View Full Version : One more day!!

Samantha Puppy
09-30-2004, 10:50 AM
This past weekend, Josh and I were going to be gone a lot so my parents offered to watch Samantha. They took her on Saturday night and I was supposed to get her back Tuesday night. Well, Tuesday came and I get an e-mail from my mom saying how much they've enjoyed having her over and how sweet she is and how if Josh and I didn't want to get her that night, they would be happy to keep her another couple days. It was a horrible day on Tuesday, torrential downpours, etc. so Josh and I decided that we'd let my parents keep her one more night. On Wednesday, my mom e-mailed me and mentioned how Samantha just loooooved being home with my father during the day (he got laid-off and isn't working yet), oh and what time were we going to pick her up? So that got me thinking how much nicer it must be for Samantha to be with my dad and Sherman (my parent's cat) rather than alone in our house all day. So I told my parents they could keep her 'til Friday (to which my mom's e-mail response was "WOO HOO!!").

Let me just say, this has been the TOUGHEST week! I miss my girl so much! It doesn't help that every morning, my mom e-mails me to tell me the latest cute thing Sam's done. I miss holding her and kissing her in the dent in between her eyes. I miss going to sleep with her at the bottom of the bed. I miss hearing that cute little "boof" she does when she wants in from out back. *sigh* I just cannot wait until tomorrow! Mommy is having MAJOR separation anxiety!!!

09-30-2004, 10:52 AM
Awww, that's so cute! You are very blessed to have family that loves your dog as much as you do.

09-30-2004, 10:55 AM
What about your Moms separation anxiety? Sounds like she has it as bad as you. You may have to go there and pupnap by the sound of it.

09-30-2004, 11:28 AM
you may have lost a dogiie there hun.lol i agree with bsherman,you may have to pupnap.:D

09-30-2004, 12:19 PM
sounds as uf your mom and dad need a puppy ;)

09-30-2004, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by Jods
sounds as uf your mom and dad need a puppy ;)

That's just what I was thinking!!!!

Samantha Puppy
09-30-2004, 12:44 PM
bsherman - my parents watched Samantha while I was on my honeymoon in June. We had moved a lot of our stuff into our new house prior to the wedding so when we got back, we went to our new house and had my parents come bring Samantha up. When they went to leave, my mom was in tears... not because her baby girl was all grown up and married and living on her own... no, because when they got home, Samantha wouldn't be there to greet them anymore!!

Jods - my parents love Samantha, but they're older (almost 60) and are in the 'grandparent' mode now... it's nice to have them visit and they'll do it anytime, but they like being able to give them back. They don't want to be tied down with training a puppy or dealing with a dog themselves... So they'll just steal Samantha from me for a week or two whenever they can and give her back at the end of that time. :) I wish they'd get a puppy though - Samantha would love having a part-time playmate!!

09-30-2004, 01:44 PM
How about an anniverary gift of a older rescue. One that is house trained and that you know temperment. Sounds like a bud for Samantha is in order here. I want my parents to get a small dog a little older so my mom can get out for walks (83) she still want to go, and I would be always there for pup sitting.

Samantha Puppy
09-30-2004, 01:50 PM
Nah... they love Samantha but they like being able to give her back after a couple days or a week or whatever. They don't want the full responsibility of another dog, not when they've gotten to the time in their lives where they can start taking off on a whim again. :) Maybe when they get older and don't enjoy traveling as much. :)

09-30-2004, 01:55 PM
Give them a few, maybe when they are finished touring they will, but it sure is nice that Samantha has a great grandma and grandpa.

Samantha Puppy
09-30-2004, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by bsherman
Give them a few, maybe when they are finished touring they will, but it sure is nice that Samantha has a great grandma and grandpa. Yes it is. :) She and I are very lucky, though it'd take someone with a heart of stone not to love that girl. She's just too sweet. :)

Samantha Puppy
10-01-2004, 09:04 AM
Woo hoo!! Today's the day I get my girl back!!! I can't wait 'til 5pm!!

Samantha Puppy
10-01-2004, 09:54 PM
She's baaaaaaaack! I didn't think I'd ever stop kissing her. I knew I missed her but when I saw her, I just couldn't keep my hands off her! Our reunion actually made my mom tear up. hehe At any rate, she's back home with me now and it'll be a looooong time before I let her go that long again!! I'm too miserable without her!

10-02-2004, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by Samantha Puppy
Nah... they love Samantha but they like being able to give her back after a couple days or a week or whatever. They don't want the full responsibility of another dog, not when they've gotten to the time in their lives where they can start taking off on a whim again. :) Maybe when they get older and don't enjoy traveling as much. :)

Ralph parents are the same way...they love having the dogs come over to visit...and they have 7 granddogs here in town ( + 2 in Oregon), so they get plenty of visiting! But they don't want to be tied down with their own...so it is lots of treats and spoiling for the grandpuppies!

(My parents love their 6 grandpuppies too, and like having them visit, but as you know, have 5 of their own!)