis and it has helped a little in the pulling Mum around problem, i am using a Halti on him at the moment and it too has not completly stopped the pulling but it helps.

I put Clovers Halti on Penny as a harness tonight at the park but she hates it.

10-06-2004, 03:07 PM
The only thing that works for Timber and worked for Leather was the prong collar. Timber does okay with her harness (I think it's like the Lupi one -- it tightens around her body when she pulls), but it had no where near the affect of the prong collar. Choke chains and nylon chokes did nothing, and the Halti was HORRIBLE on both of them. Both Timber and Leather could get a halti off so easily. They just pull backwards and the strap slips over the head and the Halti will slip right off.